
Living in a Yu-Gi-Oh world

After a normal afternoon nap I woke up and found myself in someone else's body. I had a different face...and was apparently in a different world. People had wacky and unnatural hairstyles, the technology was very advanced and giant monster holograms could be seen around. That's right, I woke up in a Yu-Gi-Oh world and that's not all...This body belonged to last year's dueling champion.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 15

Entering the mansion, we were lead by a butler to a huge room. Large tables filled with premium-looking food and wine were at two sides of the room and waiters making rounds to offer the guests what they wanted. At one corner, 15 to 20 people were playing classical music.

The guests were scattered throughout the place, talking and having fun.

Seeing me dazed for a second, a hand patted my shoulder.

Leo: Come one Dyne, don't be so nervous! First we have to greet the host.

Dyne: I don't even know who the host is.

I mumbled under my breath but followed nonetheless.

As we were walking towards the place where presumably the host, people kept greeting the twins.

Dyne: You're pretty popular.

Luna: We are but I guess it comes with the family name.

Resignation was evident in her voice.

Leo: That reminds me, which family are you from?

Dyne: I- I'm not from a rich family.

I saw a spark of interest in both of their eyes the moment I said that.

Leo: Hmm...That's interesting-

He was about to say something more but apparently, we've reached our target. It was a middle-aged man with grey hair and grey eyes. He had the look of a crafty fox and he smiled the moment he saw the twins and greeted them.

"Damn, for some reason I really don't like the face of this guy."

Then he looked towards me and I took that as a cue to introduce myself.

Dyne: Greetings sir, I'm here on behalf of the Police Special Unit. My name is Dyne Walker.

Carbon: I've heard good things about you Mr Walker. I also appreciate your efforts in the recent case. It's thanks to you that my employees returned to their families safely.

"Hmm...he doesn't look like a bad person."

Dyne: Thank you Mr Carbon, but it was a team effort. I can't take all the credit.

He laughed a bit.

Carbon: I will still thank you regardless.

He looked for a second towards a couple that just arrived and then back to me.

Carbon: Now if you'll excuse me and please have a drink and enjoy yourselves.

With that, he left towards the couple and I sighed.

Dyne: That was easier than expected.

Leo: Dyne! You're part of the police special unit? Which one? What do you do?

Leo kept asking questions excitedly while Luna tried to calm him down so that we won't become the center of attention.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

Dyne: I've joined the Urias unit but it was quite recently.

Leo: Still, you must be very skilled to join Urias. Let's duel sometime, it's gonna be fun!

I guess it's not bad to have a connection with the twins and I'm certain that they'll be good to have as friends.

Dyne: Sure thing Leo!

We bumped fists to seal the deal and then we got a drink since I always wanted to taste expensive wine. Luna left our little group for a bit while we were talking about duels and turbo bikes.

I've learnes that Leo became a pro duelist that was active for a few years and then he was scouted and became a special professor at Central Duel Academy.

Luna: Hey Leo! Look who I found!

While we were talking, Luna returned and she wasn't by herself.

?: Hello!

I turned towards the woman that just spoke and froze for a second by the unexpected situation but thankfully my brain rebooted quickly.

There she was, in a beautiful fiery red dress that hugged her exquisite form in a manner that provokes the imagination while maintaining the woman's modesty.

Dyne: What a pleasant surprise. I guess we do live in a small world.

I said with a smile to which she also smiled. The mature onee-san vibe she exuded made my heart beat just a little bit faster.

Luna: You two know each other?

:It's not that we know each other, it's just that we frequent the same place.

Dyne: I guess this is our chance then. I'm Dyne, it's very nice to meet you.

I gave her my brightest and most sincere smile.

:The pleasure is all mine, you can call me Akiza.

"Damn, what's up with the women in this world? Almost every single one is an model-level beauty! Though I must admit, Lissandra and there two here are a cut above the rest."

Leo: So Akiza, how come you're here? I thought you hated events like these.

Leo's questions brought me out of my thoughts while also drawing my attention.

Akiza sighs before she answers.

Akiza: I do hate them but I can't help it. My father couldn't make it so I had to make an appearance in his place.

"I can't remember exactly but isn't her father a senator or something?"

Then Luna drew our attention with a chuckle.

Luna: I'm sorry, it's just that I find it funny that none of us actually want to be here.

And with that we laughed and started talking. It was a good way for me to close the distance with Akiza...in a non creepy way.

While we were having fun, everyone if us suddenly stopped at the same time.

Something didn't feel right. We looked around us and everyone seemed like they were frozen in time. Everyone except us.

The arms of the trio started glowing in a strange pattern and that didn't bode well.

"Oh no..."

Leo: What happened? Why are the crimson marks glowing?

Luna: I guess they protected us from what happened to them?

Luna gave a fairly logical answer to Leo's question.

Akiza: If that's so, then what protected him?

Akiza said with a sharp, almost aggressive tone while pointing at me. Realisation hit the twins and took a step away from me.

I sighed

"This doesn't look good..."

I raised my hands to show them that I'm not a threat.

Dyne: Look guys, I'm as lost as you are, if not more.

Leo: How do you explain what's happening then? We have these to protect us?

He showed his mark. Thankfully his tone isn't aggressive. Seems like I might be able to make him believe me.

The Internet connection is trash these days. Anyway, here's the next chapter! Who knows what might happen next? I don't xD

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