
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs

Uzumaki Naruto!

A few years had passed since the intense battles that had shaped the fate of the village. The scars of war had begun to heal, and life in the Hidden Leaf Village had returned to a semblance of normalcy. The Hokage Mansion stood as a symbol of strength and resilience, its walls witnessing the passage of time and the growth of the next generation.

On this particular day, the atmosphere in the mansion was filled with a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation. Naruto Uzumaki, now a bit older and more mature, was ready to face the academy exams once again. His determination to become a ninja, to prove himself, had only grown stronger over the years.

"Naruto, you better do your best!" Kushina called out, her voice carrying a mix of encouragement and motherly worry. She exchanged a knowing glance with Minato, their pride in their son evident in their eyes.

Naruto's reply was a bright grin and a confident wave as he bounded out of the door, his enthusiasm contagious. He even took a moment to exchange a friendly greeting with Kai, who had become an integral part of their family.

As Naruto set off for the academy, Minato turned his attention to Kai. The years had solidified their bond, and Kai was more than a friend – he was a trusted member of their household, treated as one of their own. Minato's voice was warm as he spoke, "Remember, Kai, today you'll also be stepping into a new role as a teacher for the next generation of genin."

Kai nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of responsibility settling on his shoulders. The prospect of guiding and shaping the future of young shinobi was both an honor and a challenge. He had seen the impact of war firsthand, and he was determined to ensure that the next generation would be prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.




The academy building buzzed with nervous energy as young hopefuls prepared to showcase their skills and knowledge. Naruto Uzumaki, his determination evident in his eyes, stood among his peers, ready to prove himself once again.

The first part of the exams consisted of a written test, designed to assess the students' understanding of fundamental ninja techniques, history, and strategy. Naruto focused intently on his test paper, his brow furrowed in concentration. He recalled countless hours of studying and training, determined to pass this exam. As he scribbled his answers, he felt a mixture of confidence and anxiety, his mind racing through the questions.

Time seemed to blur as Naruto worked through the test. He carefully considered each question, drawing upon his experiences and the guidance he had received from his parents and teachers. And when the final minute arrived, he put down his pen with a satisfied exhale, hoping that his efforts had paid off.

As the written tests were collected, the students anxiously waited for the results. The tension in the room was clear, and Naruto couldn't help but fidget in his seat. He exchanged nervous glances with his friends, the camaraderie among them a source of comfort.

The results were finally announced, and Naruto's heart raced as he awaited his fate. The sensei's voice filled the room, listing off the names of those who had passed. Naruto's name was among them, and a wave of relief and joy washed over him. He couldn't help but let out a triumphant whoop, drawing both congratulatory pats on the back and amused chuckles from his classmates.

The successful candidates were then led to the second part of the exams: the practical test. Naruto's excitement surged as he entered the training ground, his determination renewed. The field was set up with various obstacles and challenges, each designed to test the students' agility, combat skills, and creativity.

Naruto's first task was a physical challenge, requiring him to navigate a series of hurdles and obstacles with speed and precision. His years of training under the guidance of his parents paid off as he leaped, flipped, and dodged with impressive agility. His movements were fluid, a testament to his growth and dedication.

Next came the combat portion of the test. Naruto faced off against a simulated opponent, a training dummy designed to mimic the movements and tactics of a skilled enemy. Naruto's fists clenched as he focused his chakra, his determination evident in his narrowed eyes. He executed a series of well-practiced moves, delivering precise strikes and expertly evading the dummy's counterattacks.

The final challenge was a strategy test, requiring Naruto to decipher a complex puzzle that tested his analytical skills. With a furrowed brow, he studied the puzzle, his mind racing through different possibilities. He approached the challenge with a mix of logic and creativity, determined to unravel the mystery before him.

As the practical tests concluded, Naruto's fatigue was overridden by a sense of accomplishment. He had faced each challenge head-on, drawing upon his training, determination, and the unwavering support of his loved ones.

The announcement hall was abuzz with excitement and anticipation as the names of the successful candidates were called one by one. Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki stood among the proud parents, their eyes fixed on the stage where the young ninjas received their well-deserved recognition.

As each name resonated through the hall, Minato and Kushina's hearts beat a little faster. Their gazes remained focused, eager to catch a glimpse of their son's name among the list of accomplished students. Naruto Uzumaki, their spirited and determined child, was about to have his moment in the spotlight.

Finally, the moment arrived. "Naruto Uzumaki," the announcer's voice rang out, filling the hall. A surge of excitement and pride rushed through Minato and Kushina. They exchanged a brief glance, their smiles wide and their eyes shining with affection.

Amidst the cheers and applause of fellow parents and students, Minato and Kushina joined in, their voices blending with the chorus of celebration. Clapping and shouting, they wholeheartedly congratulated their son on his achievement.

As Naruto made his way to the stage to receive his recognition, Minato and Kushina's smiles only grew wider. Their hearts swelled with a mixture of pride, love, and the knowledge that their son was taking his first steps on a journey filled with challenges and triumphs.

With his certificate in hand, Naruto scanned the crowd, his eyes locking onto his parents. A sense of warmth and gratitude washed over him as he met their proud gazes. Their unwavering support had been his guiding light, and he was determined to make them proud every step of the way.

As the ceremony continued, Minato and Kushina's hearts remained full, their joy evident in every cheer and applause they shared with the rest of the attendees. Their son had proven himself, not only as a capable ninja but also as a symbol of their love, dedication, and belief in his potential.