
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The End (Volume 1)

The aftermath of the battle was a somber scene, a testament to the sacrifices made in the pursuit of victory. The village was shrouded in a heavy silence as the fallen comrades were brought back, their lifeless forms a stark reminder of the cost of war. Minato stood among the gathered shinobi, his expression a mixture of relief and sorrow.

He surveyed the faces of those who had fought alongside him, their fatigue and pain etched into every line on their faces. The weight of their losses was heavy, yet there was also a sense of unity, a shared understanding that they had stood together against a formidable enemy and emerged victorious.

The fallen were laid to rest, their names spoken in solemn tribute. Families and friends grieved for their loved ones, tears mingling with the rain that had begun to fall, as if even the heavens mourned the losses.

Kai stood among the mourners, his injuries a testament to his own sacrifice. He looked around, his gaze lingering on the faces of those who had fallen, his expression a mix of sadness and determination. He had faced the darkness head-on, and he had emerged from it changed, with a deeper understanding of the cost of protecting those he cared for.

Minato approached Kai, his voice soft but resolute. "We've paid a heavy price, Kai. But because of your bravery and the sacrifices of all these shinobi, the village is safe. We honor their memories by continuing to protect and build a better future."

Kai nodded, his eyes reflecting a newfound sense of purpose. He had come face to face with the harsh realities of war, but he was determined to carry on, to ensure that their sacrifices were not in vain.

As the rain continued to fall, the village began to stir, the process of healing and rebuilding already underway. The scars of the battle would remain, but so too would the resilience and strength of the Hidden Leaf Village and its shinobi.



Hey everyone, to be honest, I'm somewhat experimenting on this series as I've previously dropped it, so I was doing basically what I wanted without much consideration. I've received most of your inputs on what seems right and what seems wrong, Thanks All!

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