
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Training Begins

Following their enlightening conversation, Kakashi and Kai's next destination was a place that held a special spot in the heart of any shinobi – the Ichiraku Ramen Store. As they entered, the savory aroma of simmering broth and sizzling ingredients enveloped them, a comforting and inviting scent that signaled a hearty meal to come.

The bustling atmosphere inside the ramen shop was a testament to its popularity, and Kai couldn't help but feel his anticipation grow. They found an open spot at the counter, their seats positioned in front of the bustling kitchen where the skilled chefs worked their culinary magic.

With a friendly nod, the ramen chef greeted Kakashi and Kai. "Welcome! What can I get you today?"

Kai, his excitement palpable, eagerly perused the menu before settling on his choice. "I'll have the miso ramen, please."

Kakashi, with his usual air of nonchalance, ordered the same as Kai. "Two miso ramen, please."

As they waited for their meals to arrive, Kai couldn't help but admire the efficiency of the chefs. Each movement was deliberate and practiced, a dance of culinary expertise that promised a delicious outcome.

Soon enough, their bowls arrived – steaming, flavorful, and garnished with an array of mouthwatering ingredients. Kai picked up his chopsticks, the anticipation almost tangible as he took his first bite. The flavors exploded on his taste buds, a perfect harmony of richness and umami that left him savoring every mouthful.

Between bites, Kai and Kakashi engaged in light-hearted conversation. They swapped stories, shared anecdotes, and even discussed some of the more eccentric members of the village. Laughter echoed through the air as they relished not only the delicious ramen but also the camaraderie that had formed between them.

As their meal came to a close, Kai felt a sense of contentment wash over him. The ramen had lived up to its reputation, and the company had made the experience all the more enjoyable. With a satisfied sigh, he leaned back, a genuine smile playing on his lips.

After leaving the ramen shop, Kakashi accompanied Kai back to the Hokage Mansion. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a soft glow over the village streets. The day had been filled with exploration, laughter, and newfound connections.

As they reached the mansion, Kai's steps slowed, fatigue settling in after the day's adventures. He turned to Kakashi with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Kakashi. I had an amazing time today."

Kakashi's eye crinkled in a smile. "You're welcome, Kai."

With a final wave, Kakashi watched as Kai entered the mansion, the door closing behind him. The night was quiet, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves, and a sense of tranquility enveloped the village.

Kai settled into his room, his body weary but his heart light. As he drifted into slumber, he couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected turn his life had taken.


The next day


As the sun's golden rays painted the village in a warm embrace, Kai found himself at the training grounds, a place that held the promise of growth and self-discovery. Anticipation bubbled within him, for he knew that today marked the beginning of a new chapter – a chapter guided by the legendary Jiraiya.

Kai's gaze fell upon a figure that was unmistakably the perceptive and eccentric Jiraiya. The renowned ninja's presence was larger than life, his energy contagious even from a distance. With a flourish of grandeur that was quintessentially Jiraiya, he introduced himself in a manner that was nothing short of dramatic.

"Behold! The one and only, the inimitable, the remarkable Jiraiya of the Legendary Sannin!" His proclamation was accompanied by a theatrical bow, his vibrant orange attire a testament to his exuberant personality.

Kai couldn't help but chuckle, a hearty laugh that echoed through the training grounds. This was the Jiraiya he had come to know through the manga – boisterous, unabashed, and larger than life. The familiarity of the scene brought a sense of comfort, a reminder that even in this new world, some things remained delightfully consistent.

As Jiraiya continued his flamboyant introduction, Kai couldn't suppress his amusement. The legendary ninja's antics were as entertaining as they were endearing. It was almost as if the pages of the manga had come to life before him.

Once the theatrics subsided, Jiraiya turned his attention to Kai with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Ah, so you're the young lad Minato's been raving about, eh?"

Kai nodded, his smile genuine. "That's me, Kai."

Jiraiya's grin widened. "Well, well! Let's see if you've got what it takes to handle the Jiraiya special training regimen!" With a dramatic flourish, he unveiled a scroll that seemed to materialize out of thin air.

Kai's curiosity was piqued, his eyes fixed on the scroll. He had read about Jiraiya's unorthodox training methods in the manga, and now he was about to experience them firsthand.

"Alright, kid!!" Jiraiya's voice boomed with enthusiasm as he unveiled a series of objects, each more peculiar than the last. "First up, we've got the Water Walking Challenge!"

Kai's brow arched in curiosity as he eyed the series of small rubber ducks floating in a nearby pond. "Water walking?"

Jiraiya nodded, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Exactly! The purpose of this training is to enhance your chakra control. When you can walk on water, you'll know you've got the basics down pat!"

Kai took a deep breath, centering his focus. He stepped onto the water's surface, his chakra mingling with the natural energy below. Miraculously, his feet held firm, and he found himself gliding across the water's surface as if it were solid ground. A triumphant grin spread across his face as he effortlessly completed the task.

Jiraiya's applause was hearty. "Not bad, kid! Next up, we've got the Toad Summoning Challenge!"

Kai's eyes widened as he watched Jiraiya summon a toad with a flourish. "Summoning jutsu?"

Jiraiya nodded. "Yep, the purpose here is to forge a pact with these toads, allowing you to summon them when you need their help. It's all about building trust and connection."

Kai followed suit, channeling his chakra and forming the necessary hand seals. With a puff of smoke, a small toad materialized beside him. A mix of amazement and amusement danced in Kai's eyes as he observed his new companion.

Jiraiya clapped him on the back. "Impressive! Lastly, we've got the Cipher Message Challenge!"

Kai's curiosity piqued as he gazed at the intricate set of coded messages laid out before him. "Cipher messages?"

Jiraiya nodded with a wink. "Exactly! This one's all about mental acuity. You'll need to decipher these messages using your intellect and ninja intuition."

Kai's mind raced as he unraveled the hidden meanings behind each cryptic message. Piece by piece, he cracked the codes, revealing the messages' true content. Jiraiya's grin grew wider as Kai successfully deciphered each one.

Jiraiya clapped Kai on the back, his pride evident. "Kid, you've got real potential. Chakra control, summoning, and analytical skills – you're a well-rounded shinobi in the making!"

Kai's smile was a reflection of his gratitude. "Thanks, Jiraiya. This has been an incredible experience. I couldn't have asked for a better teacher."

Jiraiya's laughter resonated through the training grounds. "Remember, kid, the road of a shinobi is filled with challenges, but with determination and the right training, you'll rise above them all."