
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs

Training (2)

The next day, the sun danced merrily in the sky as Kai and Jiraiya resumed their training, the air alive with a sense of anticipation. Today held a distinct purpose – to uncover the elusive element that resonated within Kai's chakra. Jiraiya produced a piece of parchment and handed it to Kai with a knowing smile.

"Alright, kid, today's task is to discover your elemental affinity. Give it a shot!" Jiraiya's voice held an air of excitement, his eyes fixed on Kai.

Kai focused his chakra, his concentration unwavering as he attempted to infuse the paper with his elemental energy. A pregnant pause hung in the air, yet the parchment remained resolutely unaltered.

A faint frown tugged at Jiraiya's lips as he observed Kai's unsuccessful attempts. "Keep at it, kid. Sometimes it takes a while to figure this out."

Time passed in a flurry of attempts, each one yielding the same lackluster result. A trace of concern crept into Kai's features as his efforts bore no fruit.

"Could it be... you have no elemental talents whatsoever?" Jiraiya mused aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

A flicker of worry crossed Kai's eyes, determination mingling with a hint of desperation. An idea sparked within him, and he addressed Jiraiya with newfound purpose. "Jiraiya, can you teach me a hand seal for a fire jutsu? I have an inkling."

Jiraiya's skepticism was evident, but he obliged, teaching Kai the intricate hand seals for a basic fire jutsu. "Give it a shot, but don't get your hopes up."

Kai's chakra surged to life as he mimicked the hand seals with precision, his determination guiding his movements. As he exhaled, a small flame burst forth from his mouth, dancing upon the air before dissipating. Jiraiya's eyes widened in genuine surprise, a mixture of shock and awe painted across his features.

"Well, I'll be a toad's uncle! Kid, that was impressive!" Jiraiya's voice held a genuine note of astonishment, his excitement contagious.

Kai's grin was infectious as he absorbed the accomplishment. "I guess there's some fire in me after all!"

Jiraiya clapped Kai on the back, laughter bubbling forth. "You bet there is! Looks like you've got a fiery spirit to match that jutsu of yours!"

As the day progressed, Kai's flame-manipulating abilities were put to the test, each attempt more successful than the last. The training ground became a playground of dancing embers, a testament to Kai's newfound mastery.

As their training continued, Kai's curiosity led him to yet another challenge – the elusive element of water. With a good-natured laugh, Jiraiya playfully scoffed at the idea, claiming that lightning doesn't strike the same place twice. "Kid, if you've got a knack for fire, water's a whole different kettle of fish!"

Undeterred, Kai persisted, his determination unwavering as he urged Jiraiya to give him a chance. Jiraiya's skepticism was palpable, but his sense of humor won out, and he agreed to impart a water technique to Kai.

With Jiraiya's guidance, Kai embarked on this new endeavor. He focused his chakra, his concentration akin to a gentle stream, and attempted the intricate hand seals. As he executed the final seal, a small yet steady stream of water emerged from his palm, causing Jiraiya to stagger back in surprise.

Jiraiya's eyes widened, a mixture of astonishment and disbelief coloring his features. "Well, I'll be... that was... unexpected."

Undeterred by Jiraiya's shock, Kai eagerly accepted the challenge as Jiraiya handed him the opportunity to explore other elemental techniques. With each new element, Kai's mastery seemed effortless, his determination evident in every successful execution.

As the day progressed, a subtle shift in Jiraiya's demeanor became evident. The laughter that had once filled the training grounds now gave way to a more serious tone, an underlying realization settling in. Kai's exceptional talent was no mere coincidence; he was a rare and unprecedented generational talent, a fact that couldn't be ignored.

As the gravity of the situation settled upon Jiraiya, he made a silent decision. This wasn't something he could keep to himself. He had to inform Minato, the Fourth Hokage, of the remarkable discovery he had made.

Jiraiya turned to Kai, his expression a mix of admiration and concern. "Listen, kid, I think it's best if you downplay your abilities a bit. Let the world think you've only got mastery over two elements. It might save you from a lot of unnecessary attention and complications."

Kai nodded in understanding, a mixture of gratitude and seriousness in his gaze.

After a day filled with discoveries and revelations, Kai and Jiraiya returned to the comforting embrace of the Hokage Mansion. Waiting for them was none other than Minato himself, his demeanor a mix of curiosity and anticipation. With a warm smile, he ushered them into the revered Hokage room, a space that had witnessed countless meetings and decisions that shaped the fate of the village.

Jiraiya, ever the storyteller, animatedly relayed the astonishing details of Kai's training to Minato. As Jiraiya's words wove a tapestry of awe and surprise, Kai couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, his cheeks tinged with a hint of bashful gratitude. It was surreal to stand before the Fourth Hokage, to have his incredible abilities discussed with such earnestness.

Minato's eyes glimmered with a mix of intrigue and contemplation as he absorbed the information presented before him. The notion of a young boy possessing such extraordinary talent was both intriguing and perplexing. He cast a thoughtful glance at Kai, a silent acknowledgment of the potential that lay within him.

Yet, amid the weight of their discussion, Minato's genuine concern shone through. His words were laced with wisdom as he addressed Kai directly, his voice a soothing balm to the young ninja's aspirations. "Kai, my advice to you is this – yes, your abilities are remarkable, but don't let them consume you. Embrace the joys of childhood, the simple pleasures that come from being a carefree spirit. Strength is important, but so is balance."

Minato's sincerity resonated deeply with Kai, his heart swelled with gratitude for the Hokage's guidance. As Minato continued, he set clear boundaries, expressing his wish for Kai to focus solely on honing his fire and lightning techniques for the time being. The weight of responsibility was acknowledged, yet tempered with an understanding of the need for patience and growth.

The room was soon bathed in a sense of unity, as their discussion came to an end. Minato's assurances and genuine concern were a reminder that, even in the face of extraordinary talent, the heart of a child should remain untamed by the burdens of adulthood. As the night descended upon the village, Kai retreated to his quarters...