
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs

Itachi Uchiha

One day, as Kai strolled through the halls of the mansion, he sensed a familiar presence nearby. His heart quickened with a mixture of surprise and joy – it was Itachi. The encounter felt almost like a secret rendezvous, as Itachi's voice softly brushed against Kai's ears, "Meet me at the training ground."

Before Kai could respond, Itachi's form dissolved into a swirl of crows, leaving behind an air of mystery and anticipation. Kai couldn't help but smile. Itachi's appearance had become a rarity, and this unexpected encounter was a welcomed change from their routine.

Curiosity and excitement propelled Kai forward. The training ground held memories – of sweat, laughter, and shared dreams. Yet, after the tragedy that had unfolded there, Kai found himself avoiding the place. But Itachi's call was a call to reunite, to rekindle what they had lost.

In an instant, Kai vanished using shunshin no jutsu, his determination propelling him through the space between spaces. And there, amidst the familiar terrain, stood Itachi, his lips curving into a gentle smile as their eyes met.

"Hey, Kai. How have you been?" Itachi's voice held a mix of warmth and nostalgia. Just as Kai was about to engage in a conversation, Itachi immediately cut off Kai.

Itachi's urgency was palpable as he spoke, his words concise and filled with a sense of purpose. "Listen, time is of the essence. We've received intel that Danzo will be heading to a specific underground compound within the hour."

His plan was clear and direct – to utilize Shisui's mangekyo sharingan, a powerful tool capable of bending the will of others, to hypnotize Danzo and prevent the looming internal conflict.

Kai's brow furrowed slightly, his concern evident. "Are you certain about this information? Shouldn't we inform the Fourth Hokage?"

Itachi's resolve remained unwavering. "No. Involving the Fourth would complicate matters." He continued, his tone firm. "I'm going ahead, with or without your assistance."

Kai's internal struggle was evident in his hesitation, but as he weighed the consequences, his determination grew. He nodded in agreement, aligning his goal with Itachi's. The thought of averting a catastrophic war fueled their resolve, and they headed off towards the compound.


Nestled within the heart of the sprawling forest, where ancient trees reached skyward and their leaves whispered secrets to the wind, Itachi and Kai established a covert campsite. The dappled sunlight filtering through the dense canopy cast intricate patterns on the forest floor, a natural mosaic that served as a silent backdrop to their preparations.

As time inched forward, each passing second seemed to stretch into eternity, their senses heightened as they maintained a vigilant watch over the entrance of the secretive underground compound. The rustling leaves and distant calls of birds melded into a symphony of nature, contrasting sharply with the gravity of their mission.

Then, emerging from the shadows, Danzo's figure came into view, striding purposefully toward the compound. His presence seemed to alter the very atmosphere, casting an aura of anticipation that sent a shiver down the spines of those observing from the shadows.

Itachi and Kai exchanged a silent glance, a shared understanding passing between them. Their mission's objective was clear: confront Danzo, make him gaze upon the powerful mangekyo sharingan contained within Itachi's crow, and thus bring an end to his nefarious plans.

Yet, the pathway to success was fraught with obstacles. The compound's perimeter was heavily guarded, the glint of vigilant eyes and the soft padding of feet a constant reminder of the dangers that lay ahead. With unwavering determination, Itachi and Kai steeled themselves for the task at hand, acknowledging the challenges that awaited while refusing to falter.

With calculated precision, Itachi's crow materialized, a mystical harbinger of their intent. The crow's obsidian feathers shimmered as it glided forth, a silent emissary of the shadows. The guards, unsuspecting of the impending intrusion, fell victim to the intricate dance of genjutsu woven by the crow's ethereal presence. Their senses dulled, their perception ensnared, they became unwitting pawns in the unfolding drama.

Clad in the distinctive attire of the Anbu that Itachi had brought, They embodied shadows within shadows, a seamless blend of subterfuge and purpose. Their movements were swift and deliberate as they advanced into the heart of the compound, traversing the corridors with an air of resolute determination.

Stealth became their ally, each step a testament to their honed skills. Passing by the guards who stood entranced by the illusion's web, they moved like phantoms through the dimly lit passages. Their breaths were silent, their presence scarcely perceptible, a testament to the mastery they had achieved.

As they ventured deeper into the compound, a labyrinthine expanse unfurled before them. The vast underground network seemed to stretch endlessly, its intricacies weaving a complex tapestry of hidden passages and concealed chambers. The atmosphere grew dense with the weight of their mission, their steps echoing softly through the dimly lit corridors.

Despite the tension that clung to the air, both Kai and Itachi maintained their composure. Their training and experience served as a bulwark against the encroaching nerves, allowing them to navigate the maze-like structure with a measured resolve. Each turn they took, each junction they passed, was a testament to their adaptability and skill.

Amidst the shadowy recesses, guards patrolled diligently. Yet, the guise of the Anbu attire provided Kai and Itachi with a cloak of inconspicuousness evading suspicion, their presence seemingly dismissed by those who crossed their path.

However, as they ventured further, the facade began to waver. A vigilant few among the Anbu ranks began to question the legitimacy of their presence. In this cases, Itachi's sharingan served as a swift and subtle tool, casting a veil of forgetfulness over those who dared to impede their progress. Minds clouded and memories obscured, the guards resumed their posts, unaware of the shadows that had danced through their midst.

Their path eventually led them to a formidable door, its imposing facade a harbinger of the confrontation that lay beyond. The sound of Danzo's voice, a tempest of anger and defiance, reverberated through the barrier. This was the threshold of their objective, the precipice upon which their mission teetered.

A shared glance between Kai and Itachi conveyed their mutual understanding.