
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs


With swift determination, they stormed through the door, their purpose unfurling in the tense air. Itachi's movements were deliberate, revealing the crow that clasped Shisui's eye. Yet, the scene that greeted them was far from their expectations, a twist that sent shockwaves through their resolve.

Danzo stood before them, an eerie laughter escaping his lips. The ocular patch over one eye gave way to an unsettling revelation - Shisui's other eye gleamed with an unsettling allure, a sight that froze Itachi in his tracks. Time seemed to slow as the weight of the situation settled upon them. Itachi was ensnared in the hypnotic gaze of Shisui's eye, an unwitting pawn in Danzo's cunning machinations.

The unforeseen turn of events was a chilling reminder that Danzo was no ordinary adversary. His mastery over manipulation ran deep, his cunning strategies pushing the boundaries of human potential. In that moment, Itachi's vulnerability was laid bare, a testament to the intricate dance of power and deception that had ensnared them all.

Kai's mind raced, a surge of adrenaline propelling him into action. The urgency of the situation spurred him to swift decision. Chakra surged through his veins as he reacted with lightning speed, seizing the crow that bore Shisui's precious mangekyo sharingan eye. The weight of responsibility settled upon his shoulders as he extracted the eye, his hands trembling only for a moment before determination took over.

With the eye safely in his possession, Kai made a split-second choice. Retreat was the only option, a strategic maneuver to safeguard their hopes from Danzo's grasp. The echoes of Danzo's chilling command reverberated, "Capture him!", Danzo expected Itachi, but he did not expect Kai to join him. Kai turned and fled, his footsteps echoing through the corridors as the weight of Danzo's ire bore down upon him.

As he sprinted through the twisting labyrinth, the clamor of pursuit followed in his wake. Voices grew louder, the sound of encroaching footsteps an ominous reminder of the danger that pursued him. Danzo's forces mobilized, fueled by the drive to seize the precious relic Kai clung to.

Kai's heart pounded like a drumbeat in his chest as he sprinted through the dimly lit, narrow corridors of the underground compound. The harsh echoes of his own footsteps reverberated in his ears, a stark contrast to the muffled thuds of pursuing guards behind him. His breath came in ragged gasps, each inhale burning his lungs, and his legs felt like lead weights with every step.

Desperation fueled him, his mind racing to formulate a plan amidst the chaos. With a swift motion, he formed a series of hand seals, channeling his chakra to his legs. A surge of lightning-infused energy coursed through him, propelling him forward with an electrifying burst of speed. He barely evaded a hail of kunai that sliced through the air, leaving trails of gleaming silver in their wake.

Kai's eyes darted around, searching for any opening, any escape route that would lead him out of this labyrinthine nightmare. His mind worked in overdrive, calculating angles and trajectories as he deftly navigated through the twisting passages. He summoned his fire jutsu, sending scorching waves of flames behind him to deter his pursuers, the heat licking at his heels.

A deafening crash echoed through the corridor as a section of the ceiling collapsed, sending debris tumbling to the ground. Kai's heart leaped into his throat as he skidded to a halt, his path blocked by the pile of rubble. He turned on his heels, only to find himself surrounded by guards, their menacing forms closing in on him with calculated precision.

Adrenaline surged through him, and he raised his arms in a swift, defensive motion. Threads of chakra formed an invisible shield around him, a last-ditch effort to ward off the onslaught of attacks. Kunai and shuriken ricocheted off the protective barrier, the force of impact reverberating through Kai's body with each strike.

But his strength was waning, his chakra reserves depleting rapidly. His shield flickered, cracks forming as the guards' assault intensified. His vision blurred at the edges, darkness encroaching on his sight. He felt his legs give out beneath him, collapsing to his knees as the world spun in disarray.

And then, just as despair threatened to consume him, a brilliant flash of yellow light filled his field of vision. Minato had arrived, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. The Fourth Hokage's figure blurred as he moved with unparalleled speed, his movements a mesmerizing dance as he effortlessly dispatched the guards.

Kai's breath hitched as Minato approached, his strong arms gently lifting him off the ground. The Hokage's voice was a soothing balm, resonating with unwavering determination. "Stay with me, Kai. We're getting out of here."

Minato's chakra-infused movements were a blur, guiding them through the intricate twists and turns of the compound. The remaining guards were swiftly dealt with, their futile attempts to impede Minato's progress brushed aside like leaves in the wind. As they neared the entrance, Kai's consciousness wavered, his body teetering on the edge of collapse.

With a final burst of effort, Minato carried Kai out into the open air, the rush of cool wind against his skin a stark contrast to the suffocating confines of the compound. As Kai's eyes closed, he felt a deep sense of gratitude for the Fourth Hokage's timely intervention. He had come close to the brink, but Minato's arrival had pulled him back from the edge. In that moment, as his consciousness slipped away, Kai knew he was in capable hands, and he could finally let go, trusting that he would awaken to a new day.