
Living a loving life

Kevin was an average boy of his age. He strived for his grades, pleased his parents for additional allowance and dreamed of having a girlfriend before he graduates college. Until suddenly a system came in his life. First Meeting [Hello Host!] “Da fuck?!” [Wow! You’re too smart! How did you know my nickname host?] “That is your nickname? Who the hell named you that?” [The main system. He said that he accidentally had an accident when I was born. So he ended up setting my name as “Da fuck”. When he was calm enough he made a remedy with my name. But the first name cannot be changed so it is now my nickname to override the error.] “How poor you are to bear that name when you are born. Since you are renamed, what is your new name?” [System 0B163: A good guy system.] “....you know what we should just stick with your nickname. It’s less harmless and more inclined to my mood now. For someone who wants to have a relationship you’re just too much of a flag.” [Understood] Nth period later “You know what I should just sever my ties with you back then” [Why Host?] “Although I achieved things that men dreamed for all their lives, you are just too good at planting landmines for me.” [I think I haven’t done any of that sorts host.] “....then how do you explain these fighting monsters who aim to keep me? I remember not asking this for the love of my life!” [Well wasn’t that a man’s romance? The intelligence I got says that much.] “Da fuck!” [Do you mean to call me host?] With a system that is just too good to be true, Kevin shatters his mundane life in the journey of being a good guy. Author's note: The harem is slow to build up in this story but the number of them is already decided. I am also undecided of making this an R18 story. But for sure there there will be gore somewhere in this story.

MyNameIsTaken · Fantasy
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30 Chs

013| System: Reality

Kevin immediately went off to the nearest bus station to get into the university. His house was at least quarter of an hour away if there is no congested traffic along the way. In the case of such episodes, he will try to maintain this time schedule everyday.

In reality he could just take his bike to go to school or better yet use the second hand car his mother has brought for his eighteenth birthday. He has the license for it too along all the necessities needed to hit the road. But due to his not really calm yet mind, being with others is the best solution he has to stabilize himself.

After all in that place he was often alone other than Kathrine's company. This has more or less affected his mentality to some extent. Not to mention the occasional bloody scenes he sees in the initial period of his imprisonment.

[Host would you like to let me take away those memories?]

"...can you do that?" Kevin asked as he is feeling a little restless being in a crowded place contrary to his idea.

[Can. But not advisable. You will after all destined to go to something similar or more game world. It is better for you to adapt as much as possible.]

"....is it really necessary for me to return to such places?"


"Why?" I am not obligated to do anything for them.

[Because you passed being a host.]

"Then can I stop being one?"

[Either you die on the spot or die later]

"....so only death can let me stop being one."


"I want to ask about the topic, but I have a feeling it wouldn't be answered."

[If you think it is, then we can revisit on it later.]

"Let's just do that. Treat things as they are until it is needed."

The journey to the university was extraordinarily smooth. There were no traffic jams he often encountered nor there were some freak accidents happening to slow down their vehicle. A miracle to Kevin if he is on the right mind at the moment.

The university Kevin was enrolled in was University W. It was located at the heart of the university belt and is a well-known institute that produces plenty of successful elites in the business. One of them was his eldest sister who was an alumni of this school.

To tell the truth he was hoping to end up at University Z which produces engineers, maritime experts, and scientists. It was his biggest dream to contribute to the science community since young.

But who made him promise his sister to follow her footsteps? Unless it was seen that he really cannot adjust and take on a business course, he cannot transfer to his preferred programme as he likes.

But what made him go faithful on his promises? The answer was very simple, he said that going back to his words on a girl is not good. Going as far as jinxing his love life if he cannot stand by his own words.

And of course as an impressionable teen he was, he persisted over his promise and aimed for the hardest schools to enroll in. He is not the smartest cookie there is, but he has good study habits that have gained him his slot. So even if he wanted to switch to some other place or course, he cannot as he will definitely feel bad for his own efforts.

The only thing he could be thankful of in his situation was that he is particularly free to course any course that falls under the branch of business. At least he has a consolation that he will not be on the path of business managers. That will surely not fit well with his characteristics.

Despite being someone with a relatively good relationship with others, Kevin defines himself as an introvert. Not liking to communicate with others who are not close to him for an extended period of time. And this attracted him in the course of accountancy as it was more rigorous in nature from what he heard. Unlike those who are enrolled in management courses, this course has a more serious tone.

He also considered having law, but he did not have the luxury to choose it back then. It did not even register his mind until he finished all procedures and requirements for his current course. Much to his regrets as he could choose law just majoring on business contracts or something to go around his promise.

Anyway, University W is a well-known school with plenty of history. Evident with its massive campus size and the strict management of school, it was a very good school that gave all-round outlets to train their students. Not to mention the school has good connections that allow these students to have greater chances of being employed by big corporations.

When Kevin arrived at the gates, there were already few students on the campus. They might be seniors as they are all busy with something. Freshmen are not that occupied and was more characterized by their curiosity towards the campus like him.

He did not mind it much. Instead he explored the campus and spotted the important areas that needed to know, such as the various offices and most especially where the canteens were. He can't wrong himself and starve because he did not know where it was.

As he was wandering the campus, he saw some familiar faces.

"KEVIN!" A dark haired beauty called at him and pounced at him. " You're also a student here? Why have you not told us? We could have come here together! What department are you in? Better yet…."

The girl rambled as her companion and boyfriend sent Kevin a look of apology. This is a normal thing every time they met. Even though back then the boyfriend was used to being jealous of their closeness, now he is quite tolerant as Kevin has strongly claimed even if the girl is the last girl on earth he will never be with her.

Since then they have become good friends. Banding together to make sure the girl will not endanger herself due to her tendencies. And so far their restraints have done good.

"Yo!" The boyfriend said as he stirred Kevin from his girlfriend. The other was clearly uncomfortable with the rapid fire of questions. "How's your break Kevin? Mind her not for a while okay? Pia was just too excited to see you as our campus mate."

"I am not! That is slander Jack!" Protested Pia who was shut up with Jack's hand.

Kevin smiled and said. "Well my break was the usual. There was nothing too exciting to share about it. I'm an accountancy student? You guys?"

"I'm an HRM student! Majoring in Tourism." Pia announced as she removed the hand in her mouth smoothly. She then went on Kevin's side and hugged Kevin's shoulder like she is some sort of a koala.

Retrieving his girlfriend and hugging her in place. "Business Administration."

"Cool. I did not expect we'll meet here after we graduated back in junior high. I see you two are still going strong." Kevin said with a hint of envy in his voice. He was not able to do such a public display of affection when the class monitor of the game world was still alive. It was one of his relationship goals, courtesy with these two loving birds.

"Well we are still together. In fact we are planning to get married after we graduate. Our parents have already approved of our plans on the condition that we cannot have a child until our financial capability is already stable. Which quite coincides with our plans." Jack said as he looked at his girlfriend quite lovingly.

Pia blushed at the eyes directed at her and buried her head on the man's shoulder to hide her shyness.

"Stop that!" The girl said shyly.

"Get a room." Kevin said annoyingly.

"Maybe later." Jack replied laughingly. "Ah I remember how we got together. All thanks to you Kevin. We are set to be each other's life long partners."

"It makes me regret my foolish self. If I knew I would suffer being flashed with PDA all day long, I would have not made you two meet." Kevin said with a sigh.

"Well we met. Got together. And finally will get married. All thanks to you." Jack said, dropping a kiss on his girlfriend's forehead.

Seeing this sight, Kevin was used to feeling hateful. And this is yet the biggest blow, one could say that he was the bridge that connected these two back then. A fact that made him really feel like bringing the most unlucky guy in the world. Playing the role of cupid who cannot have his own love life.

This two is not the only pair Kevin has made. In fact almost all his closest friends have found their partners through him. Making this a rumor that he could make single dogs no longer single back in junior high. He lived quite miserably back then.

Not wanting to review his unhappy past, Kevin talked with them for a while and left them. He didn't want to be miserable anymore as he recalled his first girlfriend did not end quite well.

Thanks for the votes Renztroy_Villarta_5210, Len_Grad, G_Raid, Ace_Villanueva_5532, Awesome_Alankrit.

This chapter and the next few ones will be calmer and less crazy. This is my attempt to establish some world building. Not very confident on it as I have failed in it during my first book here. I hope this would not end up as the one I did before. Though the next chapters will have some hint of some looming things that both system and Kevin does not want to deal with.

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