
Living a loving life

Kevin was an average boy of his age. He strived for his grades, pleased his parents for additional allowance and dreamed of having a girlfriend before he graduates college. Until suddenly a system came in his life. First Meeting [Hello Host!] “Da fuck?!” [Wow! You’re too smart! How did you know my nickname host?] “That is your nickname? Who the hell named you that?” [The main system. He said that he accidentally had an accident when I was born. So he ended up setting my name as “Da fuck”. When he was calm enough he made a remedy with my name. But the first name cannot be changed so it is now my nickname to override the error.] “How poor you are to bear that name when you are born. Since you are renamed, what is your new name?” [System 0B163: A good guy system.] “....you know what we should just stick with your nickname. It’s less harmless and more inclined to my mood now. For someone who wants to have a relationship you’re just too much of a flag.” [Understood] Nth period later “You know what I should just sever my ties with you back then” [Why Host?] “Although I achieved things that men dreamed for all their lives, you are just too good at planting landmines for me.” [I think I haven’t done any of that sorts host.] “....then how do you explain these fighting monsters who aim to keep me? I remember not asking this for the love of my life!” [Well wasn’t that a man’s romance? The intelligence I got says that much.] “Da fuck!” [Do you mean to call me host?] With a system that is just too good to be true, Kevin shatters his mundane life in the journey of being a good guy. Author's note: The harem is slow to build up in this story but the number of them is already decided. I am also undecided of making this an R18 story. But for sure there there will be gore somewhere in this story.

MyNameIsTaken · Fantasy
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30 Chs

012| System: Cursed School End

[Find a Girl who will love you: Clear]

[Saving Process….]

[Initiating transfer….]

[Welcome back Host]

Kevin felt like his head was on the verge of exploding. In that game world he has spent a lifetime. And he remembered the long period of days in bed.

He has always known that Kathrine has turned into a demon. Only that he was unaware of what sorts of demon she is. But as time goes by, he is very sure that she is a succubus instead of a reaper-like existence the system told him.

"How the hell did I clear the game?" Kevin said massaging his head. "I don't think I had time to get a girl to love me. I was a captive the whole time, so I was very resigned that I will die there with no chance of going back."

[I also thought so]

[But somehow you made Kathrine obsessed with you]

[She went as far as killing your girlfriend]

[Then imprisoning you for a lifetime]

[ You were on the road of doom. I asked for assistance of the main system]

[Seeing your the main system made a change in my data]

[….her actions were then interpreted as show of love]

[Therefore fulfilling you clearance requirements]

"....how does this behavior constitute love? It was only an overbearing obsession and possession!" Kevin can't help exclaiming.

[But was valid in my data]

[Novels also recognize this behaviors as templates of relationships]

"May I know what sorts of materials were you basing this data on? I think there is something wrong with it." Kevin said as he looked at his room with a sense of alienation. It is all so strange to him as he did not see it for so long.

[Web literature, Human Fantasies, Cultural view of Love….and etc..]

"That is messed up." Kevin said with a blank face. "It is not really relevant to the era I am in."

[Regardless what you say host, this is a very relevant source of info for us.]

[People produces art in attempts to mimic certain reality]

[So many rampant materials like these, it just show that this is what people is thinking and wanting to have]

"Not necessarily true." Kevin argued. "Plenty of writers write stories not because they like it, but rather they have to make ends meet. Sad thing about readers' reading preferences are leaning more on absurdities because this is what they fantasize about. The more abnormal and messed up they are, the more they tend to be popular. Thus making a boom on such genres. If you understood this you might as well not refer to those at all."

[But the key point was this is what most people wants]

[So this is the most reliable material for us to base on]

[We, system are made to make impossible possible in accordance to our base codes and our host's wishes]

Kevin was lazy to talk more about this subject to this stubborn system of his. In the first place this system's existence was also one of the themes of many novels, does that mean that those who wrote them had a system? That is a simply a no. It is said so that there are only about five who became a successful host.

He could argue about it for the sake of arguing, but he rather not. His school life is more important to him now. After those nightmares, he wants his normalcy okay?

Instead he asked another question that relates the game world.

"You once mentioned that the goal of the game worlds was to liberate them about something. What did my actions or the lack of actions have brought to that world that I passed?"

[You stopped Kathrine from being obsessed with the social injustices she faced. Therefore stopping a series of death that leads to that piece of land from being barren and cursed]

"I understand." Kevin said thinking it makes sense. Kathrine was the biggest point that made the series of tragedies from happening. So making her divert her attention from taking her anger to the world was directly taking the problem from the roots.

"Oh I almost forgot. Why did the other players die before they could do anything else?"

[They cannot take the malice emitted by Kathrine's hatred. Even those who are more experienced and stronger than them are estimated to still die due to how heavy and deadly her curse were]

[You were also destined to die back then too if I did not activate the newbies' package back then. Speaking of which, would you like to listen and know more about it? ]

"Well I did say that I will hear it out when I return." Kevin said searching for a bag to bring to school. The one he prepared before was lost in the game world, so he has to make so for now. Thankfully his cellphone was kept by the system. He will not have to explain wretch his mind for an excuse when his mother will ask him for it.

[Newbies' Package:

Travel in Time: 1

-returning to a certain time period to make changes

Cleansing Pill: 1

-detoxifies the body from inside out

Military Knife: 1

-simple handy knife for safe defense

Free skill book: 1

-skill book of any skill desired by the host.

Free points: 500 pts ]

[Consume History: Travel in Time: 1]

"Quite a generous package." Kevin regretted not hearing out the system back then. If he did and accordingly, he might have not been in that sort of situation.

[It ought to be generous]

[Hosts are rare to begin with]

[So we aim to give the best we could]

"What is the usage of points?" Kevin said focusing on this part. "Was it like those novels I read? A system shop or something similar?"

[Something similar]

[We do have a shop, but not the main outlet to use points]

[The system shop provides various props similar to novels you read. Only that it is more on auxiliary functions like providing medicines and some miscellaneous stuffs that can offset some restrictions and status. ]

[The other way to spend points was on various NPC in the game worlds. They can provide help in various ways that a system cannot be revealed with. Things like using them as gathering info not provided by the system. Points can be used to employ them]

[And the other was using special conditions to make some conveniences for you. For example, like making an escape route for yourself. Although a little limited in usage due to constraints of the world, it will definitely help extend one's lives than most props in the system shop]

[According to statistics, even those without systems are relying on the later two to survive the game worlds. Granted that they found the conditions for activating them as well as having enough points granted to them every time they completed a world.]

"There are also points for them?" Kevin asked in wonder. "Did I also have some from the last time?"

[Of course they are at least compensated this way]

[Being a failed host is hard]

[Time to time they will be dragged to the game worlds without notice]

[As they don't have a system to help them and guide them, most of them died at their first worlds]

[So the main system is quite compassionate to them]

[Giving a generous amount of points to them to last longer every time they are in a game world.]

[As for your rewards for the last game, would you like to view it now?]

"That can be considered fair in a sense." Kevin could not imagine how hard things will be if he does not have a system. Although his system cannot do him for him for now, it really did help him not to take detours on some things.

"Show me my rewards."

[Game world: Cursed School

Clearance success: 98.85%


Devil's heart (bound)

A scholar's spirit (bound)

Points: 2500 pts]

"What were the first two was?"

[Devil's heart was something from Kathrine. I don't know the effects, but it is something attached to you.]

[Scholar's spirit is a passive skill that makes one have an easier time learning new things. There is no limit on where it could be activated, whether it is reality or real world, it will always be activated. This is also very useful to you as you are also a student now.]

"I see." Kevin was quite satisfied with the rewards. Other than the Devil's heart, which is like a time bomb to him. Other things were helpful to him to offset his trauma from the game world.

He spoke no more afterwards and prepared to leave his house. He does not want to be late on his first day of school.

"Mom I'm off!" Kevin said as he kissed his mother's cheeks.

His mother was a little off guarded and felt something has changed in her boy. But thinking about it, it might be because he is already a college student now. He is now on his way to be a responsible adult.

Thank you for the votes G_Raid, Ace_Villanueva_5532, Renztroy_Villarta_5210, Awesome_Alankrit, and livingdead.

Thank you too for the reviews Awesome_Alankri and Len_Grad. Seeing these has brigten my day.

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