
Living a Live with Minecraft Powers

Note : This is just a story to fullfill my imagination im not a good author english is not my native language ======================================= ok here's the sinopsis : a guy died and then gets reincarnated in another word simple right? ( multiverse story hopefully) 1st vol : MHA 2nd vol : ??? 3rd vol : ???

Absolute_Kingz · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

UA Entrance exam

Right now I'm standing in front of UA gate there's also a lot of students here with me why? because today is the day of the entrance exam I already saw some of the main cast the robot-like guy, the edge lord, the frog, and right now I'm heading to the exam room for the writing exam. well I practically aced all of them it's pretty easy well.... except for math bit not confident in that lesson

anyway moving on right now we were waiting in an auditorium I guess we were waiting for the practical exam.

a few minutes later we heard a sound coming from the present mic.



after that embarrassing moment, the present mic explained to us about the exam, he explained about the robot and the points for defeating them then I saw the robot guy started sanctioning someone and that someone is the algae head Deku as he started stuttering nonstop I just ignored those two after the explanation did we were taken to the city simulation currently i'm one bus with the future 1-A student with me. the not everyone faforite Minoru Mineta the balls boy and the invisible girl now I know why these two can get in with the exam is not in line with their quirk it turns out to be lucky in this group there's only cannon fodder not even Shinsho were here I guess you were grouped by your quirk and my quirk named MINECRAFT doesn't define anything that I can do soo yeah, for now, there's no asserting dominance to anyone instead there's a slaughter for the robot I guess and I aimed to impress or scared the teacher a bit.

not long after warming up for a bit, I heard the present mic sound.

"Are you ready!?"


as everyone standing there in a daze I didn't waste any time as I picked my ender pearls from my inventory and then I Yeet it to the center of the town not long after that I got teleported to the roof of a building as I see many of the robots started approaching me I smiled at that I started running towards them with a shovel, why a shovel you might ask? the answer is I don't know either but I like seeing something that looks fancy and strong gets destroyed by something so..... useless

as I started swinging my trusty iron shovel I noticed there are some of the students that want to steal my points but get overwhelmed by the robots so I as the hero in training decide to save them. besides its extra points so its a win win situation after that I started to destroyed more robot and saving more student

after a while from the roof of a building I saw a bunch of students seems running from something as I turn my head to look at what they're running from I saw a massive robot and that I saw the 0 pointer robot a massive robot that serves the purpose of being a faux villain and a tool of mass destruction that was suppose to be the point of the robot.

but for me the robot serves as a collection like a Gundam then I proceed to take out my pickaxe and I want to mine that thing and put it on a pedestal like a trophy then I deleted another ender pearl on top of the robot head and I placed a smoke TNT and lit it up as it explodes and covers the whole robot in the smoke I then mined the robot and then after I hit it a few times the robot breaks and I left with a miniature robot floating on top of my hand after that I quickly store the robot in my inventory for you who wondering why did I do this.

first of all, I always want a collection of something like a hall of achievement or something, and second, if there is some kind of tracker inside it good luck tracking me I'm sure it gonna give my XYZ coordinates or the tracker is gonna explode cause it got transformed into a whole new world ( pun intended ) and even if they somehow someway manage to get to my world would they even survive? if this is still a vanilla world they would survive but now it has turned into a fully fledge modded world anyone who tries to enter here will only get killed countless times and also my base is located hidden and away from the world spawn.

imagine that you are in a modded Minecraft mode that has the difficulty almost the same as RL craft mod pack or even harder... now I pity them.

anyway moving on after the smoke dissipated I heard the sound of the buzzer that marked the end of the exam. after hearing that I move towards the entrance to the city simulation at the entrance I get many stares from the other participant, and I as a good protagonist ignore every one of those stares I wish I have some kind of clairvoyance quirk so that I can see the teachers reaction I'm sure that Mouse Principal is panicking right now. after the test I go to my own apartment. how did I get it by selling some of diamond and gold after i got to my apartment I immediately goes to sleep cause I like sleeping.

*Teachers P.O.V*

Today is the day of the exam the exam goes like the usual exam after the writing test were done. In a room with many monitors that showing the situation of the exam, many of the teacher were looking forward to find a good seedling between all of the participant after the initial start some of the teachers were interested in a few individuals.

"hey look at that student his name is bakugo right? i have read his file it said here he can make an explosion out of his hand it's a strong quirk to have" Teacher A

"Yeah I also see one that's interesting she can make acid from her body" Teacher B

"Hey there principal Nezu what are you looking at is there any interesting individuals on the non combatant quirks session?" a certain R rated Hero

"Hmm yes actually there is three of them but only one of them intrigue me the participant named Kuro Shiba in his file its written that his quirk names is Minecraft but here the description is only he can place a block shaped dirt and a sturdy body but at the first second when the test started he took out a green looking pearl and throw it across the simulation city and when the pearl landed he immediatly teleported to the place where the pearl landed" Nezu

"So is it a double quirk or its just another aspect of his quirks" Midnight

"For now I think he have a second quirk or something similiar to that Endeavor son what is your opinion All Might?" Nezu

"Young Kuro Quirk is a mutation quirk from his father and mother combined into one and then made into a whole new quirk" All Might ( This is just some bs )

*Fast forward to robot slaughter*

as more and more teacher and hero look into the situation of our Beloved MC

"Hey at least he have the qualification of a hero look he saved some of the student and didn't steal their robot such a gentle man move and principal I think now it's time for the zero pointer to come out " Midnight

"yeah I guess its time" Nezu

*0 pointer figurine collection process*

"Hmm so he instead of running away from the zero pointer he approach it" Nezu

"what is he doing, what is that white stripe block he placed down and why is it blinking?"Teacher A

*TNT boom boom*

"so I guess That's a smoke bomb but why is he doing this what's the point" Nezu

after the smoke disappear the teacher and hero were shocked by the spectacle. no its not a destroyed robot like some green algae kid but what diffrent here was that there is no robot like the robot suddenly dissapear out in thin air and a certain mouse bear hybrid started panicking cause one of his toy suddenly dissapear.

after the test was done there's a person who looked like he have insomnia and a person who is using a yellow visor and white hair saying that they want this one particular examinee. after a long debate the guy with insomnia win and get our MC as his future student.


(Word Count: 1488)

Author Note : yes I'm here idk why I am here but IM here

Oh yeah i made a discord server join if you wanna help me or just to have fun i guess.

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