
Living a Live with Minecraft Powers

Note : This is just a story to fullfill my imagination im not a good author english is not my native language ======================================= ok here's the sinopsis : a guy died and then gets reincarnated in another word simple right? ( multiverse story hopefully) 1st vol : MHA 2nd vol : ??? 3rd vol : ???

Absolute_Kingz · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Time Skip

well, it has been almost 10 years after my quirk awakens and not much happened during these 10 years also I know how to unlock mods for my powers.


during the first year, I got to build my base it's a small base the size of a mansion, and also I manage to find a way to unlock my mods it turns out I have to beat the boss from Minecraft (vanilla).


the second year, I got myself a fancy full diamond armor and the tool to the and don't forget about the enchanting table, but the problem is getting XP is kinda hard soo I just made an XP farm from a skeleton spawner I found in a cave dungeon life is kinda easy right now.


in the third year, I almost died... yeah I know I'm a bit clumsy by not putting a torch down but that slime almost freaking killed me by spawning behind me and knocking me into a pool of lava luckily I got my bucket of water, and as revenge, I turn that area into a slime farm for infinite slimeballs.


the fourth year is probably the best year of my life guess what I found. I found a woodland mansion, do you know what that means?

I can get a totem of undying there and it's less dangerous than a village raid. after I got all of my stuff ready I raided that mansion and I got quite a lot of totems at least I don't need to worry about my life for a while and now I'm ready for a trip to the nether.


in the fifth year, I was hunting for miscellaneous stuff like ghast tears, magma cream, etc for potions and I also made a lot of kinds of mobs grinder I kinda feel bad for them... nahh


In the sixth year, I mainly going on a trip to find the stronghold which is so far it took me almost a year to find that place.


the seventh year the year I unlocked my first mod by slaying the ender dragon and you know the ender dragon is such a bitch? when I tried to get close to him he just launched me into the air I lost 6 totems in that fight and after the fight ends not like your usual Minecraft the XP didn't drop from the dragon but a roulette wheel spawned instead I'm not complaining about the exp cause XP is not a problem for me to get. as I see the roulette I saw many mods written inside the wheel like Ore Spawn, Project E, Tinkers Construct, inventory pets, and many more. without waiting much longer I immediately spin the wheel and I was shocked at the mod that I got on the arrow of the wheel pointed at a mod named "World Edit" soo, yeah I got an alternative creative mode fuckin hell.


in the 8th - 9th year I found out that I can kill the ender dragon again to get more mods so in that 2 years I started grinding for the ender dragon. did I forget to .ention that right now I got myself a full netherite set with an ungodly amount of totem sadly I didn't get more practical mods like inventory pets and the others I also started testing with the real world I found out that if I can't break the block by my hand ordinary people can't break it at all and only people with extreme strength enhancing quirk might break the block well I think even all might can't break obsidian well even if he can do it. it doesn't even matter I can encase him in bedrock and yeah I found out that if I didn't control my strength I could blast a huge mountain with my fist.


In the 10th year, I don't do much only preparing for the canon and also doing a bit of renovation on my base now I made a fully hidden base and with the help of immersive engineering and security craft I made a secret and a secure base I also got a lot of great mods in this year like draconic evolution and avaritia right now I'm wearing a wyvern armor, I guess I pretty much unkillable now in this world. and I also started a ton of automated farm for everything I need like nether star and many more


*present times* ( 10 months before UA Exam )

after remembering about the past I continued walking down the street. as I walking I saw a green blob? and a green kid honestly people may think that they're a father and a son, well if you look at the fact that the slime is trying to drown the green kid or better known as Izuku Midoria the Protagonist of this world and then I saw toshinori yagi or better known as all might. after all might defeated the sludge villain and put him on a glass container that doesn't look very safe or secure and then all Might proceed to jump into the sky with the algae head kid latching onto his leg.

hmm I still pondering on how they didn't see me I'm 189cm 15 years old so I'm kinda huge my distance with them is only less than 10 meters why are they not noticing me not that I care.

* a few days later*

a few days have passed since all Might and deku fateful meeting right now I saw them training on the garbage beach as I walk past the beach suddenly I saw all might right in front of me and said.

"hello there young Kuro what are you doing right now" all might

what's up I'm free right now don't have anything to do need something?

"yes I want you to meet my protege his name is Midoria Izuku he has a great heart to be a hero but I think his body still can't handle One For All can you train him? I know you are a great trainer" All Might


"W-why!? "

cause I'm a busy man

( cause if he trained with me I'm gonna drop him to fight one of the wither boss from my farm alone in a dome )

as I see deku running closer to us.

"Are you perhaps busy with the preparation for the UA entrance exam?" Izuku


*time skip 10 months

after ten months I finally made the draconic armor and also I got myself the sword of cosmos from avaritia now I'm truly becoming unbeatable muahahaha huahauahuahu uhuk..usc..ugh ugh...

now let the world see what true power is. UA exam here I come !