
Live Streaming Through The Multiverse!

Noah an average joe and a unpopular Live Streamer. His dream is to be a very popular streamer, however his dream were unreachable since he couldn't find an opportunity to get famous. One day a weird message from his phone appeared saying that they would hire him as a Multiverse Streamer! He sign the contract without reading everything, he merely doing it for fun. What do you think will happen after that?

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

The Scum

A few days went by since that kissing incident happened, Noah was trying to act as usual ignoring the exciting yet dangerous experience he underwent.

But as much as he wanted to be casual, reality turned out to be the opposite of his intentions! Every moment that he spent near Shigure, he would be in a momentary daze of reminiscence of the feeling of her soft and velvety lips...

The memory would leave him flustered and out of concentration every single time. It was true that Shigure had an extremely low EQ almost in the negatives, but she was perceptive enough to immediately catch on to the anomalies that would occasionally occur on her student.

She tried to ask him about his problems, asked him what may be bothering him that it hindered his training. Noah would deny her inquiries and tell her that he was fine, nothing bothered him but she could pick up the fact that he was lying, after all she wasn't his teacher for nothing.

But she respected his privacy and didn't force him to spill the beans. Anyways, she too was caught up in her own situation so she didn't really have the heart to bother him that much.

Her situation was unsurprisingly the same as Noah. The kiss that Noah shared with her, made her unconsciously touch her lips and reminisce that burning and jolting feeling everytime she thought about it.

She tried to brush it off but it never went away and it grew worse as days passed by, she had an uncanny feeling that it was a very significant event in her life and she needed to know about it, so she decided that she would ask Akisame about the meaning of what 2 lips meeting was.

After finishing their daily training, Noah immediately left Ryōzanpaku for his house, meanwhile Shigure immediately started searching for Akisame to get her questions answered.

It didn't take her long since they lived under the same roof after all.

Akisame was sipping on his tea when she found him and she spoke. "Akisame…!"

"Hmm? What do you need Shigure?"

"Tell me… the meaning of… 2 lips... touching!" She asked.

Akisame almost spilled his tea, as he heard the words coming from Shigure's mouth!

He stared at Shigure in absolute disbelief! His mind raced as complicated thoughts jumbled in it 'Shigure is actually interested in this kind of thing?? Unbelievable! Why did she suddenly ask about kissing? Could it be..? Something happened while I wasn't there?'

It took Akisame a while to calm himself down. After all he thought of Shigure as his own daughter. This was not because of the guilt of killing Shigure's father. But solely because he brought him up himself and was there to see her growing up and become the warrior and woman she was today.

He coughed a little bit while responding. "Why are you asking about something like that?"

Shigure answered without hesitation. "Because.. my and Noah's… lips touched... each other!"

Akisames' restraints broke as he used too much force resulting in breaking the tea cup he was holding and startling Shigure at this display, but she still kept her quiet and waited to hear his response.

He couldn't really say anything about this! This was something beyond his expectation! His disciple actually kissed Shigure who was in essence his daughter!!!

Akisame felt very complicated about this issue, he wasn't sure who to blame, Noah was younger than Shigure by almost 10 years and moreover a foreigner with different cultures and views.

While Shigure herself was old enough but still had the mentality of a child!

Akisame kept stroking his mustache several times, he was deciding what to do about this situation… After a full minute of intense deliberation, his eyes turned bright 'I'll increase Noah's training by threefold as a punishment!'

He could estimate that it wasn't Shigure who gave the smooch first, because he knew everything about Shigure and her personality.

After finalising his thoughts about Noah's punishment, Akisame decided to tell Shigure about the proceedings of romance and the intimacy shared between opposite genders, their talk included kissing, sex, reproduction and various aspects of intimate relationships. His main goal was to make Shigure aware of this matter as she was old enough also because he didn't want him to take something like this lightly lest someone may take advantage of her and she might not even realise it.




Noah's Residence :-

Noah felt a chill running through his spine, sensing the upcoming arrival of a great disaster that was about to befall on him.

But the sudden anomaly didn't last for long, so Noah kept on doing light exercises and polishing his moves to pass the boring time away.



Morning Of The Next Day :-

It was time for school again, and this time Kenichi and Miu were going to accompany him on his journey. He, at first thought that another day of annoyance had arrived because of the 2 annoying people surrounding him but he was pleasantly surprised to find out the fact that he wasn't the least bit annoyed.

He was even feeling a little amount of happiness due to the fact that he wasn't alone anymore. This situation in term made him confused for a while as he kept pondering about the reason for his sudden change. Then it hit him, in his hectic life in this world he didn't even realize when he had suddenly changed and slowly started appreciating the company of individuals he could genuinely call friends like the good old times. Miu and Kenichi started to slowly integrate and become a part of his life at this point.

Like this time passed by at a swift pace, it was already time for the club activities. Unlike Noah, who was the proud member of Go Home Club, Miu and Kenichi had to go to their respective clubs.

Though they asked him to wait so that they could go to Ryōzanpaku together, Noah couldn't bother to stay at a boring place like school for long.

Because of the boobs of the System, school became like a work in the park for him as he asked every single quiz and test he gave. At this point he found no point in continuing school and had the thoughts of skipping grades.

Miu, Kenichi, his classmate as well as his teachers were always very surprised to see that despite Noah's infamous behavior of sleeping through class he could still ace at everything and the second semester was already on the horizon.

Noah saw no point in going to school… but then he thought and realized that his 'friends' were there and it was a good time as any to spend some quality time with them so he immediately crossed the thoughts of skipping grades or even school.

As soon as Noah stepped outside the school gate, an unexpected group of delinquents abruptly blocked his path.

It didn't take him even a second to understand the situation as he silently started his live streaming.






"Oh? The Up is surrounded by suspicious looking people!"

"Oh! Oh! I know it's going to be a fight again! I'm excited!"




One of the guys that blocked his path, spoke. "You! Follow us or-"

Before he could even finish Noah's fist was already near his face.


Noah didn't wait for the cannon fodder to complete his cliché sentence, he had read the original content enough to know what they would be saying so he didn't bother waiting.

And since they were being stupid and talking without his guard up like the thug he was he decided to follow his beloved master's advice, 'to always strike at a 'genuine' opening no matter the opponent'

With that punch of his, Noah was certain that he broke the guy's nose.

The thug couldn't endure the pain and directly fainted while his mouth started foaming, an anime trait ruled by irrational anime logic.




"Damn! The Up is pretty cruel! But it is so damn thrilling!"

"Hey is this allowed? I mean this is kind of gory! This is supposed to be censored!"

"I have to agree with the one who commented above!"




All 9k+ of his viewers had different kinds of reactions, but all of them more or less enjoyed the situation. Humans were like that, they would feel immense pleasure at others misfortune.

But some denied it, but deep inside they still enjoyed every bit of it. This contradiction came for the single principal that was innate to every human; Hypocrisy.

"Bastard! Guys beat him up!" The thugs' teammates shouted in an angry voice.

Thus they surrounded Noah, and attached him simultaneously!

Noah did a simple movement and controlled his speed to the bare minimum needed as he struck the 4 guys surrounding him.

Though the guys could barely see his attacks coming for them, the problem was they were helpless against it as they couldn't avoid it. The aftermath being all of them rolling on the ground while clutching their stomachs.

Within that short time Noah perfectly hit them all on their solar plexus effectively immobilizing them.





"Damn! +2"

"Even though I saw how the Up move...it simply unbelievable.."

"It looks simple as the Up did, but in reality it's damn hard! But not impossible!"




Noah started on his journey towards home which came to an abrupt stop because of the sudden arrival of clapping sounds.

He slowly looked towards the person who was clapping and found the face of one of the characters he detested the most in the original series.

That person was Kōga Taichi!

"Not bad! You actually defeated Kisara's lackeys easily! But I can also do the same thing! Ahahaha!"

( -END- )

( E/N : From now on we'll use [[[ ]]] in the Stream Comment Section. )