
Live Streaming Through The Multiverse!

Noah an average joe and a unpopular Live Streamer. His dream is to be a very popular streamer, however his dream were unreachable since he couldn't find an opportunity to get famous. One day a weird message from his phone appeared saying that they would hire him as a Multiverse Streamer! He sign the contract without reading everything, he merely doing it for fun. What do you think will happen after that?

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


In an abandoned building ;

"Ohh~? I didn't think that this foreigner would be able to defeat Takeda and Ukita.. now this is getting more interesting!" Kisara said with a grin on her face.

"Hah! Ukita and Takeda actually lost to a nobody like him?! I knew it! I'm way stronger than them!" Kōga said arrogantly.

If Noah was here, he would have already knocked him out before he could even utter that idiotic remark.

"I would like to meet this Noah as soon as possible, unfortunately I still have an important event to attend later….. confronting the foreigner will have to wait for a few more days I guess!" Kisara bit her thumb nail, she couldn't help it since she and the Seven Fists of Ragnarök would meet this evening where they would test her capability and decide if she was worthy enough to become the Eighth Fist and a leader figure of Ragnarök.

Meanwhile, Kōga was thinking about looking for Noah tomorrow so that he could beat him and prove that he was superior to those weaklings namely Ukita and Takeda!

"Hehe, just you wait… after I beat that foreigner guy, I'm going to get promoted!"

However Kōga didn't know that this decision of his would end up becoming the worst decision of his life. Forget about getting promoted he'd just end up quitting Ragnarök altogether with the injuries and pain that Noah would inflict upon him. Well, that is a story for some other time.



Ryōzanpaku Dōjō, In one of the houses ;

Noah was currently taking a break from his training with Shigure, he was currently lying on the tatami mats while closing his eyes.

He wasn't sleeping though, with his current body condition there was no way that he would be able to sleep. His body was filled with sweat and his muscles were sore all over. Anyone would have a hard time sleeping in this state. He was just closing his eyes to restore his mental strength, it was necessary for him to tackle the upcoming hellish training.

"Noah.. It's time to resume!"

As he heard Shigure's voice, he couldn't help but frown a bit while he thought 'Already?! It's not even a minute yet! Oh well...' knowing that the training would only get harder and harder if he didn't listen to Shigure, he complied.

Noah reluctantly opened his eyes, but the first thing he saw was two round and plushy melons of heavenly delight covering his sight.

"HOLY TIT-! (This part is in English) ahem-! S-shigure sensei… why are you covering my sight with your breasts?"

"Is there... a problem.. with that?" Shigure asked in confusion.

"Yes…." Noah said with awkwardness tinged on his apathetic tone.

"Oh! I see... then I'll move.." Shigure moved her breasts away from Noah's face and he got up, but Shigure suddenly closed the distance between them and started to observe his face, they were now face to face with only a few inches of distance separating them.

The atmosphere became even more awkward! Noah thought in his mind 'What is wrong with Shigure today?? Why is she being so aggressive?'

"*Cough… Shigure-sensei.. W-what's up? Why are you staring at my face? Is something wrong with my face?" Noah coughed and spoke, though he wanted to speak like usual his voice still trembled a little, a bit unnerved by the sight of the beauty of his dreams staring so intently at him. His heart rate was quickening at a steady face as he was being observed by Shigure's charming visage.

"Hmm…? Kensei told me about this… he said... that this is an effective… way to cheer you up." She spoke and continued to stare at Noah with a stoic face. She wanted to do all she could for this excellent disciple of hers, even if it meant seeking advice from that perverted old man.

Hearing her answer, Noah was dumbfounded and shouted in his mind 'What the hell did that old pervert tell Shigure?! Oh God! I can't take this anymore!'

Noah's face started to heat up, his face started turning red, something that Noah believed couldn't happen in reality was made possible by the twisted logics of the anime world, even though he was an apathetic individual, it didn't change the fact that he was still a teenager with raging hormones coursing in his body. Moreover, the girl he liked was just inches away from him staring at him intently, no matter how apathetic he was he couldn't remain indifferent at this moment.

Shigure noticed that his face was becoming redder by the minute, she was a bit worried to see her disciple at this state, she spoke with worry and concern. "Are you… okay.. Noah?"

"Y-yes..! A-actually No! Sensei.. can you please move your face away?! It's getting a little.. a-awkward..." This time he couldn't stop himself from being embarrassed, he could look at Shigure normally if there was some distance between them but currently she was too close for his comfort.

If she just were a few inches closer their faces would overlap one another sharing a kiss! Noah could already see her beautiful gray eyes, cherry pink lips and feel her hot breaths brush against his face and tickling his senses, making his mind go hazy in embarrassment and a pinch of lust.

At this moment, Noah's face was so red that someone could easily believe that he had a high fever just by looking at him.

Seeing this sight Shigure became more worried! As a teacher of Noah it was her responsibility to take care of her student! Not to mention that as a disciple Noah was extremely talented and excellent, he also obeyed his master and had an excellent character. Though he had his flaws, Shigure could not hope for a better disciple and she deeply liked and cared for Noah. Though she didn't really know how to express them.

She thought in worry 'Noah's face is really red! Is he feeling unwell or maybe he has a fever?' while thinking of that possibility, she suddenly remembered a way to check if someone had a fever, it was by feeling the other person's forehead!

She slowly moved her face closer to Noah to feel his forehead, while Noah became even more flustered by this action of Shigure. His head kept getting dizzier as nefarious desires clouded his mind.

His thoughts were 'Oh shit! Oh shit! Shit! Shit! SHIT! Sensei please don't come near me, please Shigure… I won't be able to hold myself back if you come any closer.. PLEASE!!!'

But Shigure's face kept getting closer and closer no matter how much Noah pleaded in his mind, Noah's eyes shifted to Shigure's soft and plump cherry colored lips and the last of his restraints finally broke, without caring for any consequences he let the nefarious desires clouding his mind take free reign.

He moved his head in a daze and kissed Shigure's lips clumsily! He f*cking did it! He really kissed his Master!!!!!

Shigure was dumbfounded at the sudden turn of events and silently let Noah kiss her lips. Moments passed and Noah finally came to the realization of the thing he just did and it horrified him to his core.

He immediately moved away from Shigure, and looked at her with extreme nervousness and anxiety! It was at this moment, he knew that he completely and utterly f*cked up!!!


He slowly shifted his attention towards Shigure who was touching her lips in a daze...

Noah knew that he had to apologise for what he did. It was extremely disrespectful to his sensei and as a girl it was even more of a heinous act to kiss her without permission. Even though he didn't regret it, he could never regret kissing the girl he liked, he still felt really bad for doing this without her permission.

As he was about to apologise, Shigure tilted her face in confusion and spoke. "Noah? What was... that? Why did you... do that? I was supposed to check if you're sick or not."

Hearing that from her, his mind went blank for a moment as he thought dizzily 'What?! She actually doesn't know what a kiss is?! How is that possible? How can she be so clueless?! What the hell was she learning all these years?!'

Noah was speechless, but then a sense of relief washed over his tense self. It was fortunate that she was so naïve, otherwise he wouldn't even know how he died.

Noah immediately changed the topic. "Shigure sensei let's continue our training!"

Though Shigure was a bit confused about the recent events as well as the sudden change of topic, she still replied. "O..okay? But… Noah… are you... really not sick?"

"I'm not! Let's resume our training, sensei!" He quickly said, he hoped that she would forget this matter but deep down he knew that it was impossible and it was only a matter of time before Shigure would figure out the significance of what it meant for two people to kiss.

With that in his mind, he was more determined than before to get himself stronger! It was to avoid getting killed by Shigure after she figured out what a kiss really was!

As a result he was more serious in his training, and Shigure could tell that Noah was giving much more effort in his training than the past which in turn surprised her a little, she was also happy to see his determination and progress.

What she didn't know was that he was working even harder because of her. Well, to not get killed by her that is.

While training Noah, she would occasionally fall in a daze as she kept remembering the kiss that Noah gave her, she couldn't really forget about it as it was her first time getting a smooch after all.

She didn't really understand what it meant nor what Noah did to her, but when Noah kissed her, her heart quivered and a jolt ran through her spine as she shivered, a feeling of emotion rose in her heart which again she didn't know the meaning to, but it only remained for a brief moment and ended when Noah stopped his kiss.

For now she didn't know what they did, but in the future maybe she will… Well, let the future be unknown till it's revealed.

( -END- )