
Live Streaming Through The Multiverse!

Noah an average joe and a unpopular Live Streamer. His dream is to be a very popular streamer, however his dream were unreachable since he couldn't find an opportunity to get famous. One day a weird message from his phone appeared saying that they would hire him as a Multiverse Streamer! He sign the contract without reading everything, he merely doing it for fun. What do you think will happen after that?

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

I'm Rich!

Sakaki Shio, Kōetsuji Akisame, Ma Kensei, Apachai Hopachai and Kōsaka Shigure!

Sakaki Shio, a master of karate who claims to hold 100 dan. He is a tall man wearing a leather jacket, with several scars riddling all over his body.

Kōetsuji Akisame, a master of Ju-jitsu and a bone-setting expert. He likes to break the common sense of people most of the time. He is also a genius inventor.

Ma Kensei, a Chinese Martial Arts master who has claimed to know literally all forms of Chinese Martial Arts, he is an expert of acupuncture as well.

Apachai Hopachai, a Master of Muay Thai and Muay Boran, he also has the ability to communicate with animals, however his intelligence is the same as a child and often blunders on anything he does except for training i.e. Laundry.

Lastly Kōsaka Shigure, a Master of the art of weapons, she is a prodigy amongst prodigies when it comes to weapons, she could use them with great mastery and can use almost anything in existence as an weapon due to her extreme understanding on the way of weapons, she also believes that weapons are extensions of the body and not just a mere item. She is an emotionless person and has trouble speaking as hinted by her almost robotic way of speaking and pausing between words.

"So Old Geezer! Why did you call us here?!" Shio while he was complaining, he noticed both Noah and Kenichi. After seeing them he was more or less able to guess why Hayato called them.

"Oh? Guests! This is rather rare." Akisame calmly stared at both Noah and Kenichi.

Kenichi on the other hand, was hiding behind Noah's back, unlike the original he didn't faint while he was in the presence of the Ryōzanpaku masters!

Mainly because he had someone to lean on this time, which made his fear lessen by a lot because of the sole fact that he wasn't alone facing these scary guys!

( E/N: Dude Please, No Homo! )

While Noah was calm, his face Apathetic as usual and instead of fear in his eyes was unconcealed excitement! 

To see these characters in reality! It was a great experience for Noah! He never thought that one day he would be able to see them 'Alive' and 'Real'. He was having a Weeb moment of his own in their presence although inwardly.

Hayato was looking at Noah with a hint of surprise in his eyes, he gently stroked his beard and thought 'This kid is really really unusual, seeing these ugly and scary guys and their overwhelming aura, he isn't afraid… but excited?'

He looked at both of them and spoke. "Now both of you, let me introduce you to them, these are the Masters of my Ryōzanpaku Dōjō! So as I've asked before, Shio! Shigure! You both are going to be the teachers of these two kids!"

"Huh?!! Old Geezer! I don't take Disciples! That's my motto! Besides, if even one of them is going to become my Disciple he would die within 3 days!"

Hearing that Kenichi shivered in fright, while Noah acted calm as he understood Shio's concerns, after all in this Dōjō a normal person would be unlikely to survive more than 3 days!

Hayato looked at Shigure and asked. "What about you Shigure?"

She didn't look at him, she was just looking blankly at the ground and spoke. "I d… on't mind but whoever wants to learn The Way Of Weapons between them, he should have a proper foundation first….I'm not g…. ood at building a proper foundation, so I recommend Akisame to train them first."

"Yare yare, you're shifting your job to me, you know?! Fine then, I'll train them." Akisame immediately agreed with Shigure's suggestion, in fact he was interested in training a disciple or two, it was better than doing nothing anyways!

Hayato laughed. "Hohoho! That's a good suggestion, after all if anyone other than Akisame trains you kids, they might end up killing both of you!"

He just casually said the word 'kill' which wasn't really false since among the masters only Akisame knew how to hold back.

Kenichi shivered violently after hearing that and immediately said. "Noah let's get out of here! These people are very scary!"

Noah shook his head, and replied. "No, Kenichi I won't. Calm down a bit. Let me ask you a simple question, why did you want to learn Martial Arts in the first place?"

Kenichi was dumbfounded hearing his question, the reason why he wanted to learn Martial Arts was because his senior was probably going to kill him in their duel, as he was about to answer Noah's question.

Another person arrived in the room and that person spoke. "Ah! Kenichi-san! You're here!"

Kenichi's attention was shifted to the newly arrived person, and he exclaimed. "Miu-san! You're here?! But h-how?"

He was looking at Miu with a surprised expression! While Miu was looking at him shyly with a bit of awkwardness and replied.

"Heheh... Actually… I live here!"

Hayato added. "I'm her grandfather."

Hearing that revelation shocked Kenichi to the core, and he shouted in utter disbelief. "EHHHHHHH?!!!"

Kenichi's scream was getting on Noah's nerves since the guy was practically screaming near his ears, he was a little annoyed but his expression didn't change as he blankly said.

"Kenichi! Can't you tone it down a bit, please?" 


"No buts! It's not like the world is getting destroyed. So, just calm down okay?"

After Noah said that, Kenichi calmed down a little, as for Miu she finally noticed Noah's existence and asked.

"You are...?"

Noah gave her a thin smile, which felt forced because of that apathetic and average face of his, and replied. "The name is Noah, Noah Fox! I'm Kenichi's friend nice to meet you."

Miu was surprised and shouted. "Kenichi's friend?! Kenichi-san has a friend?!"

Noah was getting more annoyed as he thought 'Why the f*ck is everybody screaming today? So annoying.'

"Miu-san! That's mean! But your reaction is not really wrong I suppose, but yeah Noah is my friend!" Kenichi smiled, he was someone who valued friendship a lot.

Noah added. "So, your name is Miu, huh? Anyways, Miu-san we could be friends too."

Miu's eyes were sparkling after she heard Noah's suggestion, and she joyfully replied. "Really?! Are you serious?! Then we're friends from now on!"

She was happy because other than Kenichi, she now had another friend! 

Noah on the other hand, was looking at Kenichi and Miu with an inwardly wryly smile and thought 'These guys are too easy… but it's not that bad. They are good people.'

He too was someone who valued friendship, since he was basically a loner on Earth, but not on the same level as Kenichi. True he valued it, however to only those who were truly loyal and genuine to him. He had already suffered for his naivety before and in his pursuit of genuine friends he became a loner and his current apathetic self.

Noah didn't need to worry about  Miu and Kenichi betraying him, because he knew that both of them were extremely loyal to their friends and they wouldn't hesitate to put their lives on the line to protect those who were important to them!

Hayato interrupted. "Ahem- kids let's get back to the topic shall we?"

Both Kenichi and Noah's attention was shifted to Hayato as he spoke.

"Let me ask you both once again, are you here to join us? Here at Ryōzanpaku? Do you want to join this Dōjō?"

Kenichi was now determined to join in this Dōjō! Because it was either die now or later for him! And he had a gut feeling that his survival chances were higher by joining this Dōjō even though it was really scary for him to be here.

"If I can become stronger and stand up for myself and those I care for then I would gladly join this Dōjō!" 

Hearing his answer, Hayato grinned then he looked at Noah and asked.

"What about you?"

Noah stared into Hayato's eyes, and spoke with a hint of seriousness in his calm and emotionless tone.

"Yes! If possible I want to become the strongest! And I feel I'll be able to realise that dream by joining here."

( E/N: Though I've edited this paragraph but damn that's cringe af. )

Hearing his bold words, not just Hayato but all of the Masters around smiled, especially Shio who was grinning.

"Hahaha! Kid! Are you sure about that?!" Shio glared at Noah, he also released his 'Ki' towards Noah to pressure him.

Noah's body shivered from the pressure, but his expression turned into that of seriousness and determination, he wasn't someone who would back down after saying those bold words!

He meant every single word he said! Those words were from the bottom of his heart! Like every Weeb out there he had this desire, the desire to become the strongest, the desire to be powerful like those anime MC's he idolized but he had to suppress this desire because that wasn't possible for him given his mediocre circumstances.

But in this world it was possible, with these masters it was possible for him to be the strongest, at least in this world.

In this world he didn't want to suppress his weebish desire! He wanted to acquire this desire of his and fulfill it, though he wasn't sure if he could do it since he was very mediocre but he would definitely try! He was like that, if he set his mind on something he would try until he couldn't anymore, that was the kind of person Noah Fox was!

Seeing that Shio was pressuring Noah with his Ki, Akisame was about to stop him. However, he noticed that even though Noah's body was shivering crazily, it was an instinctual reaction, he could see the determination and unwavering will and desire in Noah's eyes. Those eyes screamed his desire and will to become the strongest and it impressed Akisame.

He looked at Shio with a grin forming on his determined face and he exclaimed. "YEAH!!"

( E/N: Again Cringe Dude. 🤷 )

Shio was satisfied with Noah's answer, and he was also really surprised to see that Noah didn't piss his pants or faint by the pressure of his Ki!

No normal people could withstand it! Now Shio was really interested in becoming this kid's master!

On the other hand, Kenichi was sweating crazily, though the pressure wasn't directed to him, he was still near Noah and he was also affected!

But at the same time, his determination grew! Since Noah could withstand it, why couldn't he?! He didn't want to lose to his friend!

Kensei and Hayato were also surprised to see Noah withstand Shio's 'Ki', their impression of him grew.

They were now seeing him as a kid with a strong willpower, but of course they thought the same of Kenichi too since he could also withstand Shio's 'Ki' even though it wasn't directed at him, it was still an amazing feat to endure it without fainting.

They thought that they were lucky since they got two good seedlings at the same time! Both Kenichi and Noah were worth teaching!

Meanwhile Shigure was seeing this happen with the same expressionless face of hers but if you checked clearly there was now a hint of interest flashing in her eyes as she looked at Noah.





After that, Kensei took a scroll from who knows where, Kenichi and Noah sat on the tatami mats near the small table. He was drenched from sweat because of the pressure he withstood a few moments ago, he was also feeling dizzy since even though he was able to withstand it a Grand Master Martial Artists' 'Ki' wasn't something any non Martial Artist could withstand without any side effects, no matter how little of 'Ki' they used it was deadly for a normal human.

"Both of you put your address here"

Kenichi nodded, and started to write his name and address, while Noah was frozen on spot.

'Of course! Money! Identity and property! I was focusing on joining the Ryōzanpaku and freaking forgot that I have no money! System? Are you there?'

[ Here, I understand your worries but don't worry our company got you covered, you own a property and an identity in this world since this world is a modern one, this is your property address District xxxx xxx xx as for the money you can use your view points to exchange it for Yen. ]

'That's convenient! So what about the ratio?'

[ 1 : 1000 that's the ratio, in simple term 1 view point is equivalent to 1,000 Yen! ]

Noah had almost the urge to scream, but he suppressed it, and thought. '46k... isn't that equivalent to 46 Million yen?!'

[ Yep! Now exchange it so that you could pay the tuition fee, don't worry after you exchanged your points for money, the money would automatically go inside your pocket so that no one would notice. ]

Noah gave a thumbs up inwardly to the owners of this company! They were seriously damn convenient!

He didn't wait any longer, he exchanged 100 view points for money, and all of the money was inside his pocket!

Noah could feel his pocket growing, since it was just papers 100,000 yen was enough to fit inside his pocket.

Kensei added. "Also you both need to pay 20,000 Yen!"

(A/N : 20,000 Yen equivalent to 200 US Dollars.)

"Wha-?! That's expensive!" Kenichi complained.

Kensei got silent for a moment, and he was about to cut the price to half, however Noah took out all of his money and spoke.

"I'll pay for Kenichi's fees too, There's 100,000 Yen here, that's enough for 2 months and a half for both of us right?"

Seeing him casually take out 100,000 yen without even blinking, everyone except Hayato and Shigure were surprised! 

They all thought 'This kid is rich!'

While Noah was feeling great and thought 'This feeling of being a tycoon is f*cking great!'

( ~END~ )