
Live Streaming Through The Multiverse!

Noah an average joe and a unpopular Live Streamer. His dream is to be a very popular streamer, however his dream were unreachable since he couldn't find an opportunity to get famous. One day a weird message from his phone appeared saying that they would hire him as a Multiverse Streamer! He sign the contract without reading everything, he merely doing it for fun. What do you think will happen after that?

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

First Waifu

Noah was surprised for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure and gave a thin smile to Kenichi.

"Yeah! I'm also here to learn from this Dōjō."

Hearing that Kenichi happily smiled and spoke. "That's great! I'm also here because of that reason. I was recommended by someone to come here, what about you?"

Noah thought for a while and replied. "I heard it from someone that this Dōjō is great for learning how to fight, that's why I'm here."

Kenichi nodded, "I see! Oh right, my name is Shirahama Kenichi! Nice to meet you!'"

He also introduced himself. "Nice to meet you Kenichi! My name is Noah, Noah Fox! Let's be friends from now on!"

Noah smiled thinly at him. Kenichi was dumbfounded for a moment and then he excitedly said.

"Really?! Are you really willing to be my friend?!"

Kenichi, in the original series, didn't have any male friends except for Niijima, that alien hadn't become his friend yet, and as a bullied kid in school he was very happy that someone was willing to be his friend!

Noah didn't expect Kenichi to react so exaggeratedly but he still nodded. "Yes! So do you accept my friendship?"

Kenichi nodded happily without hesitation, he could see that Noah wasn't a bad person and someone he could easily get along with. Though he seemed to be a little apathetic for some reason.

He asked. "Can I call you Noah?"

Noah calmly nodded and Kenichi smiled, then he continued. "So umm are you a foreigner, Noah? You don't look like a Japanese nor your name is that of a Japanese, but you're really fluent at speaking the Japanese language though! So it's a little bit confusing."

Noah could only nod to his question and it's not like it was not true either, most if it was basically true since he was an American in his original world but the part about being fluent in Japanese? Nope, he had to thank the

[ Multiversal Language Proficiency (Verbal) ] skill he got from the newbie package for that or else he wouldn't be able to communicate with Kenichi right now!

"Well that's not really important, for starters how about we push this door together so that we can go inside the Dōjō?"

"Yeah! Let's do that, the door is really big, it might be really hard to open!" Kenichi agreed with Noah's suggestion.

Then the two of them went towards the huge wooden gate. Noah looked at Kenichi.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah! Bring it on!"

Hearing that Noah shouted. "Then, Push!!"

( E/N: 😐😐😑😑 yeah, that wording is really awkward. Also the paragraph below. Really really awkward. )

"AHHHHHHHH!!" Both of them gathered all of their strength to push and open the door.

With their combined strengths they managed to push the huge door and completely open it!

After opening it Kenichi and Noah looked at each other, Kenichi gave a huge smile while nodding and Noah just calmly nodded at him, and then Kenichi shouted loudly.

"We did it! Hahaha!"

"Yeah we did it." Noah said plainly, he was also a little happy, after all this gate was just too hard to open. If he remembered correctly this door needed more than 100 kilograms of pushing strength to open which was a huge amount even for two of them together, so he was feeling happy that they were able to jointly open it.

Suddenly in the middle of their celebration, a huge man with long hair and huge beard appeared behind them! He just kept looking at them with interest.

Kenichi was scared after he noticed the huge man standing behind them.

Noah was looking at the huge man with slight traces of awe plastered in his usually plain and apathetic face, after all this man was the current strongest person on Earth!

Fūrinji Hayato the invincible superman! A Legendary Master of the Pugilistic World! To see him personally it would be a lie if he said that he wasn't excited! He was one of the few characters he liked and respected in the series after all.

Hayato looked at both of them and spoke while stroking his beard.

"Hohoho, you two actually managed to push my Dōjō's gate! Though you did it jointly but still, not bad so what's your business here?"

Hearing that Noah answered. "Sir! We are here to learn Martial Arts from this Dōjō!"

Kenichi was now less scared because of seeing Noah's composure, so he spoke. "Yes! Miu-san recommended me to come here so.."

Hayato nodded with a smile. "I see, then please come inside."

Hayato walked towards the huge house, which was the main house of this Dōjō and also where all the masters gathered.

Noah and Kenichi followed Hayato.


As they were now walking on the house floor. They saw a huge tanned man with ripped muscles kicking a sandbag.

Boom! Shh! Boom!

Every kick he did created shock waves on the surrounding area. Kenichi was startled and exclaimed.

"Who is that?!"

Hayato stroked his beard and answered. "That guy is called Apachai Hopachai, he is a 28 years old Thai Martial Artist."

Hearing that Kenichi was amazed. Apachai got excited and then he started to kick the sandbag with a greater force than before!


Then he continued to punch and kick the trees and the Dōjō's wall!

Apachai was just excited because there was a guest inside the Dōjō, not many people visited this place, so he wanted to show off a bit and got carried away by the flow.

Hayato got annoyed and shouted. "Stop, you're destroying the walls!!"

Then he looked at Kenichi who was shocked, and also saw Noah who was calm the whole time with his signature apathetic expression plastered on his face, but there could be seen a hint of curiosity and interest flickering in his eyes.

Hayato thought 'Oh? This kid is really unusual…' but then he didn't think any further. After all he saw many unusual people in his life, heck 70% of the people he met in his life were mostly unusual and almost always mentally imbalanced!

"Follow me don't be distracted by this."

Hayato continued to walk towards the meeting room, and Kenichi hurriedly followed him along with Noah who walked as calmly as always like he didn't see a person destroying a wall with just his bare feet, not that it wasn't true either since he already knew what to expect so he could remain calm even in this situation.

After walking for a moment, both Kenichi and Noah stopped in front of a certain room and they saw a woman wearing a pink kimono, with a Katana on her back.

She was surrounded by various kinds of weapons. Kenichi excitedly spoke.

"Woah! Miu-san is cute but this chick is also really cute and sexy! Is she a Disciple here?!"

While Kenichi was looking at the woman. Noah looked at the woman with a silent fervent gaze. His heartbeat quickened at a steady pace. For the first time since he came to this world his apathetic face had a different expression. There was an expression of joy and fervour and also unending passion, but it quickly reverted back to his normal apathetic expression. But the passion, fervour, fascination and love?? he felt for this person remained within his calm gaze.

'It's her! It's really her!! She's so beautiful up close... Kōsaka Shigure… one of my very first waifus back on Earth and the one I liked the most, I never thought one day I'll be able to see her in the flesh. She is absolutely everything I thought she would be and more' thinking about Shigure Noah's expression subconsciously changed again. This time his lips slowly formed a smile expressing the joy he felt for being able to meet her.

He had always liked Shigure even back when she was just a 2D character of an anime, but now seeing her personally, he immediately got attracted to her very being. With just being able to meet her here his decision about accepting being a Multiversal Streamer became worth it.

Shigure took out the Katana from the sheath on her back, then she slashed the weapons around her with an extremely fast speed that they could only see the afterimages of her slashes!

Clank~ Tod~!

One by one the weapons, cut in half perfectly, fell onto the floor.

Shigure already sheathed her katana, she had already noticed the presence of both Noah and Kenichi for a long time already.

"Oi! What... business do… both of you guys... have... with me?"

Kenichi immediately said. "N-no, I was just.."

Noah didn't say anything he knew what would happen next.

Shigure immediately stabbed her katana at the floor mats beneath her and exclaimed in that slight robotic voice of hers.

Then… come up... Ma Kensei!"

A little man came out of the floor mats with a camera on his right hand.

"Ops! That was close!" Kensei was about to go away.

Shigure pointed her Katana at Kensei's neck, and spoke.

"Wait a second..., what sort... of pictures are... you taking... with that... Camera?"

Kensei blurted. "Panti- I mean just the scenery!"

Kensei immediately dashed towards the door, as he sensed that Shigure was about to attack him.

Shigure took some shurikens from her chainmail and threw it towards Kensei!

Kensei easily caught it with his bare hands and teeth!

However a lone shuriken went towards the location of Noah!

"Noah! Watch out!" Kenichi exclaimed.

Noah looked at the incoming Shuriken with a calm expression ok his apathetic face, before the Shuriken could hit his face, Hayato caught it with his fingers.

"That was close." Hayato smiled at Noah and continued.

"Kid I'm impressed that you remained calm even after a shuriken was about to hit you!"

Noah just smiled thinly at Hayato and thought 'I could remain calm because I know you would catch it in the first place!'

Kenichi sighed in relief seeing that Hayato caught the Shuriken that was supposed to hit Noah's face, however he thought 'Seriously?! What kind of Dōjō is this?!!'

Shigure looked at Noah with an expressionless face. Noah also looked at Shigure with his apathetic expression.

He slightly waved his hand at her while Shigure tilted her head in confusion, she didn't think much about it, after that she suddenly disappeared from the room.

Shigure went to the main hall where the masters of Ryōzanpaku would gather, after all she was aware that both of the guests were mostly likely here to join their Dōjō as Disciples.

Along the way Hayato asked them what kind of Martial Arts that they wanted to learn.

"I want to learn Karate!" Kenichi spoke after thinking for a while, since he was a member of the Karate club in his school, well not officially, he thought it would be best if he learned it.

As for Noah he didn't hesitate to answer. "I want to master a Weapon type Martial Arts!"

His choice about this was not because of Shigure, well she influenced this decision a bit, but it was mainly because of his fondness for weapons, on earth he liked to use all kinds of weapons like knives, nunchaku, axe, hammer and all kinds of weapons whether they were sharp or not. He even had a fake katana from an anime series at his collection back home and he often tried to use it to be able to learn the katana style though he was deemed a Chuunibyou by his family because of it.

Hayato nodded, and replied. "Alright then, you'll meet your future masters soon."

Both Kenichi and Noah nodded. Noah already knew that his master would be either Akisame instead of Shigure, because she would probably reject him. There was a high chance for his expected outcome.

After all he didn't have a proper foundation like Kenichi and Akisame was the perfect teacher for building the foundations of his physique!

They had finally arrived at the main hall, and there Noah saw all of the Masters of Ryōzanpaku!

And also his future masters!

Sakaki Shio, Kōetsuji Akisame, Ma Kensei, Apachai Hopachai and Kōsaka Shigure!

( ~END~ )