
Little That We Know(Dramione)

malfoygurl_ · Movies
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| D R A C O |

5 months after the battle,

I hugged mum once again before kissing her forehead. Its been two days since she can't walk, not to mention her physical changes. Her hair started falling by itself, leaving almost a few of them on her heads. Her body is skinny, there is no more cheerful light on her face, the only thing that keep me strong all my life, its gone.

Dad meanwhile turns out bad. Started when mum declaired have cancer, he have been crying, refused to eat and keep distancing himself from everyone, including me. Just at night, he'll crawled to mum and lay beside her. Hugging her and even kissing her forehead. But when I come near, he'll go again, sitting at one of the room in dungeons.

I sigh at the thought of it.

Thankfully after the war, we didn't lose everything. Malfoy's wealth is still one of the best. Kingsley did asked us to give some of them to another family, especially the one who lost their daughter and son on the war. Dad refused at first, but I just sign the paper for him which make him disgusted at me.

But that's all we have.

I lost almost everyone, not to mention my friends. Not like I have many of them though. Crabbe now hated me with all of his life, Goyle is gone. Blaise did forgive me, which more than grateful for me. Every professor despised me and my family, we did leave the war. We didn't stay to fight and they hated us for that. I don't blame them, its our fault.

I guess its not just people at Hogwarts who hated us, even the ministry tried his best to smile at us. Kingsley is the only one who helped us, he even cared about mum.

But he couldn't help me too when I apply for auror position. They reject me faster than I thought, maybe didn't even look closer at my resume.

"Will you go back to that stupid school again?" For the first time, dad spoke to me.

I quickly turn my gaze to him, he standing a few inches far from me, resting his back at the wall.

"I guess so" That's my plan since I've got nothing better to do. I already ask Garion, our new house elf to take care of my mum when I'm gone. I'll visit her often, sneeking out from Hogwarts isn't that hard.

"And leave your mum alone? you are not better from me than" He said as he smirk.

"I'll visit her often, father" I said, ignoring him giving a disgusted look at me.

"Just go away, I can take care of my wife" He said as he walk to me and push me. He then sit at the same spot I've just a few moments ago.

Its hurt the way he treated me, its hurt the way he look despised on me, its hurt that I never got to have the love everyone experience from their father. Sometimes I think Potter got a more decent life from me. At least he got that Weasley old parents to care for him. Not to mention almost entire Hogwarts staff and student.

"Don't be a prick Lucius" Mum finally said as she looked at me. Her eyes showed how broken she is, just like me. She give me a small smile, that simply bring back my entire courage.

"Don't you dare touch my son again" She said again, rolling her eyes at dad and pull her hand from him. Dad looked hurt but can't say anything.

"I'm sorry" He mumbled slowly. I don't know why dad really scared of her after the war, but its probably because he loved her.

"Dear Draco, go to Hogwarts and live your life. I'll be fine, don't worry about me" He said as she gesture me to come closer to her.

"Your father will be here too, he'll take care of me" She said in whisper to my ear. I nodded to her and hug her.

"I love you mum" I said, holding back my tear.

"I love you too, draco" She said and tighten the hug.

"I love you guys too" I heard dad mumbled alone. His voice almost as a whisper.


|H E R M I O N E|

I stood infront of the Burrow, nervous. Ron told me to meet him today, saying he have something to tell me. I wonder if he finally will, you know? proposing me.

Its two in the evening, the sun that heat earth just a moment before started to shrink and make myself feel a little less sweaty.

"Hermione" I turned around to see the person who called me. My lips curled into a smile as my gaze fell to Ginny.

"Hey Ginny" I said as I throw my arms around her, wrapping her into a hug. She returned it with a grin on her face.

"How long have you standing here? " She said as she pull away. Her smile never leaves her lips.

"Not so long, I'm waiting for, erh ron" I said as I blush. She looked surprised as she cleared her throth.

"Ohh I see" She said and rubbing the back of her neck. She look extremely weird. She never let any chances of teasing me when its about Ron, but today, her reaction is a little bit different.

"Come in then" She said as she pull my hand, dragging me to enter their house. The first thing I saw is most of the Weasley family, gathering around at the kitchen table. Everyone except Ron.

"Hermione!" George said as he hug me. Its been a long time since I see his smile. Since Fred is heavily injured at the war last year, he can't help but keep crying and won't stay even inches away from Fred. Thankfully Fred is completely healed now, his little brother that we knew also back.

Just as on cue, Fred walk to me before pulling me into a hug too. Honestly they grew a lot taller now that he needed to bent his knee just to hug me.

"Fred, George. I miss you guys" I said, pulling away from them.

"Thank you, we miss you too" They said in unison. Their smile is back, Fred look a lot more cheerful, same goes to George.

Then both of them pull my hand, dragging me to the table with Ginny following from behind. I then greeted Molly and Arthur. Percy giving me a smile and I nodded. Bill and Fleur arrive just a moment then. We talk about many things, Charlie talk everything about the Dragon he've learned and he slipped that there are a beautiful girl he admired. Just as we laugh and chatter among us, I saw a red haired guy walking down from the stair. My lips curled into a smile and I stood up, shocked everyone at the table. But my smile faded as I saw someone following behind him.

A brown, curly haired girl.

Lavender Brown.