
Little Hellhound Of Hololive

(Moved from my Account on Wattpad) Ruby Rose... As you know the speedster that has a scythe as a weapon. Daughter of Summer Rose and Taiyang XiaoLong Everyone loves her! Well... at least in the original world they do. In this universe she is still Summer Rose's daughter, But not Taiyang's Daughter. Ruby has a different 'Father'. Ruby has Silver eyes that flashes to red when she is angry. She hasn't unlock her semblance yet due to one thing. Neglect. With Summer dying, Ruby had to deal with Abuse and Neglect as well as being forced to live up to Summer. This caused Ruby to almost die multiple times but was saved by the same person everytime, she never ever seen who had saved her everytime. Until Ruby leaves during the night... Forcing someone out of the shadows to help her. But who is this person? Who ever they are promptly takes ruby and leaves to give her a better life. Ruby had given up on being a hunter. Now a v-tuber she strives to bring people joy. Joined by her fellow v-tubers, who seem oddly overprotective of her.

YuriNeko · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Scars Sometimes Don't Fade

- Welcome to chapter 1 of hololive's hellhound-

Full chapter name: Scars sometimes don't fade like papercuts.

The day passed by quickly, the young girl was now awake and in a daze.

Ruby stared at the two in shock before... She broke out in a smile. She still didn't know where she was but she was happy to be with them. And not with Tai's family.

She knew that if Raven took her when she was little that it would have been dangerous. The Branwen tribe does a lot of dangerous stuff that could get Ruby killed when she was younger.

Now she knew that Raven was the one taking care of her wounds when she was injured cause of Raven's Aura and Raven's mask.

" I am so glad to see you two. Though..." The two waited for Ruby to finish her sentence. Summer wanted to hug Ruby but was afraid of hurting her cause both she and Raven don't know the extent of Ruby's Injuries. "... Just where are we? I can't tell, I mean I never really went out of the house. Also I know that my mom died, so how is she alive?" The two older women had nervous looks on their faces.

Summer:" W- well honey... I know this may be hard to believe but... We are in hell." Ruby stares at her before glancing at the window near her that she just noticed. Ruby had a dumbfounded look as she glanced from Summer to Raven before looking in front of her with the same look on her face.


Raven couldn't have but sigh, trying to keep herself from laughing at the look on her face, Summer was the same.

Ruby:" So... I died?" Ruby asks the two women who have calmed down from their urge to laugh.

Summer:" No. Raven saved you before you could get caught or died. Also yes I did die all those years ago. Raven is still alive but I had encountered her one day with a person that could kill her so I took her to hell and unfortunately the wound was to severe to save her as most medicine here is for devils and demons. So we turned Raven into a demon. Now your mother is a demon like me, like how you are soon going to be." Summer explained to her daughter who gained a look of understand before suddenly pausing.

" What do you mean by 'mother'? I thought Tai was my *gag* f-*gag* Father." Ruby had tried not to gag when she Tai Father.

Ruby would come up with a ugly nickname for him. And anyone else that she wants, Playful or not.

Raven was about to say something when the doctor came back. He had a clipboard in hand and a neutral face. His eyes were tired like he didn't get enough sleep.

Doctor:" Good to see you are awake Ms. Rose. I have your results on the condition of your body." He hands the clipboard over to Ruby first. Probably because it is her body.

Ruby's POV-

Patient's Name: Ruby B. Rose

Age: 16

Eyecolor: Silver

Height: 5'0 (currently)

Blood Type: O-

Mother: Summer Rose

'Father': Raven Branwen ( Other mother by blood, magic was used to make Summer Rose pregnant as they wanted a blood related child.)

Other mother: Willow Schnee ( Ruby is not related to Willow, Willow married Raven and Summer 3 years ago after many... Many hook ups)

I..I did NOT need to know that..


Oldest: Adam B. Rose ( Was a illegal experiment made with Summer Rose's blood. Then was officially adopted by both Summer and Raven.)

2nd oldest: Winter Schnee ( Biological daughter of Summer Rose and Willow Schnee)

3rd and 4th: Bleiss and Weiss ( Bleiss is the older twin of Weiss schnne both are two years older than Ruby, these twins are the daughters are both Raven and Willow)

Whitley Schnee( He is the same age as Ruby but he is a bit older, he is the son of Summer and Willow)

State of patient: burn scar on right shoulder, scar on upper right arm,scar on upper left arm, 2 scars that go from spine to the middle of her rib, color blind, malnourished.

IQ: Unknown

Eye sight: Hasn't been checked in over 8 years. Is color blind in both eyes and has been color blind ever since 2 years ago, may need glasses

Huh. I didn't know that thing were so bad with these wounds. There is a huge chance that these will not fade.

I handed the clipboard to Rave-... I mean mama... I'll call summer mom, Raven Mama, Willow Mother (If she is comfortable with that of course.).

Anyways I passed the clipboard over to mama and leaned back on the bed with my arm covering my eyes. Tuning out everything else I fell back asleep.


After Raven was finished looking over the status of Ruby's body she nodded, she seemed calm but... She was ready to kill Tai and their daughter, Yang.

Raven:" How many prescriptions will she need both physically and mentally?" The nurse looked at the doctor before taking over.

Nurse:" She will need prescribed glasses for those who are color blind, she will also need pain reliever for her broken rib, anxiety pills, and be sure she has three meals a day." The nurse says before check the time.

The nurse then left saying that they needed to check on another patient. After all Ruby wasn't the only person in the hospital.

The doctor then handed some papers to Summer as she looks through them.

Doctor:" Alright. You two are free to take her home. We have her papers right here for her prescriptions. Be sure to drop the papers off at your local pharmacy so they can start making them." The doctor said before exiting the room.

Summer and Raven sigh, Ruby was finally with them instead of Tai.

Raven approached Ruby as the screen fades to black.


Ruby yawned, looking around she noticed she was in a softer bed then the bed at the hospital.

Ruby:' I should probably get up.' Ruby thought before staring at the ceiling for a few seconds before turning back over groaning, ' I don't wanna get upppp!' then promptly shoved her face into the pillow her head was resting on.

She was about to fall back asleep before she heard the door softly open. Confused she lifted her head up. Ruby's silver eyes meet another pair of silver eyes.

Ruby:" Mom?" Ruby grumbled out, her voice slightly deeper due to just waking up. Summer walked up to Ruby's bed, sitting down on it.

Summer:" How are you feeling? Are you hungry at all?" Summer asks running her hand softly through Ruby's tangle hair.

Ruby:" I feel like I got punched with a metal gauntlet. But yes I am hungry." Ruby answers before looking around for a clock of some sort... Nope there is no clock. " What time is it?"

Summer checks a weird rectangle device. Ruby tilts her head in confusion. Summer looks back up. " It is 9:30 a.m"


Ruby:" Really? Okay then." Ruby didn't question it. Ruby kept quiet before turning her gaze out the window.

She whipped her head back towards Summer.

Ruby:" Where are we?" Ruby asks as even she knew this wasn't hell. It was a forest that was outside the window.

Summer:" Relax we are not in remnant." Summer pauses for dramatic effect, "Ruby welcome to... Earth. More specifically, Japan." Ruby's eyes widen in shock.

Summer:" But enough about that, Raven and Willow took the remaining amount of Raven's tribe as well as your sibling on a mission. When they get back we will introduce you to them."

Ruby:"... Do they know about me? Other then mama of course." Ruby was nervous, would her sibling like her? Would they hurt her?

Summer:" They know of you. But they don't know you are here. They think that me, Raven, and the rest of Raven's tribe were on a mission. Not even Willow knows." Ruby nodded before getting up to go get breakfast. Just as she was about to exit her room Summer calls out again.

Summer:" Ruby after you eat make sure to brush your teeth, your tooth brush is in your bathroom ( Ruby's bathroom is in her room.), Also I will be picking up your medicine tomorrow." At the word medicine Ruby groaned she hated medicine.

Ruby:" Noooooo! Why did you have to mention it?!" Ruby wallowed in defeat.

Little did Ruby know that meeting her siblings was going to be pushed back. Ruby won't know what hit her.

What will happen? Well I'll answer one thing, people will die.