
why love?

I looked very beautiful in the picture ,he alined my features perfectly ,I loved it ,I saw him sign it kྂaྂyྂcྂeྂeྂ

The next thing he stood up and exited the room,I felt like stopping him,but then I realized he wouldn't here me

Lunch was finally over ,everyone got back to class ,and the lesson went to ,I couldn't help put steal looks for him once in a while

School was finally over normally I would had gone with Alex but....

I stood up and packed by things ,and was about yo leave when I bumped into him

"Sorry" he said


He was about leaving but I didn't want it to end

"Emm.hi" I said

And he stopped ,he walked up to me and placed the drawing in my hands and left

I looked at the drawing ,enjoying the art work ,I caressed the name kaycee,I like it


"Kaycee"i called,not expecting him to hear,he turned around ,stared for like 3sec then left

I finally got back home ,dad wasn't yet back ,so I headed to my room,I sat on table,then pulled out a box -pink,it had everything I wanted to cherish to I die ,I placed the drawing there,then close the box

"Kaycee" I said ,then laughed at my self

I had my bathe ,jump on my bed ,today was very stressful,one day gone ,many more left ,I know I acted tough today ,but really I wasn't

I picked up my phone ,just felt like scrolling through memory lane,the I saw the video-the make out video

I hated myself for this,but what can I do ,I switched off the phone ,and tried getting some sleep,just then my phone beep

I picked it up it was helen


"Hi ,girl,what are you up to" she asked

"Nothing really ,I saw the video again"

"I've told you already ,to delete dat video ,it is in the past " she said,gosh dis girl was my everything ,my sister ,I loved her

"I know "


After the talk I had with Helen last night,I decided to delete the vide and it relieving

I got to school the next day quite early

Kaycee wasn't there yet ,why did I even care

The classes started and after some mins he walked in ,the teacher didn't seem to gave a problem with it

He sat down put on his headphones and stared drawing

I was lost in his artwork ,that I didn't even hear the teacher literally scream my name

"Miss Nilsa Dream"

"Oh ,sorry ,yes ma" I answered

"Mind telling the class to the question I asked"she said

How was I suppose to know DAT

"Sorry ma ,but I didn't get you..the question"I said

"As always,meet me after class...kaycee"she said ,called

And he answered

"Mind telling us the answer"

"Yes ma,hydrogen"he said


"Take your seat sir...and u ma always absent minded" she said

I sat down ,when I heard them

"Why would you think she would get it right,she was the best student before until you know" a girl said ,and I heard dem laugh

"Such a whore"

I quickly bent my head ,not minding the teacher ,I didn't even know I was crying ,


It was lunch,everyone had left,I didn't even bother to raise my head,I hated Alex ,he caused dis,just then I felt someone seat next to me

I looked up and meet the eyes of Kaycee

"Your crying" he said

"Am not" I clearly denied,he pulled me to rest on his chest ,and my world stopped,he cleaned my tears,then said

"I thought you were tough"and we chuckled


Justin stood there as he watched ,the new boy pull Nilsa for a hug,he had come to get her lunch,but meet this

"I think you should forget about your silly crush on her " emma said rudely -the most popular ,rude girl in school

Justin just left


I pulled myself up from his chest

"Why did u come here" I asked

"Nothing" he said ,standing

"Don't leave"Nilsa said as she held his hand

"Amm. Sorry" I said

"Bye" he said and left

Everything suddenly felt empty ,worthless ,I missed his warmness


I got home late because I still had to meet the teacher,I got home ,and asked for my dad,I Was told he.was having a meeting

"As always"

"Ma...someone here to see u" a maid said

Yeah did I forget to tell you

My dad is currently the president of the country,but years back my mum died due to brain tumor,so I was left with him,my workaholic dad ,duo he still loved me ,he gave everything I asked for,and neva joked with my safety

"Who?"I asked

"Is Edward "she said

I heaved a sign"just let him in,tell him to wait ,I'll be down in a sec" I said then ran up the stairs

Edward was my- according to my dad was my soon to be husband,all these arranged marriage shit

Mins later,I was coming down here stairs on a white short gown,white was my favorite colour ,in fact most if time I would wear white,I always thought it made me feel unique

"Hey" I greeted

"Hey darling"Edward said as pulled me for a hug

"Long time"

"Yeah..just been busy" I said

"So anything you want to me ...u know about kaycee "

"Kaycee..hw did u know,no obviously u have been stalking me,soo I understand,but please ,don't go cause trouble like you cause the last time" I said as I gently pushed him ,and sat down on the sofa

"You never seem to learn Nilsa ,after what happened the last time ,you still mingle with your school boys" he said

Talking to Edward always brought about this cold feeling and I hated it

"It is not your business,who I mingle with OK" I said

And he laughed

"We are getting married very soon,so it's literally my business" he said

"In fact ,this talk never happened,good night ...Edward" I said ,stood up and left


At school

I really did want to see him again ,every day


"Hey Justin" I said

"Came to take you to class" he said

"You never get tried of this do u"I said


"I have something for you " he said

"Presents again..it is not my birthday yet" I said

"Just love showering you with them" he said and I smiled

"So what's today's gift" I said,then saw him pull out a sliver jewelry -necklace,it had my name on it

"I love it " I said

"And i love you" Justin said in a whisper

"What did u say" I asked


"Help me put it on" I cried like a baby

And he did just that,then we headed to class

Helen was already there,thank goodness

"Ur early"I teased

"And your late"she said and we both laughed

Kaycee was already there ,he wasn't on his headphones today

"Hi" I called,he turned then answered

"Hey dream" he said

He was probably the only one dat wasn't teacher that called me dream ,and I loved it

"Hw was your nite..no tears right" he said

"None" I said ,then he smiled

"I like your necklace" he said


"U like jewelries" he asked

"Yeah..I loved them"


Classes began,and it was fun ,it was finally lunch again,others had left ,but as always I and Kaycee stayed

I was busy with an assignment

When I saw a hand stretched out

I looked up it Was Kaycee

"Let's go for lunch" he said

"Am not the lunch type" I said ,but instead he pulled me up

"But am the one taking you" and I smiled

"U have dimples"he said

"Yeah ,just one side" I said

"I love it"

"Alright let's go"

"But Kaycee..really am not the lunch type" I said

He pulled me to the door not minding what I was saying

Today was the first time I was coming out for lunch,upon many pleads

We ate,then headed back to class,he insisted he payed for the meal


"Isn't dat Nilsa ...Justin" jake said ,a friend to Justin

"I thought she doesn't have lunch" jake said

"Me too"Justin said ,sounding disappointed