
play date

"you ,don't listen do u ?" I said as soon we stepped into the class

"guess only to you" he said

"amm..Kaycee,I ...I was thinking if we could meet up later" I said,I wanted to know more him,actually I was scared asking him dat ,he seemed like a busy person

"hmm" he said

"for real"I asked for assurance

"yes ,dream" and I smiled

"after school?"he asked



I looked at clock at intervals ,I wanted to fly ,but slow down when I am with him

finally I heard the bell,I smiled with joy

"c'mon Nilsa.. today am taking you home "helen said

"Am mm..helen,you can go ,I'll go with ..kaycee"I said

"hmm mm..Kaycee,helen,don't go to deep " she said

"I won't...promise "

"OK..I'll go pick up Justin then ,catch you later" she said and left


"Alex,do u feel regrets" Stacy said

"listen,stacy,alex never regrets,anyways, why would I?" he said

"just asking"

"the only regrets I feel is dat I could have done more" alex said

"Alex!,you can't be doing this to Nilsa ,it is not her fault at all,mum didn't die because of her" stacy said

"yeah,I know that,but mum because of her greedy dad " he said,as he clenched his fist

"am not half way done with her yet ...so don't feel pity stacy" he said and left


"Justin!"Helen called

"hey,you "

"came to pick you up "helen said with a smile

"Nilsa isn't coming?" he asked

"She said she would be going with kaycee I guess ,not to sure.. c'mon let's go ,let's go get some ice cream first " Helen said

"hmm,let's go" he said and the left


we decided to get some ice cream first ,before headed to my mini studio

mins later we were at my studio

he looked amazed at the decor

"you like it?" I asked

"never knew you sing ,or play instruments"he said skipping the question skillfully

"i can but ,I don't really showcasing it ,u know secrets"

I saw him caress the piano

"do u play"I asked

"wanna hear me play ?"

" hmm" I said

he moved to the piano ,I loved the song ,the melody

"so u play..it sounds beautiful" I said


after his little show,he parted on the space beside me indicating I should sit ,I moved up to him then sat

"you sing...I'll play" he said,and I smiled



after our little play date ,he insisted he took me home

"you live here" and I nodded

"so your dad is the president" he said

"yeah,only child,your always welcome" I said


"tnx ,for bringing me home"i said and he nodded



i got into house ,and was welcomed by mydad ,finally he was home

"Daddy" I said and hugged him

"my little dream,hw was your day"

" beautiful dad"

"just like you " he said and I laughed

"you didn't come home with your driver" he said

"yeah dad a friend ,dropped me off"

" hmm"

"alright ,go get changed ,dinner is ready"he said

" you cooked?" I asked

"yeah ,your favorite" he said and my laughed