
Line Between The Worlds

After discovering a box left by "The Last Adventurer", Jack has found himself in a peculiar situation. He is randomly being teleported between different worlds. Some are technologically far in the future, some have magic, and some are focused on cultivation. He is now an adventurer traveling the infinite worlds in the infinite universes. Seemingly destined to forever be stuck in the loop of finding himself in an unfamiliar situation in a new world on a new adventure, he chooses to find a way to escape it.

Ferto · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Crevice in the ground

"Alright now Brain, lead the way to fame," Lucas said as he pushed Michael toward the depths of the cave.

"Just wait for a second, it's not like I can just press a button to assemble my signal tracker," the little guy said sarcastically as he pressed a button to assemble the device.

As they started moving Leo started wondering, "do you think we'll get rich after we bring whatever is inside to the outside world?"

"Haha, you joking mate?" Lucas called out

"You miserable suckers won't get anything, I'm the one who's leading the mission here and being the humble patron for our little scientist. You two lowlifes haven't done anything for this mission, if you want to earn something then go suck on someone's tit and hope they pay you for the pleasure."

"Now, now Lucas, I assembled the team and am leading you toward the energy source don't forget that. For all you know, it could be a trap set by me to take you a prisoner and earn a bit for my experiments by selling you back to your Papi" Michael sneered

"And don't you dare send the hulk beside you to punch me to death, you don't know the way out, and neither do you know how to use the devices to find the mysterious item inside"

"Hmph…" Lucas didn't say anything more.

The whole time Jack was in thought. Something seemed strange about this place, it didn't look natural but maybe it was just his inexperience.

"Something's up?" Leo turned to Lucas.

"Nah, don't worry about it. It's probably nothing."

"Hmm. Well if you say so."

For the next 15 minutes, the party continued mostly in silence. It was truly a group that didn't vibe at all.

Leo and Jack had a bit of a conversation but the others remained completely silent. The main source of the sound was just their footsteps on the wet ground and Travis who every minute or so let out a grunt as if to tell others that he was still there.

The awkward silence was broken by the device in Michael's hand starting to beep like a madman.

"We're here," he said

Lucas looked around all confused.

"Stop spitting bullshit, there's nothing here."

"Shut up and open your eyes for a second" Jack pointed at the crevice in the ground leading to a bigger opening.

"Suuure wide eyes, you being such a smartass with so amazing eyes, climb down there and find us the energy source then,"

After saying that Lucas turned to Travis

"Throw him the rope"

Travis took out the flashlight and threw it at Jack who barely dodged it.

"Jeez Louise, you trying to kill me?" Jack yelped.

Lucas took the rope and punched it against Travis' massive chest, "The rope, you fucking peabrain!" Lucas barked at him. Travis grunted and threw the rope at Jack.

"You egghead, go with him" Lucas pointed at Leo.

"Yeah, yeah," Leo said while annoyed because he was already planning to help Jack. One just can't let a friend go down a dark path all by themself.

Seeing no place to attach the rope, Jack tied one end of it to Travis.

"Be a solid mountain and I'll give you a Snickers after"

Travis grunted and gave his best smile to Jack.

Who wouldn't be happy about free food? I would.

Before Jack and Leo started climbing down a nerdy voice called out "Be on the lookout for anything glowing. Having such strong energy, it is nearly impossible for it to not emit any light." The voice was none others than Michael's.

"Yes, boss!" Leo and Jack saluted and thus Leo started descending first.

As he reached the ground he called up "aight I'm down mate, you can come!"

Jack grabbed onto the rope and started slowly climbing down. He could have slid but having done that before, he knew that it would burn his hands like hell. The texture of the rope didn't help either.

About halfway down, all hell broke loose.

The whole cave started shaking. Some loud sounds from below were heard. It sounded like a huge machine was turned on and its gears were grinding.

Jack held onto the rope for his dear life not wanting to come down head first. Suddenly a wave of bright light surged from down below, it was so bright that nothing could be seen.

A loud bang was heard from above as a passageway caved in. When the lights dimmed and Jack's eyes started to get adjusted to the dark again, the flashlight shining above the crevice in the roof of the cave helped with that.

Jack found himself lying on the cold floor next to a dead body. Well.. what's left of a dead body anyway, only a skeleton and a few burnt pieces of flesh remained.

Something wet and warm dripped on his head. He brushed his hand through his hair and saw red. It couldn't be his blood, somehow through all of this, he came out with almost no injuries.

Looking up, he saw blood dripping from the same crevice he had just climbed down from. The rope wasn't there anymore, it had snapped and was in a pile next to him and the skeleton.





Jack looked around with crazed eyes, something in him snapped

"SO FUNNY guys!"




The world started shifting around him and Jack found himself in a hut in front of a mirror forgetting everything around him.