
Little white rabbit

I tried to keep calm but this was all quite big and I had no idea why this was happening. I mean before this I was just an ordinary girl who had two sisters and a job but now I was told that I am this magic hero who was supposed to save a magic dimension! Life was so confusing but I tried to stay looking professional with Vivian though I could tell that she noticed how much I was panicking.

She then put her hand on my shoulder and said,"lily it's ok I know it seems like a lot but it will all make sense eventually you just need to trust me and follow me."

"How can I keep calm if all THIS is happening!" , I yelled and then immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry Vivian it's just a lot to take in."

"I know and I understand if you font want to come but it will be best if you do." She said in a calm voice. I nodded in agreement, after that she stood up of the bed and walked over to her bag. Then after a few moments of rustling in her bag she pulled out a pocket watch. I chuckled and she looked at me with confusion," why are you laughing?"

"No reason it doesn't matter." , I chuckled because she was seeming more and more like the white rabbit from Alice in wonder land.

She turned a few cogs on it then threw it on the floor. I was very confused until a spark of light came from the watch I leaped back in shock and Vivian chuckled. Then the spark got larger by the second and then opened a void. I was amazed, this type of stuff usually only happens in movies but this was real. The void was lined with a moving spark that kept circling the perimeter. The inside was beautiful, it looked like a galaxy had thrown up a cookie of glitter and rainbows( but not in a disgusting way). It was magical. My jaw was wide open and Vivian was just staring at me looking amused. She then walked towards me and held my hand, it felt nice and calming until ,of corse, she leaped into the void without warning me and I fell in after her.

The portal was more beautiful up close than from the other world. I think this was taking her to the magic dimension. I was excited but then again terrified because she literally just pulled me into an abyss that may or may not have an ending to it.

Hey readers candy Gacha here I'm the writer of lily love,

Thanks for reading this chapter but I am taking a break due to school work and other personal reasons I hope you all have a great day.

Love candy Gacha

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