
Another world

Going deeper into the void I had no idea if this was reality or just a dream, I was expecting to make up at anytime but I wasn't. Falling further into the abyss we were falling faster every second. I tightened my grip the Vivian hand and she did the same. She pulled me in front of her and held me in older arms, it felt safe here for some reason. I looked down only to see a bright shining light, I looked away instantly as the light was blindingly bright. Vivian has no problem starting strait into it. We were ,eventually, being engulfed in shine of it and my eyes were sore. We got through it quickly though so I could open my eyes now and what I saw was something I never thought was possible to see.

As I gently opened my eyes we landed on a path, it was hard rose-pink concrete. Vivian let me go and as I touched the ground I could barley stand. I was wobbling like jelly and slipped over but thankfully Vivian was there to catch me. She is so beautiful. Especially her gleaming navy eyes, I could get lost in those without hope of returning. She gently put me down holding onto my waist, it felt a little awkward but I got used to it as she helped me walk. She then said ,with a voice that leaves me speechless it's so enchanting,"lily you must be hungry. We can go to my house to rest and eat for the night." I was confused though I mean this was still a lot to take in all at once. We were surrounded by beautiful trees with purple, pink and cyan leaves that draped down like a willow tree. We walked further along the path and finally reached a large ,but cute in a way, house. It was like a cottage in a way but a lot bigger. She led me indoors and lifted me up the stairs, into a bedroom with a single bed. The sheets on it were amazingly flat and was decorated with a stunning flower print. She laid me down onto the bed and I sat up and then asked Vivian,

"umm Vivian is there any chance that you could tell me what this place is?"

"This is the enchanted oasis dimension. It's my home and where I grew up. It was all I knew until my grandmother died and gave me this pocket watch that allowed me to travel between dimensions. When I used it to travel to your dimension I was scared because I had no idea why people looked the way they did, as in without an animal aspect to them. I did some studying and learned the art of magic. Now I can go from bunny girl to normal human girl." She said as she transformed to a human and then back to her bunny girl form then continued,"after I mastered the basics of magic I started to secretly explore earth and saw you. My grandmother came me a description of the saviour and you are exactly what she told me. I then kind of watched you from far away and you are really interesting and poppy is really cute."I was confused but was understanding slowly, so recap of what has happened: so I was getting roses and was taking a small walk in a meadow when I saw a man covered in blood. Then he ran after me and that's when Vivian threw in a smoke bomb and beat up the man. I then passed out and woke up in a camp tent thing where Vivian and I talked for a bit. Then she used her magic pocket watch to take us to this dimension of the enchanted oasis which I'm guessing that there are probably more animal people. So that's it, hmmm interesting.

Hello readers of lily love, this is candy_gacha writer of lily love,I hope you are enjoying lily love and I know I said I was on a break but being in quarantine left me with nothing to do except write so here is another chapter.

Have a lovely day readers and feel free to leave donations or vote for this chapter, thank you.
