
lilac skies

why is love the first thing we abandon when trouble comes?

Kavya_Singh_2989 · Teen
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4 Chs

The eyes chico, they never lie

The marriage was round the corner. The people from both the bride and groom's family had reached the location. Yes, it was a destination wedding,in Jeju Island.

Yuna had heard a lot about the place and had also seen it several times in dramas.It was kinda her wish to go there and what better ocassion could she find than her friend's wedding?

All the preparations were done ...the venue.. the guests and the arrangements were all set.The wedding wasjist after a day!!!!. As the bride was busy pampering herself for her big day, Yuna decided to give her some me time and she stepped out to explore THE JEJU ISLAND 🏝️

Being the good girl she was, she first informed her parents and then set out.

She just had one day to explore as she was gonna be busy from the next day because obviously the bridesmaid.

She searched online and found a tourist site that took people around the place in small groups.

Yuna- this looks professional and reliable and it's in a group so i would feel safe even if I'm travelling alone.Also trips like these are always planned so i won't waste my time her and utilise it efficiently.

After having a good one minute talk with her own self,😂 she booked the trip.

At the location

Travel guide- Annyeonghaseyo yeorobun ...I welcome you all to the Jeju Island trip of one day. I am your guide for the trip and my name is Kim Seokjin. You can also called me WWH ...world wide handsome.

Okay so after subtly plugging in my praises i would now like to brief you with the outline of today's trip. The first location will be Cheonjeyeon Waterfalls. I won't bore you with the useless talk but just know if you are a nature lover you'll love it andddd it's a place where you're likely to fall i-

A traveller- in love?

Seokjin- Aniyo....In the water...cause its slippery there so, watch you're step. I think we should make a move or else we'll be late...are we complete?

After cross-checking the list it was found out that one member was missing,,,it was probably a guy.

Yuna - how are my plans always disturbed...now where is this guy?.😭...if he's late i won't be able to see all the sights.

Seokjin (rapping on call)- yah you dumbass where are you? How are you a rabbit?...rabbits are supposed to be fast..i guess you slept off just like the rabbit in the story....what should I say to the other members...you don't have the sense of time ...why don't you value time ...if you're any more late ... we'll have to leave out some place as the camp has to end by 9 pm ....what are you doing.... ppalliwaaaaaa...Neo paboya....eodiyyaaaaaaaa....dashi run run runnnnnn

After a lot of time ..the guy finally decided to show up...Yuna had lost it by this time ...as it was sure that she won't be able to visit all the site.On the other hand the other girls were loosing it too not because of the delay but because of the guy.

He was wearing a simple tshirt with dipped jeans and high top sneakers. He ran upto the bus all panting as he had apparently run his way here. The fear was visible in his eyes as he faces Seokjin. Whereas thirst and list were clearly visible in the eyes of all the girls except Yuna. The girls were practically drooling over him. 🤤

The guy- j..Jinja mianhe hyung...i was searching for something really precious and valuable...i wouldn't have been able to come here without it. I ran here as soon as I found it.

After hearing a good scolding from Seokjin, the guy finally turned towards the seats and starting glancing over to find a seat for himself. All girls started to pay on the seat beside them signalling him to come and sit with them but he simple ignored all of them. A smile spread across him face and his eyes shined as he made his way towards the seat he had found.

He sat beside Yuna who was all shocked to have someone sit beside her suddenly out of the blue. She got even more furious after she found out that he's the guy who delayed her trip.She glared at him and he smiled in return. Yuna rolled her eyes and started to look out of the window as the bus started.

The guy- looks like you don't like me, huh?

Yuna- .....

The guy- oooh .. attitude...i like you already miss attitude.

Yuna- what?

The guy- yeah because you're beautiful and confidant and you're ignoring me so you're obviously my type.😉

Yuna - sorry what did you say?

The guy- perfect!!!....anyways I'm Jk...Jeon jungkook... and you can me me..ummm...tonight?😏

Yuna- listen...did I ask what your name is?...and even more important did i ask you to flirt with me ?

Jungkook- you don't have to ask me ...girls like you activate my inner international playboy.

Yuna- yah...what do you mean by girls like me huh? ...and if you are an international playboy then go and play with those thirsty girls who are drooling over you ..why sit beside me?

Jungkook- It's the eyes baby...you're eyes pulled me ...you're different...the other girls have lust in there eyes but you're eyes had anger...that's interesting.

Yuna- And you know what you're eyes say?....that you are an absolute brat whose just trying to annoy me to pass his own time.

Jungkook- Ahaan...no babygirl...you got me all wrong ....look into my eyes... tell me what do you see? ..look into my eyes...the eyes Chico ...they never lie.❤️