
Lights Out: First Contact

Trigger Warning, Some Villains and other characters within this piece of fiction do not reflect the IRL views of the author, and This Novel Will contain very extreme themes, Which Incudes Extreme Violence, Gore, Torture, and Corse language. Will feature Adult Themes through out, sometimes making light of great trauma. WILL NEVER INCLUDE NTR. In "Lights Out: The Reset," humanity's last remnants grapple with a devastated Earth, after the great war causing many losses to civilization, braving bleak realities in a grim dark science fiction tale brimming with tension and gallows humor. In the backdrop of this desolate wasteland, where survival is a daily struggle, a poignant romance subplot adds a glimmer of warmth and human connection, offering a contrast to the pervasive darkness of their world. Characters find solace and hope in one another, their bonds deepening as they navigate treacherous landscapes and confront their inner demons. Their relationships blossom amidst the ruins, becoming a beacon of resilience and love in the face of adversity. One problem still remains, the others want whats theirs, and to protect the status quo that has served them for the last few generations. The unpredictable arrival of an alien entity sends ripples through the storyline, providing a catalyst for change and upending the survivors' fight for a better future. As earth's downtrodden engage in this formidable alliance, "Lights Out: The Reset" not only explores the battle for planetary rebirth but also captures the essence of human intimacy in a time where every moment could be their last.

TheGoreForce · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

​Chapter 2: Choose UDA!

Trigger Warning, Some Villains and other characters within this piece of fiction do not reflect the IRL views of the author, and This Novel Will contain very extreme themes, some actions will not make logical since because of the character's psychosis; some of these characters will try to logically rationalize the irrational. Which Incudes Extreme Violence, Gore, Torture, and Corse language. Will feature Adult Themes through out, sometimes making light of great trauma.

There is no Intentional subtext to suggest any of the characters political, or worldview is reflected by the Author some characters are to be driven by chaos. In this post apocalyptic, wasteland. 


Summery of Chapter 1

In "Lights Out: The Reset, chapter 1" David Hughes, the industrious foreman of a prominent construction dynasty, is thrust into a day of intense corporate strategy and forbidden desires against the backdrop of a threatened society. Within the expansive narrative of this Grim Dark Science Fiction saga, David's dance between ambition and longing begins with a charged flirtation with the captivating Belle Johanna at the company's front desk, teasing a later encounter at the atmospheric Soggy Doggy Tavern.

His responsibilities amplify as he navigates Project Q Alpha, a cutting-edge missile defense system designed to fortify properties against the relentless threat of warhead assaults. The gripping tension escalates with David's meeting with Mr. Rockfellow, a character whose mystical ties to his ancestral volcanic lands amplify the project's challenge and deepen the plot's complexity.

As nightfall casts its somber veil, David and Belle's rendezvous at the tavern evolves from flirtation to a profound discussion on political turmoil, with rumblings of an assassination plot against the Swanigan Federation Chancellor stirring the narrative. 

As David reconciles the passion of the present with the pressing demands of his legacy, readers are immersed in a thrilling tale of love, power, and survival within a stark, dystopian world. 

Chapter 2

As I sit in my opulent office, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement as I watch the news report on the recent assassination attempt. The newscaster's grave voice discusses the event, and my mind immediately begins to race with marketing ideas. I can almost hear the dollars rolling in as I imagine the panic and desperation that will drive people to buy our security systems and bunkers. It's a twisted sense of joy, but I can't help it.

As Mr. Drywit, the broadcast journalist, initiates his piece, a quiet laugh escapes me at his dubbing of the would-be assassin as "Missing the Mark." Ensconced in her lavish office, Miranda Hughes, adept in both sales copy and marketing tactics, observes the news coverage of the fresh assassination bid with a surge of thrill. The anchor's solemn delivery recounts the incident, and her mind leaps to promotional concepts. She nearly hears the chime of the cash drawer as she anticipates the fear and urgency that will compel individuals to invest in our protective systems and havens. It's a macabre form of delight, yet it's an impulse she cannot suppress.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the gleaming camera footage of my high-end camera on my computer monitor, pausing to straighten her impeccably tailored jacket. Running her fingers though her jet black hair. A small, self-satisfied smile flitted across her lips as she rehearsed her latest pitch in a hushed, fervent tone. I leave the camera running just incase there is a video call.

"Miranda, you need to be the guiding light in these dark times," I whispered to my recorded self, my voice carrying the confidence of a seasoned marketer. "You will not let the horrors you've seen define you, but rather let them fuel your passion for keeping others safe. Your experiences, your talents—they're all a part of the larger story you have to tell."

My eyes, sharp and calculating, considered the imagined faces of her audience. "These aren't just anecdotes, they're lifelines. Your words will instill the urgency, the sheer necessity, of what we offer. Every system you sell, every shelter installed—that's another family out of harm's way, another tragedy averted."

Looking away from the camera's feed, Miranda let her gaze sweep across the nice office, her domain within this fortress of safety. "Remember, Mira," she murmured with steely resolve, a tinge of personal conviction lending warmth to her polished tone, "it's not just about making a sale. It's about salvation, protection, peace of mind. You are the vanguard against the chaos of the world."

Adjusting her sleeve, Miranda Hughes set about preparing for the day, the mantle of her protective mission settled firmly around her shoulders.

Scribbling notes on the notepad beside me, I conjure the terror reflected in the eyes of the public as they glue themselves to the news, the realization dawning on them that they, too, could fall victim to these heinous crimes. This is the opportune moment to market our merchandise, and I'm resolved to seize this chance with both hands.

The prospect of astronomical profits invigorates me, the taste of triumph almost palpable as I visualize our corporation ascending to become the ultimate provider of security and survival in this bleak, merciless world. It's a warped and depraved universe we inhabit, but I find myself relishing the influence and command that my role bestows upon me. As I am the security, well we are at UDA

As the news broadcast concludes, I recline in my chair, a smug grin spreading across my face. I'm confident that I've conceived a marketing strategy that will instill dread in the hearts of my rivals and propel our company to unprecedented levels of prosperity.

I know that our products and services will bring security and survival to some, but at what cost? The thought of the fear and desperation that will drive people to buy our agency's products fills me with a sense of power and control that I can't resist. This grim and dark world we inhabit has become my playground, where I can manipulate the masses through the promise of safety and the threat of annihilation.

I head towards the marketing department, notepad in hand, ready to put our meticulously crafted plan into action. The Umbral Defense Agency will be the name on everyone's lips, and our state-of-the-art bunkers will be the must-have item for anyone who values their safety and security above all else. This is our moment to seize, and I plan to do so with an iron fist and a relentless determination that will leave our rivals trembling in our wake.


* * *

After meeting with my marketing department. Having finished my new orders for a script and production I want created about the attempted assassination of the neighboring kingdom. I sit down in front of my computer's glowing monitor. Looking through my emails, I see that it was rather empty, however one of the analyst, had gotten back with me about the ad campaign, and the market research of the nearest competitors. They seem to be several steps behind us in terms of features they offer.

We are one of the survivors of the great war, and one, at that, that had gotten ahead of it's competition, due to us having the decency of planning ahead and betting on the right stocks to short. or call, but war generally means certain markets are sure to fail.

The international stock market being controlled by our city state's volunteers, we've came up with a market so fluid that several other kingdoms participate on our ticker structure, as our city state doesn't claim taxes for capital gains, the citizens agreed that things should be ran regarding the non-aggression principal. Our 24/7 market has no regulations, nothing that can tamper with it, as it's entire code lives in a server, governed by a massive super computer to keep the ledger, which is stored on a digital coin.

The phone began to ring, It's my brother david. He's in trouble.

I slammed my laptop shut and grabbed my keys, my heart racing as I heard David's frantic voice on the other end of the line. "Miranda, please. I need your help. My car battery died, and I don't know what to do." His voice was laced with a mix of desperation and embarrassment, a rare combination for my usually composed and self-assured brother. I knew I had to act quickly.

I raised an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. "Well, David, I can't say I'm surprised. You've been drinking with Belle all night, haven't you?" I couldn't help but tease him a little, knowing full well that his infatuation with the charming front desk clerk had led him astray once again.

He let out a heavy sigh, the weight of his predicament evident in his tone. "Yes, I have. But that's not the point. I need your help, Miranda. Please." His plea was sincere, and I could sense the urgency in his words.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and concern for my brother. He was usually so professional, so in control. But when it came to Belle, he seemed to lose all sense of reason, as if her mere presence had the power to unravel his carefully constructed facade. Still, I knew that helping him was more important than my own schedule, and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him stranded and alone.

As I sped towards his location in my sleek Bentley GT SS, a well kept example of historical opulence. the powerful engine purring beneath the hood, I couldn't help but marvel at the sight of him standing by the side of the road, his face a mix of frustration and desperation. He looked so small and vulnerable, a far cry from the strong, capable man I had always known him to be. For a moment, I felt a pang of maternal affection for him, a desire to shield him from the harsh realities of the world.

I pulled up beside him, rolling down the window, the cool night air rushing into the car. "Get in, David. I'll take care of this for you." My voice was firm but gentle, a promise that I would always be there for him, no matter what. A tow is only a small price to pay for convenience.

He climbed into the passenger seat, his eyes meeting mine with a look of gratitude that nearly took my breath away. "Thank you, Miranda. I don't know what I would have done without you." His words were heartfelt, and I could see the relief washing over his features as he settled into the plush leather seat.

As I drove him back to the office, the city lights flickering past the windows, I couldn't help but study him more closely. His face was flushed, his eyes bright with a mix of hungover energy and emotion. He looked so different from the stern, unapproachable man I was used to seeing, as if the mask he wore had been stripped away, revealing the vulnerable, human side of him that he kept so carefully hidden. Matter of fact never really even seen him in a hoody and jeans for the office. He typically wears a suit. and In the field what ever the task at hand needs.

At that instant, I understood that Belle must hold a significant place in his heart. She seemed to have the power to reveal a part of him that I had never witnessed before - a side that was susceptible and honest, a side that yearned for love and connection. As I observed him, a sense of satisfaction and fondness filled my heart for my young brother, a deep appreciation for the complex, multifaceted person he truly was.

"You know, David," I began, my voice soft and laced with a comforting understanding. "It's not so terrible to find love, even for someone as strong-willed and laborious as yourself." I offered him a gentle smile, hoping to convey my sincerity, to let him know that I supported him in his pursuit of happiness, no matter what form it took.

His eyes met mine, and for a brief moment, the hardened exterior he had carefully constructed seemed to dissolve, like a veil being lifted to reveal the true essence of his being. In its place, a genuine, heartfelt smile emerged, one that seemed to illuminate his entire face, causing my heart to momentarily skip a beat. "Thank you, Miranda," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of gratitude that resonated deep within my soul. "I truly appreciate your words. You've always cared for me ever since we lost our mother and father." Our father perished in the throes of the war, while our mother succumbed to a malady of the heart. Her final missive, a testament to her despair, revealed her unwavering conviction that her chosen path would lead her to eternal salvation and meet dad. I frown, and a single tear came down my cheek and wiped at it.

"If I can prevent it," I pause between sobs, "no one will ever endure what you or I have."

"Agreed," David responds. "Chin up, we have a meeting to attend, and Arnold will be furious if we both miss it due to reminiscing and my own foolishness."

"Yep, he's a real prickly one. Though we love him for his mind. His sweet sweet mind." I smile maniacally, my eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and madness. "Come on, hurry up; we must not tarry," I say, quoting a recent British movie.

As we approached the towering office building, its glass facade glinting in the sunlight, a wave of contentment washed over me. I had been a pillar of support for my brother in his hour of need, offering him a glimpse of the love and affection that he yearned for, a reminder that he was not alone in this world. As I stole a glance at him, his eyes reflecting a newfound hope, a spark of something that had been missing for far too long, I knew that I would go to any length to assist him, regardless of the circumstances.

After all, he was my brother, my flesh and blood, the one person in this world who I would always stand by, no matter what. Despite his imperfections, his flaws and his struggles, I cherished him, accepting him for who he was, with all his strengths and weaknesses. My love for him was unwavering, a constant force that guided me to stand by his side through thick and thin, to be the rock that he could always rely on in times of need.


* * *

Miranda and David arrived early at the towering office building, giving us ample time to catch up and discuss the latest developments in our company. As we settled into the plush leather chairs in the waiting area, I pulled out my tablet and began going through my emails. My fingers danced across the screen as I scrolled through the messages, my eyes widening in surprise as I saw the results of my latest ad campaign.

"David, take a look at this," I said, passing the tablet over to him. "Our campaign has been a resounding success. We've managed to capture an astonishing 80% of the market share."

David glanced at the screen, his eyes narrowing in disbelief as he processed the incredible numbers before him. "That's absolutely incredible, Miranda. How do we compare to our nearest competitor?"

I tapped a few buttons on the tablet, bringing up a detailed comparison chart. "As you can clearly see, we're light years ahead of them. Our position in the market is virtually unassailable at this point."

David nodded, a wide grin spreading across his face as he absorbed the significance of our achievement. "Well, I guess all that hard work is finally paying off. But we can't afford to rest on our laurels now, we need to keep pushing forward and finding new innovative ways to stay ahead of the competition."

"Hey, like, what's all the hubbub in this room?" Jodie bubbled in as she flounced across the threshold, her expression alight with keen interest and enthusiasm. Her in her pigtails bounce as she moved. The light brown hair bringing out her emerald eyes. Her floral sundress twirled as she moved as if she was the only person in the world, skipping in a field of daisies. "You guys up to something totally rad?"

Spinning towards us, her warmth was as tangible as the wide grin that practically spelled delight on her face. She breezed in closer, wrapping us in an eager embrace. "So, how's it hangin'? You all good?" Her sing-song tone danced with an honest-to-goodness vibe of care and closeness.

"We're doing great, Jodie," I replied, returning her warm embrace with a genuine smile. "We were just discussing the incredible success of our latest advertising campaign. It appears to have really paid off in a significant way, exceeding even our most optimistic projections."

Jodie's eyes popped wide, like, totally sparkling with super excitement, and this adorable smile just took over her face. She bounced a little and was all, "Oh my God, that is, like, totally awesome news! I'm super stoked to hear that! So, like, what's the deets on staying on top? We seriously can't let ourselves, you know, fall behind or anything. We gotta keep slaying the game!"

David shrugged, his expression thoughtful as he considered the question. "I believe the key is to keep innovating and staying one step ahead of the competition at all times. We can't afford to rest on our laurels or become complacent, even for a moment. Complacency can be our downfall, especially in a market that is constantly shifting and evolving. We need to be ready to adapt and change at a moment's notice, pivoting our strategies as needed to stay ahead of the curve. The future of our company depends on our ability to remain agile and proactive." He paused, his gaze intense. "It's going to be a constant battle to maintain our position at the top, but it's one that we're fully committed to winning, no matter what it takes."

"Jodie, Miranda, and David, Arnold is ready for you." Timothy approached just out of eyesight, as he came into view within the doorway.

Jodie responded with a nod. "Well, let's get on with it."

Dexter, the ever-watchful sentinel, commenced the scrutinizing ritual that determined our worthiness to proceed.

"Phase One: Identification," Dexter announced from above, its voice cutting through the sterile atmosphere. "Present yourselves for scanning." We did so, one by one, the beams flicking over us like curious yet cold fingers.

"Phase Two: Intention Analysis. Declare your purpose." Our exclamations were curt, betraying our underlying nervousness as Dexter dissected each word with digital precision.

As the AI transitioned to the third phase, the lights receded. "Phase Three: Psychological Evaluation." We winced collectively as disturbing images flooded the screens, wrenching at our composure with their raw and morose depictions.

Without preamble, Dexter initiated the next phase. "Phase Four: Compliance Testing." The sound was sharp, triggering instinctive reactions as we scrambled to our assigned spots. Dexter's silence during our movements was as unnerving as any threat could be.

Then came the penultimate step. "Phase Five: Final Clearance." Mechanical locks clicked, each sound a reminder of Dexter's control. "Prepare for possible detainment against non-compliance," the AI warned.

In the middle of this intense process, Jodie's voice cracked the heavy air, carrying with it a dose of her usual valley girl inflection. "So, like, have these systems ever... you know, glitched out or whatever?"

From the line to her left, David's face twitched into a forced half-smile. "You thinking this is the time for tech support?" His attempt at humor did little to mask the strain in his voice.

"Don't jinx it, Jodie," Miranda added quickly, her words tipped with anxiety, "The last thing we need is Dexter having an existential crisis."

Arnold, the one closest to the tech behind Dexter, remained silent for a beat longer before finally murmuring, "Like any tech... it's not... flawless." His hesitation carried the weight of unsaid catastrophes.

Dexter, oblivious to or simply ignoring the exchange, declared impassively, "Phase Six: Elimination Protocol. Clearance granted. Proceed."

We walked on, each step forward a silent acquiescence to Dexter's unspoken but ever-present ultimatum of obedience or obsolescence. Our whispers dwindled behind us, swallowed by the grim acceptance of the pathway ahead. Though, they know why they are warry of their bots,