
Lightning and Fire Given Form(DxD)

When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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117 Chs

Mom's Pet(Rewrite)

Dionysus got up with a huge sigh. He did not like to be here and he made it clear.

"I suppose I should better say hello to all you brats. Well, hello. Our activities director, Chiron, says the next capture of the flag is Friday. Cabin five presently holds the laurels."

A bunch of cheering rose from the Ares table. He continued in his usual attitude.

"I couldn't care less, but congratulations. Also, I should tell you that we have a new camper today. Peter Johnson."

Chiron murmured something, correcting him

"Er, Percy Jackson, That's right. Hurrah, and all that. Also if you are wondering about the people sitting on the ice table. They are friends from afar as I will say. Now run along to your silly campfire. Go on."

The curious ones wanted to know more but didn't dare question his. Kurayami and his group went back to their camp where they let their familiars out. Here, they just took it easy as they had spent their entire lives training. 

They had a lot of hope thrown at them because of their powers, but that was just the expected outcome. Esdeath and Raynare used his lap as a pillow which he did not mind. It reminded him that he was no longer alone and he could let his guard down a bit.

Kuroka as a small cat rested on his head as he leaned against Tyrant. He stroked their hair with a calm air. As for Akeno, she leaned on his right shoulder to sleep. None of them were vulnerable as Tyrant, Cain, Ulrik, and Astor, were ready for anything. 

Not long after they heard the conch horn blow again which was a sign of sleep. 


The next few days were quite eventful for young Percy as Kurayami dragged him off for training every day. He learned greatly from the lessons. They talked about the gods and goddesses and the stories of other pantheons to let him know more about the rest of the world.

But another thing Kurayami started to notice was that he was spending more and more time with Akeno alone. They were born as twins meaning their connection was one only they could understand. 

That way he could feel her emotions while she could feel his. She had grown used to what she considered normal, but he was a bad example. Regardless, Esdeath, Kuroka, and Raynare helped in this regard. 

Kuroka herself was more open to these things as when it came to Supernatural races, the issues related to incest barely mattered. As one got stronger, their DNA changed accordingly. At this point, Kurayami and Akeno while twins had very different DNA structures. 

As for Percy, knowing he was a son of Poseidon his counselors moved him to more water sports. Swimming, underwater training, and boating. Get him anywhere in water and he becomes a different being altogether. Take him away from it and he got weak. 


At the current moment, he was in a spar with Kurayami. He was wearing leather armor and he challenged Kurayami to another training match. Once again, Kurayami made a simple longsword out of light. 

He added nothing to the mix so it was just basic Light Magic. Percy charged and swung his sword in a wide swing. Kurayami hit his sword from the bellow making him lose balance. When he was open he struck him with the hilt of the sword on the jaw and Percy felt like he was going numb.

"Don't swing like crazy. You would have died in that exchange."

Percy knew if Kurayami wanted to he just had to use his flames. However, Percy began to attack him with more expertise than a newbie should have. He had a trick up his sleeve as he had poured a bunch of water on himself to give him an advantage. 

It was working, but it just meant Kurayami could be a little rougher. Esdeath, Raynare, Kuroka, and Akeno watched how Percy was fighting and felt it was a demigod trait. He had no Sacred Gear, but great fighting ability when in or around water. However, Kurayami ended it when he hit Percy on the forehead with his elbow.

The lights went out for Percy as there was no water nearby only what he poured on himself. That used itself up to heal him and wake him up. Annabeth saw that and walked up to Percy to help him up. 

"You really are strong."

Kurayami looked at her and back to Percy.

"It is expected. I am a 8 winged Fallen Angel meaning I have 4 sets. I still need 2 more sets to become a Seraph though. I also need 4 more sets to reach the level of the strongest Angel ever made. Azrael."

Akeno nodded as he was the closest among them to become a Cadre like their father. 

"All of us have 4 sets, he is the first of us to get his 4th pair and he is at the cusp of becoming a Cadre. That means 5 sets by the way." 

Annabeth looked at them with pure curiosity in her gaze. She repeated the name Azrael in her head as she wondered how powerful a 16-winged angel would be. Just Kurayami an 8 winged one was beyond what she considered possible.

She waved them goodbye as they left to go to their training regiment with each other. She had watched and saw how many crazy abilities they had. When they sparred it was like a calamity and she wanted to be like them.

From then on Percy sparred with Kurayami and his group, but he got his ass shooled. They also fought him near and in water and it made him more of a challenge. However, it didn't change the fact that he was only fighting for a few days while they had years of training.

Thursday afternoon, three days after he was taught by Luke and Kurayami on the sword. All his training had made him more experienced, but he would need more time. 

At the moment he would be sparring with Luke a better challenge than Kurayami. 

"Good luck." 

Suddenly, someone said a boast about Luke.

"Luke's the best swordsman in the last three hundred years."

When Akeno heard that she scoffed. She knew her brother's skill with the sword was unmatched. He was a monster when he had Rebellion and Submission in his hands.

"Last 300 years? As if, my brother owns that title."

The Demigods were now not sure as they had seen Kurayami in action when he trained. He was a beast and he fought like a wounded animal when in battle. 


Kurayami heard that and felt challenged. He had always been a swordman and no swordsman with any respect would take that insult lying down. Rebellion and Submission both were trying to leave their pacts as they were pissed. 

He allowed it and when both giant blades appeared next to him they began to spin in a tornado. They were bursting with lightning and fire as they vented their rage. 

'Who dares question my master's skill?' 

That voice was heard in every mind as she was not a secret. Submission demanded as her namesake. 

'Who has the stones for a match.'

When the demigods saw the large talking swords, they backed off as the heat was insane. He reached out and grabbed both his giant greatswords. As usual, he rested Submission on his shoulder as held Rebellion out. 

"Who doubts my swordsmanship?"

Luke normally would be up for it, but who fights with two gigantic slabs of metal? 

"Uhh, can you pick a normal sword?" 

Rebellion and Submission began to laugh at him and mock him out loud. 

"Did you hear that sister, he is scared. 'Can you use a normal sword?' What a loser." 

Submission giggled at her older sister's words. 

"Agreed. Seems his title of 'best swordsman in the last 300 years' was only for this camp." 

Luke grit his teeth as Kurayami dispelled his swords. 

"Fine then." 

He held his hand out and a large broadsword from the rack flew into his hands. 

"I will humor you."

The campers made a circle about 5 meters which Kurayami entered with Luke. Akeno was loud and proud of it.


Raynare smiled at her words.

"Should we allow him to bully the boy Esdeath?"

The ice-cold girl nodded with no interest. This was just Kurayami bullying some kids in her view. Even she could not last long against Kurayami and no one here was her match.

"He will be fine. I guarantee it." 

Kuroka was on top of Akeno's head and did not even bother cheering. She was asleep like most cats as she knew better than to worry about something this small. us.

Everyone focused back on the swordfight. Luke drew his blade as they both circled each other. He was looking down on Luke as he considered him a child. Luke rushed out and used all his skill against Kurayami, yet Kurayami kept up and moved the broadsword as if weightless. 

He even kept his left hand behind his back while Luke kept attacking. Left, right, up, even trying to use his smaller blade to knock the bigger blade out of his hands. However, Kurayami was no fool and could easily keep the blade balanced and all he did was defend.

He finally went on the attack and swung his blade at a huge speed down on Luke who raised his sword to block and he felt the impact through his hands. The power behind each blow was insane. 

Annabeth had a slight hope that Luke would prevail as she had a crush on him. However, power is what it is and finally, Luke's sword was knocked out of his hands and the blade was pointed at his face.

"You lost."

Luke felt defeated and humiliated as Kurayami made a joke of him. 

'Damn it.' 

Kurayami looked at the bronze sword in his hand and stabbed it into the ground. He had the swords he needed, nothing else was needed. Kurayami left with his group to their spot and just relaxed. He also had to keep up with feeding his Familiars. 

First, he found Tyrant basking by the lake waiting to be fed. When he found the Fiend he started to feed him his dual attributed flames, lightning, and mana. When he had his fill Kurayami brought out a red potion which Tyrant began to drool lava for.

It was refined dragon blood and bones. It was why he had a pair of wings. He poured the potion into his mouth and watched as his friend began to absorb the effects. Once his feeding was done, he moved over to Ulrik. 

The Blackskull General fed only on Mana as his armor was his body. He only fed on Death Mana which Kurayami always added diluted Light magic in. Over the years this had begun to make the Undead more resistant to Holy Magic. 

Esdeath fed her Ice to her tiger. Cain also needed the death energy from Raynare while Elektra was still growing as dragons aged slowly. As they were doing that Esdeath got his attention.

"Are we going to watch Percy's capture the flag game?"

Kurayami shook his head.

"No. It's his business." 

Kuroka sat down on a rock and she looked around. She glanced toward where Percy and the others were as she noticed something show up on her senses. Its life force felt like something from the Underworld which she told him about.

"Seems someone is going after Percy, nya."

Kurayami looked in that direction and noticed it. 

"Your right. Luke is already trying to kill him."

Akeno was resting her head on his lap and looked up at his face.

"Do we help?"

He stroked her hair and shook his head.

"If we do all for him he will never be a good asset, but I want that animal."

Kuroka turned back into a cat and jumped on his head as he carried Esdeath. She was not a flyer so she needed his help to fly. Akeno and Raynare could fly on their own and so could Kuroka, but she was a cat. When they made it in the air over where the beast was Kurayami's eyes shined as he wanted it.

There on the rocks just above was a black hound the size of a rhino, with lava-red eyes and fangs like daggers looking straight at Percy like he was a dry-aged steak. Every Camper was frozen except Annabeth, who yelled at him to move.

"Percy, run!"

She tried to step in front of Percy but the hound was too fast. It leaped over her toward Percy, but a black shadow rushed to it and tackled it to the ground. Percy dropped to his knees in the water while Kurayami struggled with the beast. It was nowhere near as strong as him, but it was big. 

He brought out a collar and clamped it down and its neck. It came to life in purple light and shocked the beast unconscious. Kurayami stroked its fur as he felt bad for doing this, but it had to be done. 

"I got him."

Chiron trotted up next to them, a bow in his hand, his face grim while looking at the unconscious beast. Chiron spoke in Greek at the sheer shock. 

"Di immortales!"

He approached for a better look. As for Chiron, he began to ramble.

"That's a hellhound from the Fields of Punishment. They don't…they're not supposed to…"

He realized how it got in.

"Someone summoned it, Someone inside the camp."

Luke came over, the banner in his hand forgotten, his moment of glory gone. Everyone watched the hellhound breathe with deep breaths. Percy was too tired to argue and slumped in the river for healing. 

Just then everyone was staring at Percy and he felt odd. The beast is caught, so shouldn't Kurayami get the attention? He noticed they looked above his head.

"Percy. You got claimed finally." 

Annabeth said, pointing above his head.

By the time he looked up, the sign was already fading, but he could still make out the hologram of green light, spinning and gleaming. A three-tipped spear: a trident.

"Seems you were saying the truth." 

Annabeth murmured. Chiron sighed as he saw that.

"It is determined then." 

Chiron announced. All around him, campers started kneeling, even the Ares cabin, though they didn't look happy about it. Kurayami was more focused on the hellhound.

"Why now and not earlier?" 

Percy asked, completely bewildered.

Chiron began to list off Poseidon's titles. Poseidon, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."


 Percy was already in Poseidon's cabin, only now he was claimed. Meanwhile, the Kurayami and his group were around the huge hellhound. It snapped and snarled at them, but it didn't mind. It was being fed with pure mana and Kurayami gave him a good feeling. 


It sat down and obeyed while licking it's lips happy. 

"Good. Be good and you can be my mom's familiar."

His mother could get one and this would beast the perfect guard dog for the house. Chiron trotted over and saw Kurayami ordering it to do tricks. Its reward was small bits of meat.

"What do you plan to do with the creature?"

He looked over and explained.

"I plan to give it to my mom as a guard dog."

Chiron was left gawking turning a Hellhound into a guard dog.

"Can she handle this?"

Kurayami and Akeno nodded.

"Mom is not a normal human. She is a mystic and a really talented one. She used to be part of one of the 5 principle clans of Japan."

Chiron looked right at the beast and walked away.

"Maybe we are too old school and our campers would be better off learning of the big world."

Kuroka was resting in a tree over them so she waved at him.

"You should be more open. Who knows what benefits you would get?"

Raynare, Esdeath, Akeno, and Kuraymi looked at him and made him an offer.

"You could work with Azazel. He likes to teach strong people and he has not trained demigods, but he is an expert sacred gear trainer anyway."

Chiron looked back and shook his head.

"It's not my place to agree to that, but if all goes well and a war is avoided it might be possible."

He left while Kurayami and his group kept teaching the hellhound obedience training as it was going to be Shuri's guard when they were not home. As it was a monster if it dies it will come back. More so as familiars have an anchor and come back faster than normal monsters.