
Light of Eternity

joseph (jo) guadalupe, a college graduate is finding his new job and got a chance to become a superhero and gets to live his secret life fighting bad guys out there as darklight. little did he knew, his bestest friend, lina (li) copernicus, is secretly a biggest fan of him as a hero. a former aristocrat living right now as a young leader of a city. however, she pretends to hate him until she finds out his true identity... she would deny the fact that he is a superhero until she learns how to accept it. . . . ^~ all supers have powers, but not all people with powers have a super secret identity~^ (ik this book seems mediocre since this was written back in 2021 but i don’t seem to rewrite this so…)

jujujelikawallice · Teen
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47 Chs

Chapter 11 | point-of-views

while jo is still working on files and meeting new clients, their manager announced that they will be having a meeting on the afternoon.

his fellow doctor who works as a pediatrician.

"sir jo" a female voice came to his office

"what do you need?" jo replied "oh its you sasha, what's the update today"

"we have a meeting later this afternoon"



"ok class, if you are done with your tests, please put the test papers on the teacher's table, thank you"

li is almost done answering the test and she walked into the table and put her test paper in it.

"ok class, after you submit your tests here, you may review for your next exams"

li and kat are done answering the test while daisy isn't finished yet but she is almost done answering the test.


at the meeting, all workers in the hospital have gathered already and took their seats.

"ok everyone, this is why i've gathered you here its because bla bla bla"

"psst, jo" sasha whispered.

"shush, our boss might hear us" jo whispered to her as well.

"it seems like all of your performances are improving right now, as well as our growth of this hospital and we are gaining more profit" their boss announced.

(bye this is boring but i might update this lol)


at class...

"ok class, you may start answering your last exam for the day now." the teacher told this to the class

"one more exam then i can finally sleep.." li whispers this to herself

"why?" daisy asked

"this is very exhausting ya know but we are going to college soon" li replied

"aight enough chatting, lets answer this crap now" kat demanded.