
Light of Eternity

joseph (jo) guadalupe, a college graduate is finding his new job and got a chance to become a superhero and gets to live his secret life fighting bad guys out there as darklight. little did he knew, his bestest friend, lina (li) copernicus, is secretly a biggest fan of him as a hero. a former aristocrat living right now as a young leader of a city. however, she pretends to hate him until she finds out his true identity... she would deny the fact that he is a superhero until she learns how to accept it. . . . ^~ all supers have powers, but not all people with powers have a super secret identity~^ (ik this book seems mediocre since this was written back in 2021 but i don’t seem to rewrite this so…)

jujujelikawallice · Teen
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47 Chs

Chapter 10 | accidental meet

while jo is on his way to his work on a hospital then, li is walking to school for her next exams, they bumped into each other, li's books she was holding just to review while waiting fell.

"ah!" both of them had a mini heart attack for a second.

"im sorry sir!" li said.

"its alright madam. oh, your books fell. may i help you pick it up?" jo replied to her as if he was helping her pick up the books. li recognize his face and she remembers this guy who was talking to her father.

"thank you sir." li replied.

"no problem maam.." jo replied and he smirked.

"but wait a second... you must be... my father's doctor..?"

"oh yes its me. you are his daughter right?"

"um yes... you must be doctor guadalupe right?"

"oh yeah i am. my name is jo. so you are his youngest daughter who is in 11th grade right?"

"princess li. you may call me li. by the way, yes, im his youngest daughter haha. well you know, im just doing nothing while you are having an appointment with my parents"

"what are you doing here anyways?"

"on my way going to work"

"well, um, im going to school and i have exams. but can we chat each other later since i might be late for class. bye!"

"oh, i had to go now, bye miss!"

jo checked his watch to see what time it is, he grabbed a taxi quickly and good thing he arrived on time.

li checked her phone to see what time is it now, she is already late for exams so she ran fast to school. she arrived to school but too bad, she couldnt review for the last minute anymore and the exams has already started.


at the clinic...

when jo arrived to his office, good thing he went on time and the boss haven't arrived yet. there are no clients yet either waiting for him. while he was waiting for his clients, he decided to grab a cup of coffee and work on his files to get started.

jo is available in his office at morning then saves the day every night.


meanwhile at school.. the teachers have checked the attendance before the exams..

"ahhh teacher sorry im late! there is hard traffic right now" li opened the classroom door and was worried she couldnt arrive on time.

"don't worry lina, you arrived on time. but next time arrive early as possible."

"yes ma'am"

"you may now take your seat."

now that she took her seat, the teacher starts distributing the test papers and the exams has started now.