
Light Human In MHA

Disclaimer: I don't own anything The Cover was put togheter by a reader named LordValmar Allan, a massive fan of One Piece, dies in a strange but tragic manner, his soul wanders into an unknown place where he meets god. God agrees to send his soul into the world of MHA along with one wish. ___________________________________________________________ I'm new to writing, but I'm hoping to create something more substantial than a rushed power fantasy. {I also suck at writing a synopsis sry/ hope the new one is better}

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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__________POV All Might__________(weren't expecting that were u?)

After a long day of training my disciple and studying so that I can be a better teacher, I usually relax for the rest of the time.

Today I gave Young Midoriya a break, he still needs one from time to time. I also managed to get some free time, having already studied most of what Nezu gave me.

Right now I have the television in the background while looking up some new things for my pupil. His progress is steady, I must raise the intensity of his training gradually, to do that I need more research.

From my TV I suddenly heard.

"Breaking News: Explosions have been heard from a compound in the vicinity of Tokyo. One person was sent flying through the gate and the police have surrounded the gate..."

Hearing all that made me whip my head to the television.

"We will switch the view to our reporter, who has an aerial view from our helicopter."

I could see the big compound and the police surrounding it, I hope this isn't something too bad. I won't be able to make it in time all the way over there.

Then I could see a person I recognized. It was Young Allan, he is always up to something, isn't he?

He had become a touchy subject for me, I don't really understand him well, but I managed to overcome my guilt after a while.

But, I could tell he wasn't fighting seriously when he was captured.

Back then I was getting tired and expending my time, he seemed to notice the smoke coming out of me. He stopped for long enough to allow Aizawa to use his ability on him.

It still boggles me to this day. Why he did something like that, I know he wanted to become a hero. I started believing that he was just testing himself...

Seeing him surrounded by villains wasn't concerning to me at all. Maybe the number was a bit much, but I am sure he will manage. It is more dangerous now that he has a child in his arms.

After seeing Young Allan on a day to day basis, I realized that strength isn't even something he's concerned about, he trains a lot. But he doesn't use a lot of his strength in anything but that.

He would much rather spend his free time after training sleeping or eating. He was by no means ever going to become a role model, at least I hope he doesn't.

His attitude also lessened my anxiety by a lot, he was always nonchalant, lacking any trauma and/or mental scars from his experiences. His attitude could be somewhat refreshing.

His next move was a bit much for me. The size of that light orb alone was twice as big as the USJ. If he had used that in our fight he would have won instantly, taking out both the police and every hero that was present there.

That type of power was something that I wasn't capable of even at my peak. The speed and reach of the attack being monstrous even in my eyes.

It was reassuring, however, knowing that such power is on our side. I now know that my era is coming to an end, at least I don't have to hurry the training of my pupil.

The next generation looks a lot more promising than the last. The people are in good hands.

__________POV Narration__________(don't want to confuse ppl anymore)

While Toshinori was left feeling content and reassured, from the Bakugo household, you could hear a lot of swearing and screaming.

While, a bit later, Izuku was also clenching his fist, looking at a repeat of the incident on his phone.

Both he and Bakugo were training extremely hard to catch up to Allan. But the gap was only becoming wider and more evident.

It made both of them even more determined than before.

Izuku calling All Might to train on his free day and Bakugo grabbing his stuff and going to a quirk gym. It was a bit pricy, but it was the best place for aspiring heroes to train before attempting to enter a hero school.

The same situation was happening in other places, when Mirio saw that he could barely contain his excitement, rushing to the field and training with renewed vigour.

Tamaki was not as excited, but he was solemn, he didn't want his friends getting ahead of him.

Nejire was about the same in excitement, maybe more. She had a wide smile when she saw her friends training and deciding to join them instantly.

All three of them started ignoring what they needed to study for tests. Too caught up in their excitement. They will be crying later though.

The incident had already gone viral, making the Yellow Flash one of the most searched up names for the next few weeks. It was now one of the most viewed videos on HEROTube(there, I did it).

__________POV MC__________(Back on track)

After flying for a while, I made it to the walls of UA, Eri had already opened her eyes by now. Staring at them in wonder.

"This is your home?" She asked in a sweet and excited voice. Her first time seeing UA was cute to witness.

"Well, I do live here. But it's also where I work." She looked just as happy, probably not really getting it.

"I'll be taking you to a very good doctor. She can heal you up very nicely." The smile on my face was coming out naturally at this point.

Her smile was also just as wide, if not wider. I hope Recovery Girl won't mind the extra work. Although, knowing her, she might just completely ignore me and take Eri for herself.

Regardless, I reached the infirmary and brought Eri to a bed, and just as expected. Recovery Girl didn't even treat me like air.

I didn't exist in her eyes at all, she was gushing over how cute Eri was and how could anyone ever do anything bad to something that cute. Recovery Girl's harmless appearance made her the perfect person to take care of Eri.

Looking at them, I simply said.

"Eri, I will go out for a bit. Don't worry I'll be nearby." I put on a reassuring smile while looking at Eri.

I still needed to talk to Nezu, and probably get an earful from him. For the whole violent takedown of a villain group deal. I also needed to write up a report for the police station.

With the spectacle, I just put on I doubt I'd get much more than a fine as punishment. The takedown itself would pay me more than they would fine me.

Nodding her head, Eri said."En, I'll wait here."

Meanwhile, Recovery Girl just gave me the stink eye and said."What? You were still here? Shoo" While waving me off.

She really hated that after me coming to UA her workload increased. She liked taking that out on me. But I wasn't just going to ignore her jab.

"Ah, old people-" I didn't even get to finish that before receiving the cane. Eri just giggled at the scene.

With a wry smile, I left the room. Wondering how my life choices led me to this place.

Heyy, today I might post a bonus chap.

I hope you liked it! Trying to remind ppl of his relationships with the others.

Toshi didn't get enough attention in the past, so I gave him a bit now.

Also, Thanks for the Power Stones, just realized we reached Nr.15!

VeganMastercreators' thoughts