
Light Human In MHA

Disclaimer: I don't own anything The Cover was put togheter by a reader named LordValmar Allan, a massive fan of One Piece, dies in a strange but tragic manner, his soul wanders into an unknown place where he meets god. God agrees to send his soul into the world of MHA along with one wish. ___________________________________________________________ I'm new to writing, but I'm hoping to create something more substantial than a rushed power fantasy. {I also suck at writing a synopsis sry/ hope the new one is better}

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

Reaction and Manipulation

__________POV Narration__________

While the heroes were resting and the public was starting to witness the feats that the heroes managed to pull off that day.

Someone was having a different reaction to this whole affair. In a poorly lit warehouse in the Kamino District, laying on a table with various tubes coming in and out of his body, was a person that could only be described as sickly.

All for One stood there, after seeing the events that transpired he was quite disappointed. The person he had sent there was the very first successful Nomu prototype.

The Nomu's body had miraculously adapted two quirks and managed to retain a bit of consciousness. One quirk could control and release different frequencies and waves, and the other was a simple power amplification quirk.

They had somehow resonated with each other. Turning into a power that seemed impressive to the supervillain. While they were in his body they couldn't merge like that, no matter how much he tried.

Kyudai Garaki did the experiment on a mass murderer. It had been their first success, mainly because they didn't force any more quirks into him.

The prototype had been sent to free someone from Tartaros, a person that had a quirk All for One was interested in. It was the former leader of the Yakuza and the Shie Hassaikai, a person named Kai Chisaki.

All for One had only heard about this person after he had been incarcerated. They didn't even get to make themselves known properly in the underworld. In the eyes of many, they were an incompetent group.

But to All for One, that person's quirk was interesting, capable of manipulating matter. He had big plans for such a powerful quirk.

Healing himself was one such plan. If he could go back to his peak than he wouldn't have anything to fear. He also wouldn't have to worry about rushing his successor into the public eye.

There was also the matter of that young new hero. Being titled the worlds youngest hero, he was also one of the strongest in Japan. He had his doubts about the reports he received on the Yellow Flash.

But after having his most trusted subordinate watch all of the footage he couldn't help but be impressed. Such a person might become a problem later, it is better that he found a way to deal with that light quirk of his.

Another thing he didn't expect was that quirk he gave to the Nomu would be amplified to that extent. Although it had likely killed the Nomu. If it were used in tandem with a super-regeneration quirk, it would have made for a great subordinate.

Unfortunately, that attack couldn't take out the heroes, as the Yellow Flash proved the extensive mastery he had over his own quirk.

But in the end, the Yellow Flash's strength would just become another quirk in All for One's body. Or so the villain thought.

Now, the villain saw a great opportunity in the way the situation was handled. It was a chance for him to undermine the presence of the heroes present. He started calling his associates, preparing something scandalous.

And while the villain was contemplating, the media was complaining.

A few reporters and news stations weren't at all pleased by how the situation was handled.

And with a slight push from an unknown source, they started releasing articles that showed the heroes in a bad light(hehe).

Articles like "Heroes massacre villains on the bridge leading to Tartaros!" and "Villains murdered by the Tsunami while the heroes stood and watched!".

It was media manipulation at its best, but unfortunately, the loudest voices belong to the most susceptible people. And they started voicing their opinions online and on the streets. There weren't any protests, just gatherings and sharing this misinformation.

This made public opinion split on the matter, as there were a lot of people who hadn't seen the initial report and only read the newer ones.

The Tartaros breakout became a subject of indignation for many. And the people defending it grew less and less each day.

Even the people that were saved that day had their voices grow lower and lower in volume as they were harassed by the people fully believing in the rights of those bloodthirsty villains.

The police force contacted as many people as possible, hoping to repair the quickly descending public opinion. But they had acted a bit too late, people already started to hate the heroes that were present there.

Most of the hate centring on two heroes. Endeavor and the Yellow Flash, as the footage of the fight reached the masses, seeing them burn through villains was horrifying for those villains right activists.

However, the two still had their rankings on the Hero Billboard Chart.

With the number of cases they had amassed was it was impossible to erase them, as the Yellow Flash reached the Nr.3 spot on the charts as soon as this event went public.

As for the Symbol of Peace, people didn't show him any hate, as he was too well-liked for that. Anyone attempting to show any hate to him would be scrutinized.

Unfortunately for the people, neither Allan nor Endeavor cared much for public opinion. Their attacks proved ineffective, as the two just shrugged them off and continued with their lives.

The situation turned for the worst just after three days of appearing in the public eye.

Usually, if there is such a negative response on a hero operation the government would get involved. But this time was special.

The two that received the most hatred held back the most villains on that day. Making the people above reluctant to do anything to them.

As things stood now, public opinion wouldn't change back quickly.


Bit of a twist, huh? Most ppl were expecting the gov to be mad. I might put up a bonus chap today!

Patr.eon is currently 4 chaps ahead. As soon as I write another one for that I will post the bonus here!

Here's the plug: https://www.patr.eon.com/VeganMaster