
Lifeless: Rise of a Lifeless Lord

Pluto Young is an avid gamer who is sucked into a fantasy world based on his favourite game, Paladins of Numeria! Unfortunately, he has been revived as an undead worst he is at the lowest rank of the undead. Dust Skeleton! Can he survive in a world hostile to him? CAn he proved to himself that he worthy of life and love or will he become that which he detested most A God of Underverse.

Lonely_Author · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The System activated!

I want to laugh and cry this former body of mine is ultra compatible with my essence. It's why I couldn't let him live as soon as I saw him. With this, I can...

[The Lord light has been angered you have destroyed his scared vessel. He has given you the element of Decimation]

I knew this might happen but what more can he do to me. If he destroys me, he kills himself. That is how essence works it is a direct connection to the God who gave to you. He probably thought I would die and empower his chosen champion. As consolidating ones' essence is what I did when this was just a game back then I didn't even know but now it makes sense. I was always stronger than the average Paladin.

After all, once he made it to the second floor it would have been game over for me. It also blocks God in general from reading my thoughts, fate and future while not perfect it's why Essence also go by another name slithers of the almighty. My former God corrupts my connection it will separate us but also hurt him but he is trying to destroy my chances at vengeance on him.

No wait that is not right something is wrong with my former God. He gave me his dusk essence, then he cut me off from the Necroforce. It doesn't matter either way this is now my lot in this Unlife. I will be embracing what paths are left to me. With the Decimation element as my base, I can't follow the path of Annihilation, or Blasphemy and Contamination. Three of the most potent paths a skeleton can use. Any of will produce a high ranking entity once it reaches rank 10, I remember a Skeleton King who had hidden Herself long enough to master her Annihilation and become an Undead disaster. I spent two years fighting her as a paladin many of my guild members gave up on the event claim it was impossible to defeat Lilwen Crest. later I found out she was one of the three sisters of Disaster the others being Liliana and Lilith.

[Please select a path]

body [empty]

mind [empty]


I know for a fact the path of Famine is not for me. Sneaking around like that is useless for what I want to do. I need something compatible with my Dirge, Decay would be too limited due to me not having access to the Necroforce. A decay Dirge would let spawn so many zombies we would become legion after a single incursion.

I ponder my options I need something old fundamental to the way powers work. Which Eliminates Devastation and Evisceration as powerful for a combat build but ultimately focused on one kind of damage only. Nice but I need an all-encompassing build something with little to few weaknesses especially to holy magic which would have been covered by the path of blasphemy. And it won't be decimated by my element like Gluttony. I can't eat anything if turns to dust the moment you touch it.

As I'm just a soul stone right now it will have to be a strong magic power or I'm screwed. I suppose I could go with Diaboic or Demonisation but they need at least a zombie and the speed my body is decaying I will be a skeleton for sure in a few minutes. A disorder build would ruin everything once I kill God I want to be him and Disorder can never create. I slowly cross out each path that will give me disadvantages now or in the future. I can't believe how arrogant my former god is but then again I remember what he created and know where we all get it from.

My flesh has long since fallen off my bones which is bad, I could have really used the two weeks it take for the body to decompose to secure some more soul and strengthen my soul stone. Now I will have to retreat to the Moribund and work my up the old fashioned way. To do that I need control over my bones before they turn to dust. If this is like the game then my choices will become Skills trees that unlock skills and passives.

Wait that's not right I should not have access to every path at this stage of the game. Then it dawns on me I have been thinking of my new life like a game it is not. I'm not limited by a game designer who never thought certain paths interact. Now paths determine skills, and, abilities. For the most part, Unfortunately, my body has the Element of Decimation which means anything other than myself that I touch dies immediately. I need to lock this element away. The spiritual path I select {Domination}, this is a fix for getting an undead army later plus it has a lot of intangibles that help with magic.

[Spirit of Domination Added!]

Body [Empty]


I need something that will allow me to act on my own and grow even as a skeleton. If only I could do Undying I would become a Bone Reaper until rank five at least. That would be cool there is something cooler but it's odd. Disintegration coupled with Decimation I would become King of the Ashes if they allow me to survive. Lifeless who kill undead on mass are hunted worse than humans. I wouldn't be able to even enter the underworld let alone Moribund the city of the dead.

My Soulstone glows I nearly forgotten this, I select the body of [Desacration]

[Body of Desecration Added!]

Now in order to complete this and control my Decimation element, I will need a powerful mind path. I look over the lists of paths so many would-be usable if I was undead. I only have a few hours left before my element is done with the flesh and start at the bone but these things cannot be rushed. I spend hours watching as my bones get more brittle but I won't make a mistake here. I am A dusker at worst I will have to spend the next thousand years as a spirit.

My mind path must allow me to take immediate action I select the only thing that truly makes sense to me. The thing that Gods hate the most is Dread.

[Dreadful Mind Added!]

[Analyasing...] This takes longer than I hoped my bones are barely able to stay together, but I'm confident in my choices for the most part. I have given myself a lot of potential, I just need to live up to it as it were.

[Building stat profile]

[Compiling Skill trees]

[Please select Input name]

I immediately input my real name those who know its meaning will know why. It encompasses the things I must do and who I must become to make my dreams come true. It's funny to think that the name my mother gave is so apt. Life is full of these kinds of coincidences.


[???????? Takes notice of you]

[Character Information]

Name: Pluto

Level: 0


Type: Skeleton [F]

Exp: 0/10

HP: 100


[Basic Stats]










-Decimation field- Destroy everything within a ten-meter radius.

-Domination- Control spirit -

-Desecration- Reconstruction-

-Dread- Threat Generation + 100%




Holy Damage - 400%

Blunt force - 200%

[active illness]

Brittle bone syndrome - [-150% to physical damage]

I am a bog-standard lower skeleton, with nothing exceptional about it besides my weakness. Brittle might state that it only affects my damage but it also my defences. To be more precise I have no defences the only advantage is also my biggest issue right now. At my current rate of degradation, I will become dust by the end of the day that is only six hours away. Dread magic won't help but Desecration will, I choose it because I can use it to alter the structure of my bones. This is a later function though. Physically speaking I am the soul stone and will alter my own structure. This process is not easy but it's doable because I will do it. A force of will is strengthened innately by the path of Domination. Having the potential for greatness allows one to break through barriers especially one I have seen before. As a paladin, I once faced a Bonesmith who had a path of Domination while he normally used skeletal constructs that were annoying as hell especially his spiders that he used as a horse. He literally forced himself stronger because he believed he was. This intangible is how I plan to break through my limits time after time. It will never be easy but nothing kicks you in the ass like impending doom. All I have left until I reach Moribund is impending doom.

I have three designs in mind, each serves a different purpose but I have already chosen the Circlet with three sockets of course. I could do more but that would dilute my power across too many fields right now Domination, Desecration and Dread each feed into one another and should only be reinforced. I try the method theorised would work magic power and passive reconstruction. I channel both generating a light shaped in the form of a circlet. Nothing happens, that shouldn't be the case. I did everything right even accounting for the decimation. It seems I'm still missing something my mind works towards a solution. I am thinking about too much from a none physical space.

I need to reconstruct the very essence of my being spirit and vessel, this is a little more challenging there is a reason spirit is immaterial by bonding myself to the Soul Stone I will become it. Not be held in it if I had a heart it would be beating out my chest this is a massive risk. If someone ever figures it out they could kill me forever. I wait afraid, In exchange for movement and unlife, I am essential sacrificing my immortality. The very function I chose the Soul stone for must be sacrificed.

This I only have to go around if someone destroys my soul stone they will kill me. Shit!

[The God of life laughs at your plight!]

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Drama is stringing together lifes' coincidences

Hi guys so here it goes...

for every ten power stones = one extra chapter

one hundred power stone = I will drop fifteen chapters on the 15th of December 2021

plain and simple.

Lonely_Authorcreators' thoughts