
Lifeless: Rise of a Lifeless Lord

Pluto Young is an avid gamer who is sucked into a fantasy world based on his favourite game, Paladins of Numeria! Unfortunately, he has been revived as an undead worst he is at the lowest rank of the undead. Dust Skeleton! Can he survive in a world hostile to him? CAn he proved to himself that he worthy of life and love or will he become that which he detested most A God of Underverse.

Lonely_Author · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Past

I watch my old go through the dangers. Did I forget how careful He?ME? Maybe, We? No, It's different he is alive I'm not! Done and dusted indeed I am the dusk. A night fiend and will drink his soul and weave his heart into a soul stone. I will become Death Destroyer of Dimensions, I will kill all who wronged me and then I will undo the world. Yes, yes that's right keeping going toward the death lilies. Those exquisite purple morning dew bellflowers. We can't possibly be the same person not at all. so I have to change my approach he is being suspicious of everything. He hears them that sweet poisonous rattle like church bells. I strike out sending shivers up his as he reaches. He jumps back! This time I risk myself using all my might to signal danger. He throws one of the Death roots at the morning dew bell. The fool doesn't know how rare or valuable a Death Root truly is. Just because he came across a field of them doesn't mean he can waste them.

I settle back exhausted of riding along with my old self. The fool still believes his god will save him, he doesn't know him as I do. I wait I let him figure out for himself to avoid the slicing grass. I'm too tired anyway, he is so annoying stopping at everything investigating and curious like only the living can be. I want to end him feed on his essence quint my desire descends into the rapture of his souls' energy. I tickle his neck gentle the hanging moss is a paralyzing creeping vine, he reaches for it anyways. I tingle in his hand. He ignores me and for the next glorious forty minutes. He is barely able to catch his breath. As soon as he touched the hanging its poison went to work. The paralytic is so effective often times it stops people breathing but yet again he lands on his side in the perfect position to survive this. But it is agonising for him he can only come through by the skin of his dick.

I continue my lie showing him the little dangers, when I can I exaggerate finally he believes again. He trusts that I am his intuition, a god-given talent. Memory Robbing Mushrooms remain uneaten, Flesh-eating water undrank, and, blood rooting fruit are all avoided. I could hardly believe it. It seems he didn't trust me completely even. But I know more about him than he does, even back then I knew Still-Waters are deadly. Still-Waters, is a ghost possessed pond that consumes flesh. The fool thought he could play me by purposefully leading himself to drink. I worked harder than ever before his goosebumps had goosebumps by the time I was done.

He nodded to himself as if he had just undertaken some great risk to prove a point but I need his flesh. It is the souls' container if the pond got him his soul would have leaked out in second robbing of the thing I need most besides his heart. I can hear its thumping soon it will be no more. I can hardly wait. The maze is a trap but somehow he wanders then I spring my trap. He has two options for everyone and their grandmother knows the answer. When at the fork go right and why that is you ask? Because it's the right thing to do. But I go mad I ripple and turn I push all energies against the right path. He struggles against me but I don't relent even as I grow weaker with each activation I push, I ripple and pulse turn his stomach and pucker his sphincters anything I can think to get him to go to the left.

Am agonizing for ten minutes of back forth and he doesn't relent. The bastard goes right. I save myself pooling my energies watching him heading to the next level of the maze. I can't let him go up. I can't lose this chance when he sees the light a the end of the tunnel I rupture myself in his eyes he goes down in pain. Fear churns in his body forcing him to run back with blood for tears he is finally embracing his death. Shadow Stealers get to work not even three minutes into the left tunnel. he drops dead. I am filled with grief why grief, I have just achieved my first goal. I did it I Killed myself...He isn't me he is not. I don't know why I'm so conflicted looking at him. I am flooded with the most painful memories I ever experienced in my life.

Seven years ago back in the old world...

I stumble out of my dark basement bedroom at my parents' house after gaming for thirty-two straight. The sandmans' grit is still in my eyes after taking a power I am thoroughly raveunos. It's very early morning and the warmth of the sun is not out yet. I step into the cold tiled kitchen floor looking at yesterdays leftovers. I slip on something slipped on hitting my tired head on the kitchen island lucky for me it's made out of wood. It's an original feature, it's been here longer than my parents have and they moved in thirty years ago.

The liquid drenches me all over my back and legs. It's sticky and coagulated I can't even scream moving back slipping and sliding trying to find a corner to hide in. My family all of them are there I think I can only make out the bracelet my sister used to wear, my mother's hairpins and my fathers watch. The bodies are mutilated. I froze stiff with shock at the sight, I can't begin to imagine what happened to them. Who could have done this? I soil myself in dread my body shaking uncontrollably I don't know what to do. Tears are forcing themselves out as my eyes dart all over their bodies looking for any sign of life. I hope, pray, cry and beg all at once but with my morse heart.

Finally, I manage a pep its tiny but it's all I can muster crying for help. I hear the sound of footsteps. It's a man I know he is my neighbour. He is wearing my families blood. He looks at me smiling then leaves...

Back in the real world...

My tears roll down my face, can I even cry it feels like m. That dreadful dauntless deep chasm of loss. I embrace feeling every part of it my body glows. My mind flashing between my younger self on the ground dead. I do the only thing I can do the reason I had become a paladin in Nuemeria was so that I could learn to perform a death ritual. So even as the holy energy stings my spiritual body. I take my giving it to my god.

[NO he's not my GOd look what he made me do? I hate him why didn't he give his dawn!]

I can't lift my arm but I go through the motion reciting the words of rest. "By the light of the days my soul embrace the new and shine a bright light of those that remain." The stinging is agonising but I'm numb to it. It's only a trickle compared to the pain in my heart.

[Take it your heart awaits.]

Hours pass I couldn't, no I didn't want to but his soul is so sweet. I smell it NO! Yes, I float over to him lifeless as he is. With a thump, I use the only ability I have as a Dusker. Syphoning his souls into me my ocean of power stir filling. I fold into his lifeless body excited by what i am to do. Crating a soul stone is natural to be the same as a Sythce is natural to a Bone Reaper.

The process starts I squeeze myself into his heart. It starts to crystallise the moment I touch it. It becomes a Soul Stone, a vessel for a Dusk Fiend. Inside his body, it draws in what remains of his soul empowering me. A feel the ecstasy of success the world and I are joined by my physical vessel.

A whipser of voice starts in my head.

{Evoulution conditions meet!}

{Undead detected...error, Dusk essence presence}

{Unlife Deteced}

{Your are incompatible with the death element}

{Paths blocked [Lich],[Necromancy],[Undying]}

{Please select a path}

{Lich King} Blocked!

{Necromancer} Blocked!

{Undying} Blocked!

[The God of Death laughs at your plight, you have lost access to the necroforce]

{Dusk Essence detected!}

{Fundemental Force Found!}



{Input successful}

If could laugh I would many would dread, but I was a dawn paladin. I spent years studying my learning their myths and I feel tired I must rest in less than twenty-four I will be reborn. As a Dusk Fiend, a rank one Lifeless being and then I will lay waste to creation. This is my death dong, the hymn of the Lifeless, My Dirge...

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Hi guys so here it goes...

for every ten power stones = one extra chapter

one hundred power stone = I will drop fifteen chapters on the 15th of December 2021

plain and simple.

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