
Life Simulator System in a Cultivation Novel

Bloodsniper · Eastern
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32 Chs

Ch-14: Shocked Peak Masters

Bai Chenyu was completely speechless when the elders tried to make him their disciple. A sudden chill ran down his spine as he noticed Feng Bing Huang shooting a frosty look at Elder Lei as if she might attack the next moment.

'Damn, Vixen, stay away from him. Should I talk to my royal father and deal with this, or should I just grab Junior Brother now and take him back to the palace?' Feng Bing Huang contemplated, her thoughts taking a dangerous turn, and Bai Chenyu felt an instant chill.

"Elder Lei, look, you're scaring him," another middle-aged man pointed at the dumbfounded Bai Chenyu, intervening in the tense situation.

"Hmph," Elder Lei snorted and then pouted trying to look cute while maintaining a predatory gaze on Bai Chenyu.

"Disciple Chenyu, you should forget about them. I oversee the treasury, and I can provide you with various resources to help you grow stronger," interrupted another elder.

"Do you think we can't offer him resources, Elder Huang?" Elder Zhu questioned, narrowing his eyes at Huang Lin's sly attempt.

"You guys can offer him resources, but I can go a step further and provide him with 'body warmth,' something you can't. Disciple Chenyu, consider choosing me as your mentor," Elder Lei suggested.

Cough Mo Xiao, who had been observing the unfolding situation, couldn't help but wear a weary smile as he cleared his throat to redirect their attention. The room fell silent for a moment.

"I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I've already taken Bai Chenyu as my disciple," Mo Xiao declared, and a hushed silence lingered in the room for a while.

"What! Sect Master, you've taken him as your disciple!" Elder Zhu exclaimed in surprise.

"Sect Master, this is unprecedented. You haven't taken any disciples for so long, and now you've not only taken one but two!" Elder Huang added with disbelief.

"Huh, it's not like you'd pick just anyone, Sect Master. So, what's so special about him?" Elder Lei questioned, her earlier flirtatious demeanor disappearing as she narrowed her eyes.

"Junior Brother Chenyu has a Supreme Physique and Supreme Heavenly Qi," Feng Bing Huang proudly stated before Mo Xiao could speak, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Mo Xiao thought with a smile, 'What's going on with Bing Huang? Is she interested in Chenyu? Well, if she is, that's good. Chenyu's future looks bright, and Bing Huang has great potential too. They would surely make a perfect match.' He eyed both of his disciples thoughtfully. 

"W-What? A Supreme Ranked Physique? Is that true, Sect Master? Is Disciple Feng Bing Huang telling the truth?" Elder Zhu stammered, looking at Bai Chenyu in disbelief. Mo Xiao nodded in confirmation, refraining from disclosing Bai Chenyu's unknown physique, respecting his privacy and the choice to reveal it if he wished.

"Damn, no wonder, Sect Master, you took him as your disciple. Not only Disciple Feng Bing Huang, but Disciple Chenyu also has the highest-ranked Supreme Physique. Unlucky for me, if only I had found him earlier," Elder Huang regretfully remarked.

"Sigh, not only are you cute but talented too. This big sister can't wait to devour you. It's a pity that you're already taken by the Sect Master. Otherwise, I could have let you experience 'heaven' daily. But that's not a problem; you can visit me anytime you want," Elder Lei flirtatiously licked her lips, causing everyone to roll their eyes. They knew she had a habit of flirting but had never pursued a relationship with any man in her life.

"Alright, everyone, why don't we start with introductions," Mo Xiao suggested, noticing Bai Chenyu's helpless look and Feng Bing Huang's cold demeanor.

"I'll kick things off. As you know, Chenyu, I'm Mo Xiao, the 216th Sect Master of the Crystal Star Sect and the Peak Master of the Golden Peak," Mo Xiao reintroduced himself as both the sect master and the head of the largest peak.

"I'm Zhu Ming, one of the three Peak Masters of Silver Peaks and in charge of the Disciplinary Hall. If anyone bothers you in the future, feel free to come and inform me. Although, with your strength and identity, it's unlikely anyone would dare trouble you," Elder Zhu chuckled.

"Fufufu, you've already heard this beautiful sister's name. I'll reintroduce myself. I'm Lei Shang, considered the most beautiful and desirable woman in the sect. I'm also in charge of the Alchemy Hallone of the peak master of a Silver Peak. If your talent in alchemy emerges in the future, you can become my alchemy disciple alongside your other Senior Sisters. I promise it won't be dull, and your Senior Sisters won't let you get bored either," Elder Lei giggled seductively, causing her ample bosom to jiggle with laughter.

"Please, Elder Lei, if you want the disciple to like you, at least let him grow up first. You might scare him away otherwise. Please show some restraint until that time comes. Anyway, Disciple Chenyu, I am Huang Lin, the person in charge of the treasury and the technique hall. If you need anything, just come straight to me. Like the other two elders, I am also a Peak Master of a Silver Peak," Elder Huang said with a friendly smile.

Bai Chenyu listened quietly to their introductions. Having read the novel, he already knew who they were. In this cultivation world, the peaks had rankings—the Golden Peak being the largest where the Sect Master resided, and the Silver Peaks as the second strongest where three crucial members of the sect lived. While there were other peaks, they were considered less important. Bai Chenyu sensed Feng Bing Huang's frosty gaze after Elder Lei Shang's words. Elder Lei, despite being older than Su Chen, was one of the talented women who had shown interest in him. In the cultivation world, age doesn't necessarily reflect appearance, a person who is a thousand years old can usually have the appearance of someone who is in their early twenties, and she was one of the women Su Chen had failed to pursue due to Feng Bing Huang.

"Sect Master, are we going to reveal that Disciple Chenyu has a Supreme Rank Physique?" Elder Huang asked, furrowing his brow.

"No, just mention that he has a physique without specifying the rank. We can disclose it later during the Inner Court disciple examination. By then, Chenyu will be much stronger and won't have to worry about anyone with malicious intent. He can at least escape if someone poses a threat. Is that okay with you, Chenyu?" Mo Xiao suggested. The other three nodded with serious expressions. Mo Xiao turned to Bai Chenyu to seek his thoughts.

"It's fine, Master," Bai Chenyu replied. He had already achieved his goal of finding a master and intended to keep his talents hidden until he grew stronger, aligning with Mo Xiao's proposal.

"Alright, you can stay temporarily at my place until your residence is built. Bing Huang, guide him," Mo Xiao instructed as Bai Chenyu left with Feng Bing Huang.