
Life Simulator System in a Cultivation Novel

Bloodsniper · Eastern
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32 Chs

Ch-13: Meeting the Sect Elders

Mo Xiao and Feng Bing Huang's eyes widened in surprise when they saw the text displayed by the orb.

"C-Chenyu, this..." Mo Xiao stuttered when he saw that Bai Chenyu had a Supreme Rank Physique. Only maybe one in a billion may possess the Supreme Rank Physique, and his disciple was one of the few. This revelation shocked him. He expected Bai Chenyu to have an Imperial Rank Physique or, at most, a Royal Rank Physique, but he did not expect him to have a Supreme Rank Physique.

"Unknown Physique," Feng Bing Huang muttered in disbelief. This was more rare than a Supreme Rank Physique, and Mo Xiao shared the same sentiment.

"Master?" Bai Chenyu was actually sweating a bit. Why did it show an unknown physique, and what does it mean? He wasn't worried about the revelation of his Supreme Rank Physique, as the system had already informed him it would show this. He was concerned someone might figure out he has a Celestial Rank Physique.

"Haha, Chenyu, congratulations! I did not expect you to have a Supreme Rank Physique and even an unknown rank Physique. Even your Senior Sister only has a Royal Rank Physique, the Divine Ice Dragon Body," Mo Xiao laughed out in pure happiness and informed Bai Chenyu that Feng Bing Huang also had a unique physique. Bai Chenyu already knew but feigned surprise. He had read in the novel that Feng Bing Huang would later be known as the strongest dragon ever to exist, changing her race to a pure dragon. Her attitude becomes even colder to strangers, and she becomes the strongest ice power user.

"Congratulations! I only have a Royal Rank Physique, while you have a Supreme Rank Physique, as expected of my future sl... cough I mean Junior Brother," Feng Bing Huang said with a small cough in her sweet voice. Bai Chenyu's mouth twitched when he heard her.

'Damn, you were about to call me a slave, weren't you?' Bai Chenyu thought inside his head. If he didn't know her nature, he might have actually believed her.

'Fufufu, good, my future husband and slave. The more exceptional you are, the more fun I will have in taming you,' Feng Bing Huang laughed inside her head as she looked at Bai Chenyu with a heated gaze.

"Master, what does it mean by unknown physique?" Bai Chenyu asked curiously.

"Oh, you must not know, as this occurrence is even rarer than someone having a Supreme Rank Physique. You see, there are records of a few beings who existed in the beginning era who had these kinds of physiques, and some even became the Primogenitors of new races. They are exceptionally strong, so you might also be very strong or perhaps have the chance to become a Primogenitor," Mo Xiao explained, which shocked Bai Chenyu to the core.

"Master, can my physique be higher than the Supreme Rank?" Bai Chenyu asked as this was the most concerning. He did not want to be targeted by another party who might want to kill him before he grew up.

"No, it is impossible. There has never been a higher-ranked physique than the Supreme Rank. But do not tell anyone you have an unknown physique. If someone asks, they might want to cut the grass before it grows. If you don't answer which type of physique you have, they won't feel offended, even though most will reveal the names for fame and fortune but some do not reveal the physique names," Mo Xiao explained, and Bai Chenyu sighed in relief.

"Alright, Chenyu, follow me. I will introduce you to the other peak masters and sect elders of our sect," Mo Xiao said as Bai Chenyu and, surprisingly, Feng Bing Huang started to follow him.

"Bing Huang, I have already introduced you. You don't need to follow us; you can go and cultivate," Mo Xiao said, knowing she hates to interact with others as she doesn't have much interest.

"No, I will cultivate later," Feng Bing Huang replied neutrally to Mo Xiao. Mo Xiao was confused about why she would want to follow them, as he knows how obsessed she is with getting stronger, and he just nodded his head in agreement.

'Fufufu, I won't miss this opportunity to see the reaction of those elders when they learn my dear Chenyu has a Supreme Rank Physique,' she giggled mischievously inside her head but had an indifferent expression on her face.

"Alright, let's go. I'm not sure if all of them are present, so I called them using a talisman," Mo Xiao said as he headed in the direction, taking both his disciples with him, flying.

After some time, they finally reached their destination and arrived in front of a massive building labeled "Elder's Meeting Hall."

"Sect Master, why have you called us all of a sudden? Is some sect trying to attack us or something?" asked a middle-aged man who had arrived promptly.

"No, Zhu Ming, I called for some other matter," Mo Xiao told Elder Zhu, who is in charge of the sect discipline hall and sect defense.

"My, what a cute little boy! I'm sure he will be a good looker when he grows up, and females will swoon over him. Boy, would you like to be my disciple when you grow up? We can have a 'good time' together," said one of the female elders who was exceptionally beautiful and had a voluptuous body.

"How shameless of you, Elder Lei! It would be better if he is my disciple, seeing he is so talented. Sect Master must have brought him here so that one of us can pick him as a disciple. Boy, do you want to be my disciple?" Elder Zhu said with anticipation. He was shocked when he sensed Bai Chenyu was at the 3rd stage of the Mortal Ascension Realm at such a young age.

"Hmph, don't listen to this old fart. Let me tell you, my peak only has female disciples, and all of them are heaven-defyingly beautiful. I have never selected a male disciple, but if it's you, I will make an exception. You can even have 'good times' with your Senior Sister. So, how about it? Do you want my peak?" Elder Lei asked with a direct and suggestive tone, looking at Bai Chenyu with a sultry and predatory expression.