
New Day

When Winter, and Yasmin went to sleep, Raven stayed to get to know me better as a friend. I went to put Daniel to sleep in his crib. Raven followed me to get to see the rest of the house and what it looks like.  From my view i shouldn't have asked him over. What idiot ask a hot guy to come over! Apparently me...

I showed him every room in the small 3 bedroom house me and my siblings were living at. He did look please with the surrounding. I can tell he is use to everything being handed to him on a gold platter.

We both went back to the couch and sat down, and talked for awhile.

"Where is your parents? Do they not come home until later?" Raven asked you curiosity in his voice.

"Well no actually my mom is dead because when she had my little brother, complicated birth. Itvwas yard on all of us when we heard the news". I replied with tears in my eyes.

Then I started to cry. Which wasn't embarrassing at all. No Gabby your just making a fool of yourself in front of him. Raven was going to put his arms-- which i wish he did like AHHH! Instead Raven hugged me and said to me "you can tell me anything you want, just cry it out and  it will be okay."

I swear it took me hours to calm myself. I had to give my self a peep talk in my brain mostly went like this -->

Brain: Your making a fool of yourself. he is holding you and all you can do is cry about the past.

Me: Well no shit! I haven't gotten over the fact that mother is dead for now 3 years.

Brain: Look at him holding at you in his arms, the warmth coming from him!

Me: .... -_-

When I was finally done crying, who knows how long I have. Lost track with talking to myself.

I got to the point that I wanted him to forget that i just cried all over is name brand shirt. Must have cost a fortune.

During the movie, maybe the middle, who knows. I fell asleep on Raven's shoulder. Is the pad trying I remember.

When Raven saw that I was asleep. He got up slowly to resr my head at the sleeve of the couch and grabbed the blanket to cover me in for the night.

I slowly started waking up but by the time I opened my eyes He was gone.

The next morning Winter came into my room, and woke me up and Winter said "why are you sleeping on the couch when your bed is 15 or more steps down the hall?"

"I was comfy don't judge, im 18 taking care of three siblings. I deserve to sleep where I lay my head." I replied with a smirk and got up to dress myself.

That's how my day started out. nothing more or less happened. Only got lectured by ever 8 teachers I had about the same boring shit we all should know. Hopefully my other peers know. ~.~

My day pretty much ended up with me passing out again but this time on my bed. Holding my pillows and snuggled into my fuzzy warm blanket. Always with my brother by my side to make sure about illness won't hurt him when he sleeps.


Thank you everyone for reading. I didn't know i would get a 4 star review. OOOO!!! I'm so happy!! This series was what I wrote when I 10. I tweaked with it to make it more dramatic and drawing in. But if you want more tell me im more than happy to take ideas and at the end of the chapter ill name the people who've helped me put ideas for tye next chapter. AGAIN THANK YOU MY LOVES!
