
chapter 1

My name is gabriella, and my life is wonderful, I got a boyfriend, and a family that loves me, but it has not been this great back then. I have been hurt a lot, but who cares about that, this is my life now.


    It was a sunny morning and we were running late. My sisters were not helping me out with our little brother.

"You girls need to help me don't be like our father."

Yasmin comes walking out with her chocolate hair in a french braid. her big blue eyes sprakling when she hit the light. Her fair skin covered by a huge jacket and blue jeans. Grabbed her things and waited for Winter.

Winter said "don't say that Gabriella, I am not the one who got hurt". As she walks out with her hershey color hair in a messy bun. Her narrow blue eyes with no expression to seek. A yellow tanktop with a gray jacket over, with rip jeans to compete her look.

My heart gets crushed as she speaks to me like that.

"Your bus will be here soon so get out there." Yasmin turned the handle and both went out and waited for the bus to come.   


I looked outside and surprisingly it was my friend Sara. I grabbed Daniel-- my little brother, Sand blonde hair with bright innocent blue eyes, and we went out to the car.

"Do we need to drop off Daniel at daycare?" Sara said

I look at her with a stupidity look. "No, im just going to carry him all over school."

Sara is the best she is always their for me. One call away and she'll be her shaking me into shape when im about to murder a sibling or my neighbors.

I put Daniel in the carseat making sure he is secured for the crazy driving Sara does. Walked back to the passenger door and got in with a quick look to see if the girls got onto the bus.


    When we got to school Sara is always wanting to know what happened to my family.

Sara started to say "now I want to know what happened..."

"You don't need to know what happened to my dad it none of your business, so please stop…" Looking at her with a gleaming rage about to come out as we walk up to the school.

Then I ran into him, Raven Hans Danner, with his light brown hair flowing with the breeze, his brown narrow eyes looking down at me in puzzled look.

"Oh I am so sorry" I said. Wow Gabby what a dumb remark to say to THE Raven.

"Oh it's not your fault I wasn't watching where I was going."

Then he walked away from me. With his buddies behind him patting him on the back and laughing.

"You're blushing Gabriella", said Sara.

I turn back with my hands on my hip and give her a glare. What a stalker she is watching that whole whatever that was happening.

She started laughing and walked with me to face another school day.


    When the final bell rang, Raven walked up to me.

"I didn't catch what your name was, but my name is Raven." he smiled holding out his hand.

I slowly reach out my hand to meet his. "Umm... My name is Gabriella." Look at me! I want prepared for his to come up to. My dirty blonde hair in a ponytail. I'm pretty sure im still in my pajamas from last night. I'm a complete mess.

Raven asked me if he can give me a ride home. Of course I said yes!

So we walked out with each other and when we walked out those doors. To finally meet the face of the sun again.

Everyone was looking at us with a mouth droppings everywhere I look.

When we got to his car he opened the car door for me.

"What kind of car do you have?" I asked stupidly.

"Oh this old thing is called a floarred." Raven replied.

He shut the door and walking to the other side and opened the door, got in the car and started it up, and we were off.

Raven asked me a bunch of questions about me and my family

"Do you have siblings? What are they like?"

"Well I have twin sisters that are ten years old, and when you meet them you will know which one is which, winter is the is the one that is a little bossy with a fashion sense of no other, and Jasmin is the sweet little one, she doesn't talk much until she gets warmed up. I have a little brother that is only three years old and his name is Daniel, she loves sleeping and laughing"

That is when something clicked in my mind.

"Oh shit is their a possible way we can swing by to pick him up at daycare?"

Raven smiled with a little nod.

As we came to a stop to the daycare. i got out and hurried inside to give my name with a three digit number to get my brother.

I usually leave his carseat at the daycare since Sara doesn't like it taking space in her vehicle.

I carried Daniel outside to Ravens car and buckled him up safely.

Raven put the car in drive and followed GPS to my place.

"So do you want to stay over for dinner? I am tge type to feed before anyone leaves." I asked nervously.

"Sure, I don't see why not." He replied while coming to a stop