
5. Titles

As it was nighttime and was very tired from all the sneaking around and traveling but most importantly he was adapting into the new situation he was in. He knew the city quite well so he went to one of the places where homeless people would usually live in, the place was called Reca Alley, while the world has its dark side, it also has a side that is very friendly, this is one of the places that it is quite friendly. All of the people that lived there were quite poor, even though they were poor they were friendly, trusting and generous, Tian Ye had been there quite a few times and knew a lot of the people. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell them that he was from the future and still have some respect after that.

Reca Alley was on the southern side of the city and held nearly 1000 people, while it was not much in terms of the whole city but a lot of the city was made of streets like this, only some well off people who chose to live here could afford to have houses.

As Tian Ye walked down the alley he was greeted by a middle-aged couple.

"Are here for a place to stay?" The woman spoke first, she had a kind smile on her face as she spoke.

"Yes, I'd just came from another place and I didn't bring any money with me…" Tian Ye said wryly, he didn't lie. He indeed came from another place and he had no money.

The couple looked at the very handsome man in front of them that very nice clothes looking like a noble but he said that he was broke? He looked like he was saying the truth and didn't have any bad intentions so the couple did not mind too much.

"Come with us then, young man, what's your name? My name is Arther Stein and this pretty lady beside me is my wife, Margret Stein." The middle-aged couple introduced themselves. Margret blushed a little due to how her husband introduced her but still accepted it.

"Hehe… My name is Tian Ye, thank you for your generosity." Tian Ye laughed a bit at the couple, he knew them before in the game, they were the leaders of the street and they were very kind and welcoming to everyone but the absolutely evil. They were very well respected for that, even if they welcomed everyone, there were very little incidents of violence and they were dealt with very quickly. Tian Ye had come in contact with the couple many times during the first few years and had a very favorable impression of them.

As they were walking back to the place that the couple lived the middle-aged man started to chat with Tian Ye.

"So… did you get lost? You don't look like someone who would not have any money." Arther started it off. If not for the fact that Tian Ye willingly sent himself here, Arther would have that that Tian Ye was a noble of some sort.

Tian Ye wryly smiled at that, he inwardly cursed the system for not giving him any money after coming here.

"Well… kind of, my master sent me here for training and did not give me anything." Tian Ye made up another lie.

"How come you don't have any levels? Your master must have brought you training before right?" Arther asked. Tian Ye was currently level 1 and he had nothing to hide that at all, Tian Ye looked to be around 22 years old but why was he level one? Arther did not mean to be rude but it was really suspicious.

"My master wanted me to start all over again because he said that I had been cooped up in the temple all my life and did not have any experiences. So he sealed my levels and let me loose in a forest." Tian Ye once again used his imaginary master as an excuse.

"Oh ok, I hope that our standards are not too bad." Arther accepted it without further thought as it had made sense. He also had a very favorable view of Tian Ye, he looked like someone who had a lot of power and yet was not arrogant in the least.

"Don't worry about it, there are many places that I have spent years in that is way worse." Tian Ye was speaking the truth there, Tian Ye was homeless by the time he was 10 and had to fend for himself on the streets every day, this was heaven compared to the days back then. Even though he was talking about a very rough part of his life he made it sound like he was talking about another person.

Arther and his wife, who was listening in on the conversation were both shocked, they both knew that those were heartfelt words, what places did this handsome young man that even Reca Alley? The reason for this is that life in this world was actually way better compared to the real world as they were pressured by beasts that constantly attacked humans, the humans had to unite together and due to that, they were less selfish than the people on Earth who took their lives for granted. Also due to the fact that their materials were almost 'magical', they could create things that were great quality for a fraction of the cost compared to Earth, but that is an equalizer to the fact that a person could live to 200 years on average so things naturally had to get better unless you want to keep making and buying the same things over and over again.

As they were talking, they got carried away and reached the husband and wife's area in no time, they lived in a tent that could house around 5 people with some extra space, it was considered large but it was not the biggest in the area. The couple, even though they could have did not get a bigger tent, did not, they did not want to make themselves appear a higher rank of the other people even though they were, that was what they were like.

When they got to the tent, two girls just happened to go out at the same time. One appeared to be around 17 years old and extremely beautiful, even models in the real world would be a moon while she was bright as the sun. She had a slim figure about a head shorter than Tian Ye, she also had moderate assets, not overwhelming but not flat, just… perfect. Her face reminded Tian Ye of the pretty and kind next door girls but just stepped on a whole new level, she had sharp features on her face, small nose, thin eyebrows, one really cute pair of lips, long black hair that seemed velvety smooth and the most noticeable thing, a pair of beautiful light green eyes.

Tian Ye was not shocked to see her as he had seen her before so he knew what to expect but he still very much admired her beauty. There were many men who tried to capture her heart but ultimately failed, the only thing they could comfort themselves on was that she had all treated them nicely when they were rejected, which made them have a very favorable view of her. There was one thing that surprised Tian Ye very much though, were there not any arrogant young masters that came to capture her? Considering her beauty it would be very hard for any male to resist, much less people who lived their lives preying on women like her, beautiful but born lowly.

Even though she was born lowly, Tian Ye did not dare underestimate her, during the times that he played she had become one of the top powers on the continent, one that very few could mess with, much less chase. But that was still a few years ahead, at this point in time, she was only 17 and a level 43 Sword Novice.

There were many titles when playing the game but the most common and powerful ones were the power rankings, one has to pass a trial to get it, first is Beginner, one has to simply be born for a person to get it, it does not give any stats but simply states that they are basically useless in major battles, if they are ever sent they would be the cannon fodder.

Next is Novice, one has to reach level 25 to get to begin the trial for the title but if one passes there will be bonuses to your stats and you can also now learn skills of that rank that were not available before. Only half of the population could reach rank 2 (Beginner is rank 1) but even if you did not pass you could still reach the maximum level of 200 unhindered, but at a slower pace due to fewer stats, and they would be very disadvantaged in equipment as well since people who were rank 1 could not afford any equipment over silver but that was already the limit. Rank 2s would usually have a few pieces of silver equipment but that was also the max due to gold being way rarer but if one were lucky enough one might have a gold piece.

Next rank is Practitioner, Only a third of people who reached rank 2 would complete the trial for rank 3, but where there is risk there is reward, people who passed the trial will get an even bigger stat buff and skills, while it may not make them able to fight 2 rank 2s, they could easily defeat 1, and for experts the advantage would be massive as they would be able to use it to their full potential.

Next is Expert, Master, King, Emperor, Saint, and God. (explained at later date. But you can probably guess what it is.)

Also with the title is what they are skilled at such as swords, magic, assassination and such.