
Life, Obviously

Chakawak_Farida · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

chapter four

He told all his plans with details and I was like, wait, what? I think I said that out aloud, because he looked at with with big, puppy, green, green eyes.

"How do you know about our garage? And you can't stay there, my uncle's room or garage, whatever, but you..."

" your uncle is not in town and until two weeks he would not come back home. Before you ask how I knew that I will tell you, so just listen. I lost all my options and hopes. I was sure there is not any way to stay, but that night when your grandpa talked about your garage, I started making new plans and all night I was thinking about it."

"No, you misunderstood he was at home, I said goodbye to him this morning and.." and he didn't said anything.

"no he is probably gone," he chick his watch," yeah about six hours ago and your grandpa also told me that he has a lots of work and your uncle will be back after two weeks. So it seems I will be your gest one or two weeks, but of course if you don't mind?"

"Yeah,yes of course you can stay in our garage, but I... are you sure If you like disappear say for one week, your parents will never go to New York and they will stay here?" What a silly question, obviously, they will stay, he is their only kid.

"Hundred percent." He leaned back and winked.

His plans seems good, but it seems his plans aren't working. It's been two days since his parents are gone, he is still in our garage; his parents didn't asked about him. They just picked their bags and left, easy pesy!

It's been two days that I am carrying his foods and when everybody is not at house he would came out and watch TV, take shower...

But still not any calls from his parents, just one text that was sent at the first night.

It said:

" we know where are you and you can live there in your entire life, we don't mind.


mom and dad."

Now I understand why he acts so differently, he is like his parents.

It 6:00 in morning, and I have to make some breakfast to him, before anyone wake up. I make sandwiches and bring one class orange juice(his favorite), but when I opened garage's door, I freeze. Edward Washington was gone, there wasn't any sign of him, accept a letter and a watch. His watch.

Dear Mira,

Thanks a lot for every thing. Expending two days in your garage was my best days..I am really sorry as you know , they didn't come back and I can't hide in your garage for ever.


Edward Washington

P.s. Patony is with me. Don't be scared , promise I will take care of it.


There was suddenly a shrieking voice. I start putting my hand side to my hears that I realized I was me who screamed.


My beautiful voice wake up everyone. My parents, granny, grandpa and even little

bro came running to to garage. And surprise, surprise! They all already knew about Edward. I think that's why Edward's parents were cool about disappearing him.

There is something about losing that rise emotions; Mostly it's sadness, but in some causes, like mine, losing make me sad like that a few seconds, but after these awful sadness wash over, I totally start exploding with anger. It's the time that I start hating everyone and everything. I hate all pictures that are starting at me in my bedroom or any pictures that are painful reminder of Patony. I hate that I feel this miserable and lonely even if have Jane and all my other friends with me, but I can't just forgot it. I know that Edward wouldn't hurt her, but what about Patony? Surly she will miss me and start freaking out. When she saw strangers, she would start making these awful noises and would never stop until either strangers go away or she can leave. I hate our kitchen too, there were new foods my dad bought for Patony.

And school? It's worst than anything! I was a bookworm, if you know how many books I read just in one week you definitely would called me nerd. Anyways, the point is that now I can't even lot at any novels or God forbid, go to library. Oooooh, and you know what else I hate? Any guesses? No? I will tell you. I. HATE. GREEN. COLOR!!!

I packed any green cloths I have or some of little bro's or one an two sheets, maybe I accidentally dropped my orange juice on our green couch. Don't judge, I already said accidentally.

And I still hate him. Hate that bright green, sparkle eyes. Hate that perfectly styled hair that seemed totally unreal. That childish face with his adorable smile. And mostly you know what I hate these days, I hate how much he changed within these two years.

There is still those green eyes, but they lost their sparkles, now it has more darker sheets like deep scary forests than morning sunlight. The hairs that were perfectly styled like a little gentleman now they seem anything but combed, they are now more darker and more and more messy that whenever I see him in halls or at cafeteria, i have this starnge feeling and etches in my fingers to combed or I don't know make it more messy if it could be possible.

And you know what is the only thing about boys that really make girls jealous? Boys grow up (not mentally mind you, just their height) like those trees once I saw in TV. It's like all their energies change them to trees and make them taller and taller. It's not like he was short before, but now he IS tall, like military or model tall. I think I would make it to his shoulder and I am 5.8, for God's sake!