
Life, Obviously

Chakawak_Farida · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

chapter five

There isn't any sign of little, cute, fanny boy; now he isn't little but all grown up, not a little boy anymore. And he is not cute at all, mind you, he is Hot with capital letters, obviously.

When I first saw him for the first time after two years, I was scolding Baron Hale( he is more than stupid and dumbass), he was calling names and insulting Sahara William ( a cute petite girls with big class that I love it so much, obviously).

"Hale, leave her alone." I said to Baron Hale, oh so patiently, but what he did, he start snickering (obviously) and turn to face me. At least he left Sahara alone.

" or what? Big, bad Miracle Skylark will sue me or what? Tell headmaster?" He said mimicking girl voice (if a girl was gagged, mind you) and start pouting. Pathetic.

Now that Sahara was quietly watching from her chair far in the last corner of class, I don't want to waste my time at this pathetic of person.

Hale didn't leave it thought. He seems like those little dogs that fond a bone.

"Ohhh, now princess don't has time or wait is big, bad Miracle is scared? Don't be afraid, I don't bite." He and his other two minions starts laughing.

You knew what else I truly hate? That somebody call me princess or scared. I stand slowly and oh so slowly walk to him and stand straight, head held high and start looking at this wanna be human down my nose.

"You know what Hale? I thought if I ignore you, you will be bored of your pathetic little games and maybe, maybe start acting like a human, at least as much as you can. But you heard that people says karma is a bitch you know and today is one of those days that this bitch is not in my side and-" stupid dumbass don't let me finish my sentence, another thing I hate.

"Cut the bullshit Mira, put on your big girl panties and at least tell us your are afraid of us," he point at his little group of friends (just two guys, for crying out loud!),"or afraid or me." He said finally point thing at his own face.

"If I was afraid of you just for a second, I promise I will hang myself from this fan." I said so sweetly and point at fan.

"I will save you princess, promise." He said smirking and take a step forward.

I start laughing, it taste bitter in my mouth.

"You can't even save you poor ass Hale, so shut it, I don't have any time to wast. I did better look at wall or at sky than talk to you." I said and turn around, but before I can take a step; stupid, f*cking Hale take my wirst and hold me close.

"Hey, princess I didn't want to upset you, okay. How about I give you an apology kiss?"

"Let go of my hand, Hale. Last warning." I said toward my clenched teeth.

He snickered.

" you look so hot when you are acting like a little badass princess, it really turns me on."

I sighed. Today is finally 'the day' that this spawn of Satan should visit hospital. The stupid fool thought I'm giving in and start pushing his gross mouth to me. Yeah, he has dead wish, wanna see daddy Satan.

I clutch his wirst to hold him still and with my other hand I was just going to punch him, but suddenly he was pushing back by somebody. And before a second passed, he was in ground and this somebody was punching him, like he thouht Hale was a punching bag. In this case he was a punching bag, obviously.

When Hale start whimpering and this somebody (I'm sure as hell that just did one of his workout sections) was sure Hale couldn't stand, he turned around to face me. First thing he did was he said hi and first thing I did was slapping him hard. He was so shocked that when I storm out of classroom, he was still there standing in the same place and still touching his cheek that I feel a little, tiny bit sorry just for a second, thought.

He totally deserved that slap thought; how can he think that after everything i will forgive him just because he beat the he'll out of stupid Hale. I WAS going to kick his ass, I'm totally capable of handling stupid jerks by myself, thank to uncle Tom. After leaving class I found Jane and told her everything. We ditch school and spent all day walking around, eating ice cream and talking about lot.

I thought about ditching school after that day, but I mentally slap myself for even thinking like that. I was not the one who done wrong, it was him. I also was not the one who stole from people, again it was him. And i sure as hell was not the one who was so coward that couldn't wait a hour to say goodbye. One way or another, I was going to suffer, but he will be the one who would pay.

Now I was setting with Jane eating lunch in cafeteria. The thing about our school is that it is not like all romance novels or TV series that have different tables for different type of groups or whatever. It is a nice NORMAL school with boring teachers and more boring students. Thought we totally have many groups like groups of basketball players, cheerleaders, computer geeks, nerds, doctor-enisten lab workers and group we-don't-even-care-about-ourselves-so-don't-ever-talk-to-us, but we don't have any bullies group or anythings, thought there is stupid Hale and hie buddies but as I said they are stupid and as long as he don't make a phase we don't ever sense his presence.

We are part of the last group, me and Jane, Adam his boyfriend, his younger brother, Aaron and Aaron's girlfriend Emma. There are also other students in this groups, but we usually set together. It's a mystery to everyone and also to us how we all became best friends. There is Jane, super excited about everything and the fact that she can kill you with her frankness, her boyfriend Adam, super computer-boy, he can hack everything and maybe everyone that now he is with Jane.