
The Void

{ Third person perspective }

In an endless void there is one light, beautiful beyond compare even all words in all the languages would still be inadequate to truly describe it's beauty. It is unknown how long the light has been in the void. It's almost as if the light overlooks the void as its creator . It looks like it has been here since the beginning and will be here long after the void is gone for it is eternal. If someone was to see this scene they would be awed by it's undeniable majesty. They would no doubt think and feel the light was an omniscient god or a supreme divine being. And worship on bent knees, as they would know it was time for their life to be judged by the light before them.

{ Third person perspective End }

[The Light]"What's going on? I can't see anything, other then darkens, I can't tell if i'm blind or its just really dark." Said the light with clear unrest in its masculine voice that shook all of the void.

I try to move but I don't feel anything not any part of my body, and nothing below me which should be impossible. As you know gravity is a thing, but i'm just floating here, and i'm alive so i should have a body you know to live. Trying to keep myself from panicking any more, due to how unnerved i feel, I start talking.

[The Light] " OK OK think what was I doing just before i was here wherever here is. "

{ The light strains to remember back with it's confused and panicked mind... }

{ Flash Back }

I had just finished watching a movie and was thinking if I should watch another or go to bed.

I look at the time on my phone.

"damn its 2:25 AM I only have like 5 hours to sleep before I have to get up for school. I shouldn't have watched that second movie."

I turn off the TV, get off the couch and walk out of the living room turning off the lights before I leave. I head down the hall to my room, I stop at a closed door on the way to my room... This is the door to my parents room, they went on a date vacation, they should have only been gone for 10 days... that was a year ago. The police searched for them but couldn't find a trace of them even now. The only thing they could find was the last time they were recorded on the hotel surveillance system. That they were staying at during their vacation on the 3 day of their 10 day vacation, that was the last time they were seen. I don't know if their alive or not... "I miss you both " I said in whisper to the door.

I get to my room and open the window to let the fresh air in and try and clear my mind. It's winter right now I have all ways loved the cold, so it feels nice and helps to calm my me. After taking off my T-shirt I climb in bed, I feel the cold of the sheets on my skin, as they slowly warm up from my body heat. The softness of the bed is soothing, I try to relax my body and mind but I haven't had a halfway good night sleep since my parents went missing. And I don't think I ever will. I've changed a lot, I don't hang out with my friends after school, have them over or go over to their house any more, I've completely isolated myself. I know it's not healthy, I just don't have the will to make myself do it, I used to joke and play around a lot, but that's gone as well. I just go to school and do what I have to and come home and watch movies, anime, read books.

"I need to work harder, if they were to see me like this, they would think I wasn't their son who was always in some form of trouble. Isn't that right mom dad."

I yell loudly while looking at the ceiling, with my trademark smirk that I was well know for but haven't made since they went missing. I keep lying on bed and after a while I feel like time is slowing down as i close my eyes and fall asleep.

{ End of flashback }

[The light]" Yea I don't get how I'm here, all i did was go to bed Is this a dream? I've never had a dream like this, it doesn't feel like one, but what else could be going on other then a dream. "

{ Like 10 minutes later }


{ 5 minutes later }

[The light]"This may not be a dream, i'm not saying its defiantly not but as someone once said doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result is a sign of insanity, so it's time to think of some new possibilities."

[The light]" I think it's time to look for answers in fiction, I think I may just be the first person say that, but then again maybe not who's to know. First i'm alone surrounded by darkness and I can kind of feel it, it's kind of like how you feel your hair move but not the hair it's self, it's really faint and hard to feel unless I really pay attention. Second I don't feel any pain or have a body for that matter, i'm not hungry, tired, thirsty, and don't have a body, yes i said it twice because it needs to be said. "

[The light] " Now what fits the situation, i'm currently in with the story's I've read and or have seen. If this was an anime I would be meeting a god and he/she/it would tell me something along the lines of I'm dead, I was summoned by the people of a world. And god saying she/it/he will be sending me to a world to do some task it/he/she would give me some kind of power to complete the task. Or the god will judge me for what i have done in my life and send me to wherever he/she/it decides, or reincarnate me, something along those lines. "

I look around but it's hard to tell if i'm really looking around, or not moving at all, as there's no points of reference, it all looks the same just darkness.

{ Third person perspective }

Waves of immense power, enough to snuff out a star, radiate in different directions from the light in the void. The void shakes as if in fear of the light's anger.

{ Third person perspective End }

[The Light]"Well no god, well at least as of yet. Some story's say, like the god didn't notice the mc or forgot them for what ever reason, so i guess only time will tell."

[The Light] " Next i guess is... i'm dead and i just fell through the cracks some how. If so i need to figure out how to fix 'it', as for what 'it' is I do not know. I really hope its not the this one as i'm not smart enough figure 'it' out."

[The light] " Last thing i can think of is, I'm in like the source of all the power of existence and I have to learn to use it's power to make my own way out and or make my own powers. I hope it's this one the most."

Even though I knew this is a crazy idea, I was board and had nothing to do any way so why not give it a try.

The light began to focus on making a power he had all way's thought was the best power, the power to make anything if he could have it he would be able to get out of this place. He imagines it as best he could and the image in he's mind became clearer and clearer. After around 20 minutes he feels like he lost something and gained something new at the same time.

{ Third person perspective }

The light begin intensify as transcendent amounts of power hit the void it shook violently and twisted the entire time as more and more power crushed the void. It looked like just before it shattered the light stop emitting seemingly limitless waves of power, and the void snapped back to the way it was before. Then the light flashed but it only lasted for an instant.

{ Third person perspective End }

[The Light]"hmm I felt something just now I might be on to something, or I may be going crazy. Okay i'll try to make something different this time, if it works ill be able to get out of here. "

The light began to focus again but trying to make something that will make him know every thing. After 10 minutes he again feels him lose a part of himself and then gain a new part.

{ Third person perspective }

The light once again began to send out it's great power, the void shook violently as the light's power hit it yet again. But this time the void was being pulled in by the light as if it was devouring it. The limitless void grew weaker and weaker by the second more and more power crushed the void as it weakened. It looked like it would shattered for good this time but just before it did. The light stop emitting power, and the void slowly went back to the way it was before, but very slowly this time. The light flashed again but it only lasted for an instant.

{ Third person perspective End }

All of the sudden he hears a voice, a soft voice of woman truly pleasing to the ears. When hearing it you would think yes this is a goddess. It's just that what the woman's voice said was strange.

[Beautiful woman's voice]"Hello Master I am [Divine Manager] how can i help?"

[The Light]"..."

[Divine Manager]"..."

{ 5 minutes later }

[The Light]" Hello, Divine Manager can you please tell me who you are?"

[Divine Manager]" I would be happy to Master. I was created by you as your second divine power. I have all knowledge, as well as the ability to support you in any and all things that you may need. Including but not limited to your first divine power [Divine Infinite Creation]."

[The Light]" Can you tell me were we are right now?"

[Divine Manager]" Yes we are in the void that your old universe was once in. It was absorbed by you and all it's power is now your's. You have used it to make 2 divine powers [Divine Infinite Creation] and [Divine Manager]. You have used 260 points of the 390 points of power you have gained from this universe."

[The Light]"Points? what are you talking about?"

[Divine Manager]"I'm using Points as a way to measure the amount of divine power you have."

[The Light]" Okay i get it. Did i just destroy my universe?!"

[Divine Manager]" No master, you died in your sleep. But as you are a Divine your soul just slept until all life died out in the universe and then all the power was absorbed by you making you regained consciousness."

{ 5 minutes later }

[The Light]"Divine Manager you have all knowledge right...do you know what happened to my parents?"

[Divine Manager]"Yes as they are Divine's they are waiting for you to wake up from your divine sleep."

[The Light]"...What...why didn't they tell me why did just they leave without a word?!"

[Divine Manager]"They couldn't be their when you died and they knew it was close but didn't know the exact time so they left when they felt your divine wave clam the universe as yours. So that you could absorb all it's power."

[The Light]" Where are they now?"

[Divine Manager]" Master at present you do not have the power to go there."

[The Light]"Why? And do they know i'm awake?"

[Divine Manager]"They are in a very powerful universe with beings far to powerful for you at the moment. And your parents do not have a Divine power like me that knows all."

[The Light]"Are they safe?"

[Divine Manager]"Yes very, they are just waiting for you."

[The Light]"Okay what do i need to do so that i can get to them?"

[Divine Manager]"Master please do not be in a rush, it will take time and your immortal so you have all the time you want. You should have fun as their is a lot you can do."

After hearing all that Divine Manager had told him and that his parents are safe all he wanted to do was see them again but it seems that it is at the moment not a possibility. But just hearing that they are safe had changed him greatly he was starting to feel like his old self again after a year.

[The Light]"So what can i do Divine Manager?"

[Divine Manager]"First you have 130 points remaining you can make another divine power. I have a suggestion, on 2 divine powers to make, and it will take 120 points to make them."

[The Light]"What are they?"

[Divine Manager]"First one is a link and kind of housing for your other divine powers and will help you in many things such use your [Divine Infinite Creation] as you will be able to see all of the different objects and powers that can be made with it. All objects and powers made without divine power are free and all divine powers that have been made by other divines will also be shown and how mach divine power is needed to make them, it will also have a infinite storage space. The second is a kind of plug-in to the previously mentioned divine power and will show you all the universes and help you travel to them and choose what time and place you will go to in the universe."

[The Light]" hmm I like it yea lets do it."

[Divine Manager]"Master when these divine powers are made, the void will also be absorbed and completely destroyed. We will then be in the null and a new universe will began to form in the place of the old one. Are you ready?"

[The Light]"null huh i'm looking forward to it. let's do this Divine Manager."

If the light had a face at the moment he would have his trademark smirk right now.

{ Third person perspective }

The light began glow yet again as it's power spills over the void for the last time as it bends, spins, cracks there is an inaudible noise as the great and endless void shatters like glass and is pulled into the light and disappears. The void is no more after all it was the egg of [The Light] and it has hatched. The Light is now free.

{ Third person perspective end }