
The Null

{ Third person perspective }

There is nothing no time no space no energy. Then their is a flash of blinding light.

The Light sends out great waves of power but their is nothing for the power to affect in this nothingness.

{ Third person perspective end }

[The Light]" So this is the null huh, it really sticks to its name." He said with a clearly cheeky and playful voice like he was just looking to make trouble.

[The Light]"So Divine Manager whats next on the to do list." He said after clearing his nonexistent throat.

[Divine Manager]" Master you need to decide on what universe we should go to next. And you need to make your body as you can't go to a new universe as you are now."

[The Light]"oh and why is that?" He said with very relaxed tone while looking around the null as if he is a tourist. he whispers "Their really isn't a damn thing i mean i get it, null and all, but In the void i could at least kind of feel it"

[Divine Manager]"It's because as your are now you will destroy any universe you are in." She said with a serious tone.

[The Light]" How will i destroy it, i'm not doing anything?"He said while trying to ship out an [i'm a good boy] appearance.

{ Third person perspective }

Within the null a great powerful light sends out immense waves of power in all directions.

{ Third person perspective end }

[Divine Manager]" Master you're a Divine, as such, powerful waves of energy are being released, when you are looking around as you don't have eyes your using energy to see, and that energy is far to much for non Divines to withstand." She said in serious and a somewhat amused tone at her master's antics.

[The Light]"Hmm so i need a body to stop sending out destructive energy. Okay so how do i go about making one? Can i do it with [Divine Infinite Creation]?" he said while trying to keep up a clever student appearance. Which is not something he is particularly good at.

[Divine Manager]" Yes it will be much easier then other divines, as all you have to do is open the menu of your 3rd divine power [Dashboard] by willing it to open. Then open the tab [Divine Infinite Creation] there you will see sub tabs open the body configuration one, there you will see your old body you will need to adjust it to function properly in the universe you choose. You can also change including but not limited to age, height, weight, hair and eye color."


I see a light blue screen it looks kind of like a web browser with tabs opened, named [Divine Infinite Creation], Storage and [Universal Control]. I select [Divine Infinite Creation] in it i see several more tabs, item, power, energy, skill, divine power and body configuration. I select body configuration and i see my self on the screen. I'm 16 years old 6 ft tall slim build with nice muscle definition i have golden hair and eyes, my eyes have a touch of blue in them as well. On both sides of the screen their are icons for changing everything and i do mean everything, and other physical aspects that are special characteristics of other universes. When i open this one it show countless physical aspects that can be added from breathing under water and withstand great pressure, to not needing to breathe and live in a vacuum.

[The Light]"Divine Manager what physical aspects do i need to add?"he said while looking though them hoping to find kryptonian but theirs so many its crazy.

[Divine Manager]"It will depend on what universe you will be going to. And you need to strengthen your body to add some aspects." She said knowing what her master was looking for.

A near inaudible "damn" was hear in the null.

[Divine Manager]" You need to start off slowly for your first world, it would be best if it was a physical weaker world. I would recommend a world with powers such as magic or mental powers such as telekinesis, rather than a tech based world with no special powers for your first world."

[The Light]"Okay then what about the harry potter universe does that fit your recommendation?"

[Divine Manager]"Yes that universe will be a great first universe as you will gain a lot of useful abilities."

[The Light]"Alright i want to go to the harry potter earth i don't want to change the way i look. But what physical aspect do i add their is like a million magic aspects on this list?" He said looking at all the magic related physical aspects flying by on the screen, whats craziest is that they all have proper names.

[Divine Manager]"I can add the correct one for you master would you like me to create your body now?"

[The Light]"yes please."he said with joy as he didn't what to try and find the right one. He felt it would take years.

{ Third person perspective }

With in the null there is only a light, and suddenly the light begins getting smaller and smaller until it is gone. In its place is a small by comparison to the light human male with a soft golden glow around him with golden hair and eyes closed with no facial expression he appears asleep and at complete peace in he's environment. The young man's eyes slightly flutter and began to slowly open his eye became visible their golden with a hue of blue in them. On the young man's face a charming smirk crept upon his face with a mischievous light in his golden eyes.

{ Third person perspective end }

[Young Man Formerly Known As, The Light]"Damn it's good to be back, i missed having a body...why i'm i glowing..., and can you make me some clothes."Jeans, black t-shirt and shoes appear on me as i look at my body and move around a bit trying feel if their are any problems every thing seems good. I'm also just floating here somehow, and glowing but whatever, Now...

[ Young Man Formerly Known As, The Light]"Divine Manager can i call you something else "Divine Manager" isn't really much of a name."

[Divine Manager]"Yes please Master."she said with obvious expectations for her name.

[ Young Man Formerly Known As, The Light]" Okay what do you think of Sage. It's a beautiful herb with purple flowers said to have magical properties and sage is someone with great wisdom."

[Sage]" Yes i like it Master thank you." Sage said in a tone happier then usual.

[ Young Man Formerly Known As, The Light]" Good i'm glad you like it. Also just call me Kuren from now on." The on smirk Kuren's face deepened.

[Sage]"Yes Kuren" Sage said in an even happier tone then last time.

[Kuren]"Okay, now Sage can you tell me how to get more divine power, you said I got it by absorbing my old universe and i can get more but didn't really say how."

[Sage]" You must stay in a universe long enough to become the strongest in that universe with that universes power, you can use other powers from other universes. For instance in the harry potter universe you must not only have the most magical power, but have a great understanding in magic it's self. Once you have fulfilled these requirements you will gain all the divine power of the universe immediately, And you will gain all the divine power, while life still exists because time is very relative for divines. And once that universe dies out you have the job to absorb the void of that universe. So that a new one will be born, just as you did with your last universe ."

[Kuren]"Okay so i will get the divine power but i won't kill all life in the universe."


[Kuren]"Good now do i need to use the last 10 points of divine power or can i save it?"

Their are a lot of cool looking divine powers but they need a lot more divine power then i have at the moment.

[Sage]"No you can save as much divine power as you like, and as long as you like."

[Kuren]"Good i feel like wouldn't get any really useful divine powers with only 10 points any way."he says while looking at the list of divine powers other divines have made.

Their quite a lot of them that some look pretty fun and others just stupid. Like why would you make the [weak invisibility] divine power your only invisible if no one is looking at you. And i don't even mean directly at you, i mean even if they see you with the corner of their eye they can see you just fine.

The one that looks the coolest, that i have seen thus far would have to be the [All Fire] divine power i like fire... so ya fire.

[Kuren]"Okay i want to go to the harry potter world but is it the same as in the books and movies or not at all the same?"he said get back on track.

[Sage]"They are similar but not identical their are many differences, but much of the core plot are the same. Would you like me to tell you all the differences?"

[Kuren]"No it's okay. I can go to any time on that world right?"

I have a feeling that their are a lot of small things that different i would not care about them in the least. And i would like to be surprised by some things along my travels if not whats the point in life or?divinity...godhood...whatever my life has become.

[Sage]"Yes I can put you at any place and, in any time you like. With your [Universal Control] divine power, it has complete control over all aspects of all Universes. What time would you like to be in and where?"

[Kuren]"hmm put me in the early 1990's at the same age as harry potter but one month younger. And just put me anywhere i don't really know that much about England to say a good place to start out, ill leave that up to you, so long is i can to to Hogwarts i don't really care."

[Kuren]"Having a year to get used to the world, learn some magic, and get used to my younger body will be really helpful. Could you make me the inheritor of some dead noble magical family?"

[Kuren]"Oh and Sage is it possible to put a good amount of Galleons in the bank for me, and make it all go unnoticed?"

I want to be in the same year as harry, as that is time frame i think i'll be able to have the most fun , and i know what will happen for the most part. And being in a noble house will explain why i have money, and be able to do the other things i'm thinking of doing in the future. I can feel my smirk deepen, i need to work on that, people always know i'm up to something because of it.

[Sage]"Yes it can all be done without issue."she says with a audible giggle in her voice. She knows what he is thinking.

[Sage]"But my i make a recommendation?"

[Kuren]"Yes please in fact don't even ask just tell me whenever you have an idea, or recommendation, I'm always open to tips and advice."

[Sage]"Thank you, i would recommend you change your hair and eye color, they stand out greatly on that world and will draw unwanted attention."

[Kuren]"True, i'm so used to it, i never really thought about it, they are strange colors aren't they. hmm okay change my hair color to brown and eyes to blue."

After i said that i felt some warmth on my head and eyes it doesn't hurt just feels warm, after the warmth stopped.

[Kuren]"Sage can you make me a mirror? And make me 10 years old please."

A mirror appears floating in front of me in the null. I feel my whole body with the same warmth as before spread all over my body. It's a strange thing to see yourself rapidly shrink into a younger self.

After around 2 minutes, in the mirror there is a 10 to 11 year old boy with light brown hair, sky blue eyes.I see myself and i want to whack myself in the back of the head because of my smirk and the look in my eyes. Now i get why my dad smacked my head so much as a kid, i really do look like i'm up to something, and to be fair i usually was.

[Kuren]"Sage will be able to get a wand at Ollivander's with me being a divine and all. And even if i can would it be better to get one from [Divine Infinite Creation]?" I feel it would be cool to get one from Ollivander's like all of the other students, but i feel he won't be able find one in his shop that will fit me because of i'm a divine. Plus i think it might be even cooler to have my own over powered wand of my own creation.

[Sage]"Ollivander's does not have a wand, and can not make a wand for you that won't break. The reason is because of your power as a divine, it will destroy any wand made with such fragile materials. You will need to make one from [Divine Infinite Creation] as you said."

[Kuren]"Can we make the wand there or is it better to make it here?"

[Sage]"it can be made there without any issue."

[Kuren]"Do we need to do any thing else before we head to the harry potter world?" i really want to start my adventure learn some magic, use some magic, and do magic related stuff.

[Sage]"No we can go when ever your ready."she said with her sweet voice.

[Kuren]" To infinity and beyond! Take us away Sage!"

{ Third person perspective }

You can see a 10 year old boy floating with and a mirror in front of him in the middle of the null.

Seeing the golden glow around him, and the fact that he is in the null that is impossible for any but gods to be in, it is easy to understand he is the child of gods. He has a smile on his face that show's true happiness. The golden glow begins to intensify until boy is no longer visible and with a flash the golden light is gone a long with the boy. returning the null back to what it was before he was here, empty nothingness.

{ Third person perspective end }