
Chapter 17

The next few days were all a blur as I woke up got the kids breakfast and then went to school after dropping Leo off. I didn't care much about what was happening and as Friday approached I went to work after dropping Leo off at home.

It was all a big blur, but I was able to get the kids enrolled into the afterschool program and the next week I took Leo and the twins there on Monday afternoon. I made arrangements for them to be picked up from Leo's school and paid for their uniforms and other items. Then they began their first lesson, and I stayed in for it watching them.

They finished within a few hours, and we took the bus home. The next day was simple I got up, got Leo ready for school and fed the twins before walking Leo to school. Then I went to school, and it was another boring day as I finished up most of the assignments for that day.

It was the last class of the day, and I was hoping to go home right after but there was a dilemma now. "Nyx, you are partnered with Henry," I heard the teachers sharp voice as she handed over a paper. I sighed looking around and noticing the boy sitting by the window.

I got up walking towards him asking, "Which country?" He looked at the paper saying, "You chose." I glanced at the paper before saying, "Canada." He nodded and raised his hand to call the teacher. She came over and he said, "We are doing Canada." She nodded and gave us the other paper saying, "Alright, it's due next Friday, plus you present next week as well." He nodded and I watched as she walked away.

"I will do the first 10 slides by this Friday, you finish the rest of the 10 slides," I told him, and he nodded as we heard Elliots voice, "Nyx, what country did you two chose?" He asked and I sighed as Henery told him in a cold tone, "Canada."

"Cool, Nyx's are you leaving now?" Elliot asked as he glanced at my packed bags and I nodded saying, "Ya, gotta pick Leo up." He nods asking, "You want a ride home?" "Ya sure," I said in a distant tone as I turned towards my desk and grabbed my bag. "Henry is joining us as well," Elliot said and I didn't care much as we walked towards the outside.

The teacher watched but didn't complain and we walked out quickly. I was dropped off a few blocks away from my home and the two drove off. I ignored most of their conversation in the car except for Henry talking about his father.

"Na, it was my mum's idea she wanted me to meet him at least once and spend some time together, but he passed away last week. I thought it would hurt; it doesn't I am just tired because of the fact that mum wants me to finish school here since this is my last year. It's annoying to move so agreed as long as she doesn't come over randomly," that was his answer to the numerous amounts of questions that Elliot asked.

I arrived home and helped the twins change before we walked out and towards Leo's school. We got there in a few minutes, and I noticed Leo waiting by the bench. I smiled seeing him with a book in hand and passed him his uniform bag saying, "I will see you at home." The three nodded as I noticed the van and helped them get on. I glanced at the driver before watching the van drive away. I had planned to take the bus home when I noticed a familiar figure on the bus stop's bench.