
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


The tests I was undergoing were stooErnest Littlefield. He'd gone on an off world mission in 1945 and Daniel got the video recording of it from the Pentagon. We were sent to retrieve him if at all possible and we found a naked man instead. I avoided a naked man hug and instead went to the DHD.

Seeing it was busted, I told them we'd have to dial out manually using the coming storm and a homemade lightning rod. I lifted the DHD and moved it down the steps with a bit of awkward difficulty before setting it to the side. After that I explained that we were taking it back with us so I could take it apart and understand the schematics for it and how to repair one of we get in trouble next time. I turned to Ernest and asked if he still had the metal helmet from the video.

He nodded and scurried off so I followed the hairy naked man with Daniel and the rest when we found his nest of sorts, he passed me the helmet, put on his suit dress and gave Daniel the book. I left and set up the wiring and hooked the helmet to the roof, getting down and finding everyone in a room of languages. I looked at the walls and waved them off, flipping through the pages until I saw all of it. I told them I had it memorized so we can go now.

Daniel asked if I was sure and I gave him a sardonic look. "I have photographic, eidetic and holographic memory. I can literally go into my memories and see them from different angles. Trust me, I have it all memorized."

We left and I dialed the gate manually after the first lightning bolt hit it. Once they sent the signal, I grabbed the DHD and went through after them. General Hammond was confused, but I explained when I set the heavy fucker down. We went through a debriefing and I made a hologram projector of my own, giving Daniel and Sam copies of the Heliopolis stuff including the writings on the walls.

I told them I recognized two of the languages, one being the Nox and the other being Asgard. I pointed towards the ancient saying that it must be the ancients because the symbols were near Latin in origin and Rome was said to have been the builder of roads or gates. Daniel couldn't refute my words so I waved a hand saying the last must've been the Furling's language. We tried dialing back and didn't get a lock so either the gate was buried or the entire place fell into the sea which is more likely.

Soon enough we were back on Chulak trying to rescue Teal'c's son. The SGC personnel had all had the vaccines and immune boosters, but Teal'c's body showed no changes due to the symbiote so in an effort to remove his goa'uld. It didn't go well despite the boosters keeping him healthy because he started hallucinating. Thus we learned of his son Ry'ac and went in disguise to save him while our secondary mission was to acquire goa'uld symbiotes for study at Langley.

We found his former house burned down and marked. Bra'tac showed up and Teal'c stopped him from firing, not that it'd do any good since we had skin tight kinetic seismic armor that took all the energy out of anything fired at us and sent it into the ground as seismic energy. Skin tight and yet regulated temperatures inside. Even the helmets were retractable and space worthy as a whole.

The scanners on the eye parts were capable of auto targeting and so much more yet we didn't have them up since we weren't in combat. Bra'tac recognized me after he spread his doubt of whether we were great warriors or not. He didn't get close to me or say anything about his doubts of myself. Still, he doubted Sam and Daniel while he and Jack fought. When he put Jack on his ass, I punched the brick wall of Teal'c's old house and it fell with a bang.

The old Jaffa looked at me wearily and I told him that the suits we're wearing make us invulnerable to most damage including staff blasts, cannons and even blasts from the guns on a goa'uld mothership so his efforts were in vain. He stopped aiming at Jack's chest and aimed for his head only for the helmet to activate and form over him. I asked him if he'd like to try me in battle or if he was done making his doubts clear. He said he was too old to face someone with my strength, especially with such armor.

I grunted. "Then perhaps it's time we split up. We have a secondary mission to acquire symbiotes for study to try and make a drug so that Teal'c doesn't have to rely on goa'uld symbiotes anymore. It's still a long ways off, but the symbiotes will help. The rest of you can help Teal'c retrieve his kid."

Jack split us up so Sam, Daniel and I went after the symbiotes and the rest went after Ry'ac. We followed some priests to a temple where an aquarium was outside. When the priests and women left, I picked up the aquarium and carried it with us, fleeing at a dead run. Sam and Daniel covered me and we got the fuck out of there.

When we reached the others, Bra'tac scolded us for stealing from the temple. Still, one of the symbiotes went into Teal'c since he'd given his goa'uld to Ry'ac. I told them they can stay on Argos so they'd be safe from the goa'uld but they declined. Ry'ac and his mother returned while I carried the tank.

When we reached the gate, I raised my arm and shot down the two priests and the single Jaffa quickly with the auto targeting plasma repeaters arm weapon. They died quickly and we left Bra'tac there while I told him he could feel free to blame the theft and deaths on a rival goa'uld of Apophis's, like Heru'er. I lifted the tank and carried it with me while he said he'd do just that. Langley got the three symbiotes in the tank and the tank itself to study.

The next mission was a bust as we met an alien from Babylonian era and he took Daniel and I to an underwater lab. He asked about Omoroca and I closed my eyes and told him to let me think. I opened them and told him that Omoroca was a benevolent being sent from the heavens in an egg to liberate mankind from the evil beings that ruled as their gods. I told him how she was killed by the goa'uld Belus cutting her in half.

He cried and I told him she was the first to inspire the humans of earth to rebel against the goa'uld and a member of the Ohnes. Nem said that was his people and I told him that I sympathized, but we had to back to our people and continue Omoroca's work in fighting the goa'uld and liberate the galaxy from their tyranny. He looked to Daniel and back to me before showing us the way out via swimming. We swam to the surface and he showed us to the gate.

I thanked him and he asked us to continue to keep her legacy alive. I snorted saying we'd finish what she started and annihilate the goa'uld. He bowed lightly and we dialed earth, using our code transponders and boy did we have a story to explain. Jack, Teal'c and Sam all had headaches which I explained was probably from the device Nem used to tamper with their memories.

I told them about Omoroca and everything down to the fact that Nem was her mate and well over four thousand years old himself. I explained the aquatic nature of the Ohnes species was akin to a human with octopus features which probably inspired the Cthulhu artwork. I drew Nem for them and called it a day, saying I needed sleep and to remember to put my helmet up when meeting unknown aliens for the first time.

The next fun time was Hathor having broken out of Area 51 and having her sarcophagus shipped over with her to the base. There she began trying to take over but fortunately it was my day off so it wasn't my problem. I was busy speeding up Armor Tech's timeline, making millions on everything from software upgrades to medicines, police armor, firefighter armor, medical equipment upgrades and so much more. Soon everything was switched to solar power.

Solar reactors harnessed power from the sun, super charged it and powered entire states apiece, putting nuclear reactors out of business and once cars were powered by solar batteries and panels, even big oil and all that fun stuck took a major hit. So much was being released so quickly that Armor Tech was expanding as fast as the old industries were collapsing, taking in their people and teaching them new jobs as they went. It caused quite the stir, but even the old companies couldn't say it was bad besides those losing out on it which were just the rich people invested in oil and coal.

Armor Tech moved fast, expanded and released more things. The base was already upgraded and entirely run on an independent solar reactor of it's own. By the time I returned to work at the SGC, the automotive industry had teamed up with armor tech to make the solar cars and vehicles and Armor Tech had officially taken over the entire recycling and trash industry. Genetically modified seeds would be next and with them world hunger would be solved while air purifier towers and water purifier floatation cleaners were already being set up.

The air on earth would be thirty percent cleaner by the end of the year and a full hundred percent cleaner by this time next year. As for Hathor, I heard about her loss and how she escaped through the stargate. By the next big mission, I was in full gear with the others when Jack gave us the hazmat protocol. I simply brought up my helmet like the others and we checked around, contacting the SGC when we couldn't find SG-7. When we found the little girl Cassandra and Janet checked her out on the planet, I looked over her results before telling them. "It's a trap. There's likely a goa'uld ship in orbit or a ways off watching us and waiting for us to bring the girl through the gate."

Janet asked how I could be sure and I gave her an odd look before replying. "SG-7 is missing so they can't warn us, everyone's dead but one girl who has naquadah in her blood when no one else does and the fact that the virus doesn't appear to be airborne means they wanted us to live to bring her to our planet."

Teal'c raised an eyebrow and told us of the goa'uld Nirrti and how he blew up a gate with a human emissary. I asked for the specifics and he told me that when the emissary went to leave through the gate he blew up. I nodded. "Then we take the girl with us, the bomb builds in her and we remove it on earth or we give her transfusions here and flush the naquadah from her bloodstream before we take her with us. A transfusion pump will do."

Janet agreed and helped me by testing Cassandra's blood type while I jerry rigged a device for cleaning blood cells and getting the naquadah out of Cassandra. An hour later we took her through the gate with all of us and a potassium mass grew inside her only the naquadah was gone so it broke down without an issue after a couple days. Still, we were able to confirm it was Nirrti's doing and Cassandra remained with Janet on earth, safe. Our next big mission out had us against the locals until they tried to take Teal'c into custody.

When Daniel said that wasn't the way to handle this, I lowered my weapon and held out my hand. "Then maybe this is."

I waved my hand and Teal'c disappeared to the locals along with us and the stargate. The couldn't hear or see us so I dialed the gate and it appeared briefly while we left. I told them as we returned to base that a Cor-ai was a trial of sorts only the guilty are chosen by their accusers and their punishment as well by the accusers with no place for arguments. I told them Teal'c would've been killed or worse without any way to defend himself, his actions or his life.

I told them I read it from the guy's mind who accused him. We marked that planet off the visitor's list and called it a day after the debriefing. General Hammond asked if it was the smart thing to do and I shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not, either way they were ready to kill from the beginning and since we couldn't get Teal'c out of there without a blood bath or a trial he had no chance of winning even with the best lawyers on earth, I decided it was better than watching a friend die for something he may not have even done."

General Hammond agreed once I fully explained the situation so we weren't heading back to that planet, though he did decide to send another team to smooth over negotiations in full armor of course. They in turn demanded Teal'c return to face their laws and that's when they were attacked by the goa'uld the next day. We went back and killed the Jaffa with Teal'c saving the same man who accused him of murdering his father.

None of the Jaffa escaped and none of the locals were killed so the man who wanted Teal'c dead said he was mistaken. We helped them with vaccines and healing pills along with better shoes, building hiding tunnels and tools to make things with. Even their homes were upgraded and their plumbing was fixed so they'd be able to take showers and baths. It really was the simple things in life that made it worth living.

The next planet we ended up on had the unconscious and some dead Tollans. I used the Nox methods to revive the dead and ended up with twenty odd Tollans while I was drained and felt tired. I carried them all to the gate, giving them rebreathers and we got them to the SGC. Omac, their leader, wasn't too happy with us, but I told him I was able to revive the half of his people that died.

He asked how and I touched his chest, my hand glowing a bit as I healed him entirely. He coughed once and I smiled as he thanked me. "Anytime."

He asked how I did that and I shrugged, explaining the method of healing and my ability to influence his body's red blood cells to speed up the process. I told him that earth may seem primitive to someone with trans dimensional phase shifting devices and light particle dimensional folding equipment, but we aren't at all as young as we appear to be. He frowned saying. "You know what are equipment is?"

I nodded. "One's a communication device and the other is a dimensional phase shifting device. I even know how they work and how to make my own just from scanning them, but that's neither here nor there. At the very least you should've made rebreathers if you were going to walk on a planet nearing cataclysm, much less a full suit like our own kinetic energy dampening armor capable of space walks."

He looked at me oddly and I stepped back, activating the armor. He sighed. "Perhaps you can help us then. Our new home world is outside of the gate network and we need a ship."

I frowned as I put the armor away with a thought. "How far because our newest ships will be done in another week at most, bust it's difficult to say yes until we know how long it'll take to get you there."

He said he'd need access to the night sky to say for sure. I turned to General Hammond who gave the go ahead provided they come back clean for diseases. Janet have the go ahead so I told Omac that it was still daytime out now, but tonight will be fine and they can have their equipment back since it only allows them to walk through walls and measure the distance between or signal other planets. Sam made friends with Narim, a Tollan and I gave the schematics for all the Tollan technology to General Hammond.

Sadly most of it required trinium so there was no duplicating them for now. Still, I was able to glean enough from the Tollan's minds to download all their basic education and share it with General Hammond, Sam and the teams of scientists learning new and fascinating things. Even Mewtwo and I were surprised by how intelligent the Tollans were. That night I watched and calculated the distance myself before shaking my head and telling Omac the coordinates for the Nox.

I told him they were the second most advanced race we met and one of the four oldest races in the galaxy. I told him that I myself am part Nox, part Asgard and part ancient, the race that built the stargates. I told them all about the four races and how the Ancients were the first humanoid species to settle in this galaxy. When I finished, he thanked me and signaled the Nox.

We went inside and the Nox answered our call minutes later. Lya of the Nox came through and I greeted her before introducing her to the Tollans. I told her what the Asgard said of me and she said I was king and welcome on Gaea any time to live amongst the Nox. I smiled and shook my head saying that it was the duty of the old to teach and protect the young and not all races share our gifts so I had to stay and help those I can.

I told her and the Tollans that interfering was wrong, but it doesn't mean at times is shouldn't be done to preserve life regardless of the violence involved because all life should be precious, not just the lives of those who are able to hide. I turned to Lya. "The goa'uld are a parasitic race and while I cannot argue for their extermination, I will not let this galaxy suffer because of them when I can stop it. Billions of lives verses the thousands of goa'uld that enslave them, for me there is no choice, it is my duty to stop them even if I regret it later."

Lya sighed and nodded, saying she understood, she just wished I had a different more peaceful path instead. I shrugged. "Perhaps in the next life I will live as a Nox and walk the path of non violence."

She and I bowed politely before the Tollans left with her through the stargate she opened up a portal through. Colonel Maybourne and his people showed up the next day wanting the Tollans, but they were long gone. Jack asked if I could open a stargate portal like Lya did while we ignored Maybourne's ranting. I thought about it and nodded. "With time, maybe I could, but it would take practice and I'd have to know where we were going."

All he said to that was. "Cool."

Colonel Maybourne made a lot of threats and accusations, but General Hammond had him and his people escorted out. Meanwhile, the knowledge was slowly disseminated over the internet under my old pseudonym, Dr.Brain Drain. I'd published a fuck ton of scientific research under that name over the years since I built my first computer. It was hardly surprising that I'd post more and spread all the knowledge of the Tollans to the world through those same methods.

I started with the one hundred and forty-six basic elements on the periodic table and went from there. General Hammond and the president approved of it so it was one of many ways the knowledge was being put to use. Soon entire scientific books were written and published by Dr.Brain Drain, solving quantum theory mostly from the Tollan angle and opening up many more avenues of research including cold fusion, phase shifting, and so much more.

I spent my free time taking apart and putting back together the DHD from Heliopolis. Once it was fully fixed, I drew the blueprints to the whole DHD and passed them to Sam since the DHD was fully repaired and working. It was packed up and put into storage while I worked on building a DHD console, adding all the protocols the DHD had before plus a authorization DNA scanner and palm scanner to it with a secondary safety Iris activation trigger.

On the next mission out before I could finish the console, we got ambushed and I went through with Jack and Sam while covering the rear. We ended up in the Arctic in a cavern with the gate. I groaned as I sat up with my legs broken and pushed them back into place as they healed. Once I could stand, I woke up Sam and Jack. Jack's right leg was broken so he popped a healing pill and waited while Sam and I looked for the DHD.

I found it under the ice and told them to activate full armor. They did so and half the ledge Jack was leaning against turned into powdered snow after I held up my hands and concentrated. The DHD was freed and so was several dead Jaffa I moved the DHD and let Sam check it while I moved the Jaffa to the side and checked their armor and weapons. I told them that the Jaffa died and froze from exposure.

When the DHD failed to connect, Jack told me to try and get out to check for civilization. I did so and checked the stars before returning and telling Sam to dial Argos. She did so and the gate connected so I sighed and told her to shut it down. She did and I lowered my hood. "I checked the stars and from what I can tell we're on earth in the Arctic. This must be a second gate used by the ancients and the other one must've been brought here by the goa'uld to harvest the ancient humans of earth."

I took my pack off and asked for theirs saying I was going to boost our coms and get us in contact with the SGC for pick up. Jack was healed so he agreed before asking what I did with the ice and snow. I told him I sped up the molecules in the ice and reduced it to snow, adding that if I'd continued it would've become water or steam. I finished and passed the coms to Jack, telling him he'd need to go topside for the best signal but I was bouncing it off satellites so it was pretty seriously boosted regardless.

Jack got through and gave General Hammond our location with a short reason as to what happened. They sent choppers to our location while I made stairs out while clearing the ice and turning it into steam while we wore our suits. Soon the gate was taken out with half a dozen dead Jaffa and the DHD. The area was soon cleared, but I recommended a base camp be set up and the area dug out for possible structures since it could lead to finding dead ancients or possibly a structure of theirs if Antarctica was their base as the gate's location would indicate.

He agreed it was of interest and brought us back with the gate and stuff we did find. I recommended to those going there that crevasse be turned into a base camp itself and dug out or down from there. The three man and woman team agreed while the dead Jaffa and symbiotes were studied in another lab off base. The second gate was sent to Area 51 where it was locked up and studied by scientists with it's DHD.

I completed my own DHD and showed it to General Hammond, telling him how I customized it and bringing up the screen on it, showing all the diagnostics and programming in it. I explained how some of it prevents us from dialing into black holes and others prevent us from carrying heavy elements through stars as we pass by in warmholes with the gate system, but all of it was necessary for safety protocols. The console was installed at General Hammond's request after I had all of the data analyzed by the technicians.

In the meantime we went to our next mission and met Harlan who made copies of us after using a sound wave emitter to knock us out. He told us while we were strapped to a table that he needed us to sit tight before he sent us home. In the meantime my bot self was running around repairing Harlan's world entirely off the schematics in it's head while the others went home and were sent back nearly dead. They recovered and I watched through my bot self's eyes as he told them he'd figured it out from the start actually feeling dumber.

He told them that he'd planned to repair this place entirely before making a sustainable battery pack and solar rechargeable cells for a more permanent solution before leaving for good to earth to help where it could and give them all the knowledge of Harlan's world he'd acquired from the system. He said he'd upgrade himself since our real bodies exist and they were in fact copies so he could stay and help maintain and upgrade earth's defenses while I go off world, maintaining my Armor Tech and SGC life as it were. He told them I was watching through his eyes with my abilities because we were strapped to tables and gagged.

He went back to work saying Harlan would release us as soon as Teal'c was dealt with because his design was flawed with the symbiote's mind and his in one head so he'd soon go insane. They looked to Teal'c and he raised an eyebrow before Harlan asked if he was serious. My bot self gave him a sardonic look and he zapped Teal'c to dust, vaporizing him. My bot self went back to work upgrading and modifying things as he went while Sam bot and the others soon found us.

There was no emergency because my bot clone had already repaired a good portion of the facility and upgraded even more. They freed us and I sat up grimacing. "That was not fun. It took all I had just to see through that thing's eyes."

Jack bot said it was a person and I grunted telling him. "It's a robot with a brain mapping of my mind overlaid onto it's mechanical mind. It's no more human than a toaster over with a computer clock and neither are you. Still, it's damned near artificial intelligence so I guess you're right in a way. Maybe it's me, but I don't like to have my mind forcefully copied onto robots without my consent."

Both Jacks said it wasn't just me who didn't like it. I left and helped my robot self to speed up the repairs after seeing all the stuff that needed done. By the time the others were ready to leave and Teal'c's clone was finished, my bot clone and I had finished the upgrades and repairs all over the facility. Even the monitors and warning system was upgraded while we put the finishing touches on a portable solar power unit.

My bot self told them they were welcome at Armor Tech and they considered it, but declined in the end. I told them I uploaded the schematics and upgraded to the facility so they can upload them into themselves with a thought and know everything there is to know about this place. I told them I took the rest of the knowledge from Harlan and uploaded it as well so we could take what there is to know back to earth with us. My Jack asked if I was sure about bringing that thing home and I nodded. "I've been stretched thin as it is spreading the basic knowledge we gained from the gate, keeping up with Armor Tech's upgrades and studying things we bring through the gate. With this I can halve my work and never have to see my bot self again while always knowing where he is. It beats letting him run roughshod all over the place here or leaving through the gate to wherever."

Jack sighed and I dialed up the gate before going through it after we sent the code through. I had a lot of explaining to do, but in the end General Hammond agreed so long as I was sure he wasn't a security risk. That's the best part about the military I guess, they don't give a damn about skin color so long as you know and do your work to the best of your abilities. That being said there was some doubt about the bot, but it passed quickly as it was soon working at Armor Tech full time.

Our next big mission out, we ended up in an abandoned facility. Daniel and I ended up going through a quantum mirror thanks to him asking me to give him a hand with the mirror. We found ourselves in an abandoned facility without the team. He dialed earth and we went through only to be faced with an SGC squad pointing guns at us.

We met Colonel Hammond and were cuffed before being questioned. Seeing as my alternate self was there, he stopped them upon feeling out my mind and telling them we had a serious problem. He explained to them who we were and that we were from an alternate reality using an ancient device called a quantum mirror. We sat in the briefing and I felt an ungodly pain as he told them it was temporal cascade failure and if I didn't go back I'd be ripped apart on an atomic level and my cells scattered through time and space.

When it stopped, I panted and Daniel asked why he wasn't going through the same thing. General Jack O'Niell told us that it was because he was dead in this reality or so my counterpart had told him. My counterpart told them we could help destroy the ships attacking, particularly me, but we needed an hour together in the lab to come up with a solution to the temporal cascade problem. We got that hour and I got a necklace out of it.

Jack asked how I could help and my counterpart told him that with our armor he and I could wipe out the Jaffa and take the mothership above so long as we get Setesh's ring platform working, from there he and I could wipe out the second ship behind the moon and they would have both ships. I scoffed. "Provided you don't kill the people of Chulak. Otherwise Teal'c would never agree to changing sides and joining you, sparking a rebellion that would end the goa'uld from the inside if it succeeds."

My alternate self agreed before telling them we had much to do and little time to do it. He gave Daniel the message sent from the planet we'd just come from and told him to wait for our return before he and I would go back after I shared everything I knew about our reality with him and he, I so that both realities would have their best hope of surviving. Daniel nodded and he said he was taking Daniel's suit for a test run. Daniel told him to keep it if it helps them.

He turned to me and gave me my armor so I suited up and he offered a sword, saying he had a feeling I was different from him and faster in the way I walked. I frowned and saw he was a version of me that wasn't like me at all yet with all the intellect I did just lacking a hell of a lot. I took the second sword as well and told him to watch and learn. I went to the upper levels where the ring platform was being assembled and powered. We put it together and ringed up, blowing the roof and entering the ship.

I killed all except Teal'c onboard and he captured Teal'c. I ringed to the second ship after Teal'c agreed to our proposal. He saw Apophis die in person when I beheaded him and left Bra'tac alive with his two students. They'd watched as I'd tortured Apophis into pleading for death before I killed him.

I'd broadcasted it to earth and Chulak through the orbs and all of Chulak saw their god die. His body was reduced to ashes while his head was given to Bra'tac. They ringed to the second ship with me after I landed the first near the mountain. The death gliders had been shot down by my alternate self in the hatak class ship.

I had a heart to heart with my alternate self and helped him understand everything and fuck was it a lot. He had no ring, no painted world and only his wife, Sam, whom he could share it all with. I gave him all my healing pills and all the knowledge he needed to make more. In return he gave me the knowledge he'd gathered about the stargate including what addresses were which ones.

I gave him my laptop and warned him the rabbit hole was never ending and he'd likely not reincarnate like I do. He said he had one life then and we met up with the others at the SGC. Bra'tac and Teal'c happily took the head of Apophis back with them to Chulak to start a rebellion. Daniel and I left and they had a lot of rebuilding to do.

Daniel asked if I really killed hundreds, if not thousands of Jaffa just like that. I told him that our reality was the only one of consequence and if the price of our freedom to earn our home world was the deaths of an army then I'd pay it again and again. He grimaced and I told him I hoped he never understood or agreed, but I did and would do again whatever I have to do to keep what happened to their world from happening to ours. I told him of the untold billions that died and how they were glossing over it mostly.

He was left gobsmacked as we got to the mirror and touched it together. I took the device that came with it and turned it off after tinkering with it for a few seconds. Jack and the others came for us and I grabbed the mirror, telling them what it was as I carried it out. I sat down for the longest briefing ever and told General Hammond and the team everything including the technological breakthroughs my counterpart shared, all the schematics and data of the two hatak class ships alongside the mid range bomber, Alkesh and the death gliders.

I told them I ripped all the knowledge the goa'uld possessed from the alternate Apophis's mind before I beheaded the creature. I said so coldly and Sam asked how many I killed. I glanced at her and told her more than I'd admit to because it was the only way we'd be allowed back home.

I turned to General Hammond. "Our reality is the only one of consequence. To that end I'm going to upload all over taken from Apophis and that reality. They have the knowledge they need, but billions were the price for their lack of preparation. Every major city around the globe and half the United States for good measure. Most of the nuclear reactors had gone critical and most of the world was trashed beyond repair. At best they could spend centuries repairing it or move on to another world with whomever survived. To prevent that from happening here, I did what I had to do there to come back and that's all I'd like to say on the matter."

General Hammond agreed and I nodded in relief as I sat back. I held my hands over my laptop and exabytes of data transferred each second. When it was finished, translated and sectioned, I slid my laptop to General Hammond. "Everything the goa'uld in that reality knows. All their technology, strategies, ruling body, enemies, allies, everything down to their knowledge of the ancients and other races."

General Hammond said he'd get right on it and dismissed us for now, telling me we did damned fine work. Daniel mentioned the attack location and I told him it's from a ship with a stargate onboard while orbiting a planet and the odds were extremely high that they were coming soon for us here. I tilted my head. "On the bright side seven hundred ships of death glider size are almost finished under the program Starhawk as you requested of Armor Tech."

General Hammond nodded. "A billion dollars well spent I'd imagine."

I shrugged. "All of them are made of the same kinetic energy absorbing technology our armor is made of and have plasma repeating cannons, naquadah enhanced nukes and armors fit for space capabilities for the pilots. Whether that's worth a billion dollars is dependent on how effective the technology is against the death gliders. Still, Daniel's right, we have an opportunity to get ahead and take over at least one of the ships before the battle even begins."

He nodded and said we'd begin in the morning as soon as he's spoken to the president. I agreed and he told me to get some sleep because I looked like hell. I grunted saying sleep won't help that, only karma I wouldn't survive would. He grimaced and said he hopes it never comes to that then.

I headed to shower and crash in a bunk. Sam brought me something to eat and told me we were still friends and I could talk to her if I needed to. I told her the number and she grimaced. I told her I remember them all, every swing of my blades.

I gestured to the swords and told her they were a gift from my alternate self with the necklace that had a vibrational frequency modulator that made my body's atoms vibrate at a different frequency so as to avoid temporal cascade failure which wasn't pleasant. She listened and I talked until I told her I needed to sleep or I'd be no good tomorrow. She left and took the necklace I'd passed to her with her. The next morning Senator Kinsey and Lt.Colonel Samuels.

With the knowledge and technology the goa'uld schematics left us with, Senator Kinsey didn't have much room to talk, especially with the knowledge of the Tollans and the schematics of the Asgard war ship. Since the electricity powering everything was entirely off the grid and solar powered with an entire floor made full of solar cells charged up as backup power, there was only four and a half billion the facility needed to run since even the gate was run off a separate power grid entirely as well.

Hell, the suits and upgrades to everything was free from Armor Tech with the weapons upgrade as well. Armor Tech had cleaned up the planet, fed it, gave it clean air and fresh clean water, even regrowing entire forests and selling it cheap clean energy. Hell, it was even buying up old landfills, toxic waste and all the stuff no one sane would normally buy. Add to that it's medicine had eliminated disease, poison and sickness, only leaving cancer which was soon treated and genetic diseases which were treated the same as well.

Rejuvenation therapy centers were opening up as divisions of Armor Tech to make the old feel young again and even look young again if they're willing to pay the price. Games way ahead of their time we're being released in droves, music and virtual reality beds, chairs and head gear, all of it. So the Senator's problem definitely wasn't with me to say the least. Still, he nitpicked and I said nothing, uninterested in his arguments that the program wasn't producing enough results to be worth the cost.

He simply didn't want to hear reason and wanted the gate shut down for good. Hours of back and forth left Senator Kinsey saying he wouldn't support the program regardless of what we've brought back. I told General Hammond I'd like to use his phone to make the next call and get permission to retire off world if earth doesn't plan to continue the fight against the goa'uld. I told him the threat was too great for me to sit back and hope Armor Tech and other companies can make the technology fast enough to defend earth against the goa'uld so I'd do everything within my power to eliminate them before they reach earth.

He told me to ho ahead and I called the president, cashing in that favor he owed me for agreeing to the Starhawk program and putting Armor Tech scientists on the Prometheus project. I told him that Teal'c and I would be retiring off world to continue the fight and be earth's first line of defense since the SGC can no longer fill that role. He wished me god speed and good luck out there before telling General Hammond to give me anything I needed to do what I deem necessary, but I wasn't to be given an IDC for security reasons.

Teal'c agreed to go with me and Jack did so as well with Daniel and Sam. I sighed and warned them it was most likely a one way trip. Still they agreed and suited up with me, taking a full complement of grenades, plasma repeater wrist bands and a rocket launcher. We made it to the ship's address Daniel had and hid after sending the MALP back through.

I cloaked us and our stuff before watching the giant orb communicator float into the air. Once the Jaffa left, we followed them out after getting some zat guns of our own. We were cloaked and killing most of the Jaffa in groups, clearing out and disintegrating the dead as we killed them. We followed the Jaffa to the cargo area and once the show was over, I knocked the Jaffa out with Klorel. I kicked the Jaffa over and disintegrated them as I went, scanning their minds until I found and woke up Bra'tac and his two followers.

I stopped on a couple Tok'ra and told them whom they were, saying they were enemies of the goa'uld as well only used to stealth and spy work within the goa'uld ranks. We killed all the rest except the Tok'ra and Klorel, telling Bra'tac that everything must seem as if it's normal if we're to wipe out the other ship and the rest of the Jaffa on this one. Daniel asked if we had to kill them and Bra'tac said he could try talking them into joining, but most were devout in their beliefs that Apophis is their god so they'd turn on us the moment they could and knife us in the backs if possible.

I told them we couldn't take that risk. I woke up the Tok'ra and told them who we are and what we planned. I told them that if they had members on Apophis's ship that were Tok'ra, they needed to tell me now or they'd die the moment I go over there. They let me see the names and faces so I nodded and told them they were free to go as soon as the stargate was working, but for now they should hide because a slaughter was about to happen to all Jaffa on this ship.

I went about my work, leaving Jack and the rest to suit up as Jaffa and pretend for Klorel's sake. I finished up and watched while cloaked as Klorel spoke with Apophis, saying he was pleased to meet up with him. I knocked out Klorel when they finished talking and told Bra'tac what to say to Apophis. We left twenty minutes later and he told Apophis that Klorel was struck down by the people of earth and was resting in need of great healing.

Jack had told me what to do so I left, wiping out the Jaffa, floor by floor and taking out the Jaffa in the death glider bay. It took several hours to clear the ship alone and unnoticed. When I was done, I appeared before Apophis and his remaining guards who'd detected the extinction of the crew besides the two Tok'ra amidst their ranks. Apophis fled through the ring transporter and left his men to die with the self destruct activated.

I killed the Jaffa and turned off the self destruct, contacting the other ship. Jack said Klorel was dead, but Apophis escaped. I told him the Tok'ra were going over now and the ships were ours as it were. In the end we contacted the SGC and told them we'd land the ships on the alpha site for study or use as the SGC sees fit.

For this we were welcomed back with open arms. The ships were landed fairly easily and we ringed to a platform in the gate room we hadn't known was there. Bra'tac stayed to speak with the General and left with his two followers. Scientists pretty much tore the ships apart, sarcophagi and all since Hathor's sarcophagus was destroyed before she escaped.

So pretty much all of the ships were pulled apart for study, particularly the naquadah generators. When we returned to earth, we were welcomed back and both Jack and Sam got most of the credit along with the team as a whole since they were still military. We were debriefed and I told them all of what I'd found out about the Tok'ra while they told me how Klorel the second was killed. Bra'tac informed me the first born Klorel was killed trying to take me as a host as Apophis wanted, so he and his queen birthed another to play host to the guy that died then.

I grimaced and rubbed my neck saying that still made me feel weirded out. Bra'tac said the symbiote had died before and Apophis had me put in with the others because he'd thought the first Klorel had been too weak and he wanted to wait for his next son or use me as a host himself so I was forced to wait. I warned him that with Apophis's survival and the loss of his army he may lash out at those on Chulak. Bra'tak agreed saying he was going back to take Ry'ac and his mother off world.

He left with his two Jaffa students and then it was my turn to share about the Tok'ra, their secrets and how Apophis escaped to their ship. I explained that my mental abilities aren't unlimited and after cloaking them all for so long then myself and all the bodies I dropped, I ran dry by the time I faced Apophis and his remaining guards. I told them he fled leaving the rest to die while setting the self destruct. I grunted. "Luckily the codes were the same in this reality or I'd have ringed out as well."

General Hammond agreed that it was definitely lucky on that front. Still, besides the Jaffa with Bra'tac and the Tok'ra, we'd wiped out an army coming to take over earth and got two mother ships along with a boat load of death gliders and enough weapons and armor to arm another Jaffa army. The next big mission out was to save the Nassyans from a goa'uld assault as it turns out. Medical pills abound and all that fun stuff.

We got the injured out and to the SGC where they were healed. When Sam came through with Jack, I pinned her down and told them she had a goa'uld in her. I told them I could sense it somehow and the goa'uld or Tok'ra as I knew it to be, reared it's ugly head, commanding me to release her. I took her weapons away and did so, telling the men to stand down, she was Tok'ra, not goa'uld and she was extremely injured inside from torture.

She stood up and I tossed her a pill bottle, telling her to search Sam's memories. She did so and took one of the pills, thanking me. I nodded and told her to let us work things out peacefully and I'd deal with the hunter after her. She nodded slowly and Jack escorted her out while I went to each of the Nassyans until I stopped on a man trying hard not to stand out.

I kept going and disappeared only to slam him down hard and pin him in place. The guards came over with guns and I took the ring torture device from him. I put the cuffs on him and knocked him out. I told the guards to get him to a holding cell where he could be questioned.

They took him away and headed to the briefing room. There Sam/Jolinar, was sitting with two guards behind her. I told them it wasn't necessary and General Hammond begged to differ until I explained. "It isn't necessary because if she turns hostile I will knock her out and pull the symbiote out of her."

General Hammond agreed and the guards left. I told them about the Ashrak, about the system lords and why they sent him after the famed Jolinar of Malkshur. I told them the Tok'ra's goals and methods before explaining why Jolinar fled into Sam when his host died. Jack asked if she wasn't a goa'uld or if she was.

I sighed. "She's a symbiote, but she's not a goa'uld. The goa'uld and Tok'ra are of the same race, symbiotes, but their ideologies are polar opposites, like Nazi's and Americans only more extreme and more evil on the goa'uld's part. Still a symbiote or snake head if you prefer, just a different people or faction. Calling her a goa'uld would be like calling me a nigger because of the color of my skin only she wouldn't slap the taste out of your mouth if you called her a goa'uld."

He winced and apologized to Jolinar who said she was used to it. I told her that from my understanding of it she wouldn't need a fully functioning body to survive in. She raised an eyebrow and I sighed. "Armor Tech is experimenting with cloning technology, for organ or full body transplant if the patient is too old and has the money to pay for a brand new life. There are a few clone samples on ice right now including Sam's and my own along with some of those that joined the volunteer program and signed the NDA like Sam and I did."

I waved a hand. "I'm willing to hand over one of them if it gets you out of her body since she clearly didn't agree to it. Granted it'd be a hundred million dollar body, but you'd still have to control it all on your own down to the breathing."

She agreed and I made the call with General Hammond's agreement. I asked what she'd prefer to look like and she said Sam was fine so I had the clone sent over. I warned Jolinar that it was grown at a rapid degree with nanites that have been flushed from it's system so she'd have to deal with the newness of it. Seeing Sam kiss her clone nearly gave me a hard on.

I caught her when she fell and Jolinar woke up in Sam's body. She asked why the mind was so advanced and I told her that it was literally just pulled out of the artificial womb so it fed on the stem cell solution for all it's life as if were and gestated until now. I told her it was blank and unused because no sensory input was added since we were looking into the technology to transplant minds still. She was in basic clothes so once Sam got up alright, we got down to the meeting.

Sam thanked me and Jolinar agreed that in exchange for safe passage and the clone body, she would help us make inroads with the Tok'ra high council to get a meeting with them and discuss an alliance. I told her that each clone can be equipped with combat muscle memory, all knowledge of goa'uld technology and anything else they'd like to add alongside the kinetic absorption body armor that can go under any clothes and absorb any attacks wherever struck by pretty much anything the goa'uld can throw at them from a distance.

I did warn her that bladed weapons do penetrate the armor though. She said she'd keep that in mind before asking what we'd expect from the Tok'ra out of the alliance. General Hammond told her a sharing of any military actionable intelligence and an update on all current system lords and assets in the field so our people don't accidentally kill each other because not everyone could read minds like I can or sense goa'uld's and Tok'ra like me. Jolinar said the sensing ability is likely the traces of naquadah in my bloodstream, but the mind reading was definitely unique.

I warned her the last goa'uld that tried to take over my body died and I'm uncertain if I'm immune to them causing their death or if it was something else. She tapped a finger on the desk saying we would hear back from her within the next couple of weeks with a time and place for the meeting arrangement. I passed her a Tollan long range data burst devise and told her I made them after our encounter with the Tollans.

She quirked an eyebrow asking if I'd read their mind to make it as well. I shook my head. "No, I just scanned their devices to understand it's design and properties. Sadly I could only make a few because trinium is scarce for now. Either way I'll give you the information on how to use it."

I did so telepathically and she looked it over before putting it on her sleeve were it stayed. She gave us the gate address to where she was headed before asking what we planned to do with the Ashrak. I told her we'd get what information we can from him before removing the symbiote and giving it to our scientists to study no doubt. She nodded, not caring much, before saying she had to leave now.

Once she was gone, General Hammond asked me to get what I can from the Ashrak before doing as I'd said before. I grimaced and went to do so, finishing with the Ashrak an hour later and freeing the man inside. I'd simply forced the goa'uld to sleep and leave the man's body like a dream. It went into the tank and got very angry as the kid snapped in place.

As for the man, he was healed and checked over before being let. The lab coats took the symbiote away and we went on with our lives after relocating the Nassyans. The next big mission we came across a man running from what he called Taldor. I told Jack it means justice and he's a murderer wanted by the law so if we help him then by their laws we're guilty of the same crime.

I told him we needed to leave now before cloaking is and teleporting us to the gate. I dialed home and we barely got through before I collapsed, bleeding from the nose and ears badly. I woke up in the med room with Janet saying my little teleportation stunt nearly killed me. I told her it was better than being sent to a prison world with no DHD for crimes we didn't commit.

I sat up saying I'd rather be dead than another statistic of innocent black man in prison, galactic edition. I asked if they made contact with the Taldor or whatever yet. Janet said she didn't know, but I'd been out a few hours. I got up and she insisted I rest because while I may heal, even my body has it's limits.

I groaned and asked for something to put me out then because my mind would just keep racing otherwise. She hit me with a dose of morphine and said she hadn't had a reason to use any of it since all the upgrades and medicines. When I woke up, I was released from medical and told the Taldor had demanded our return for their justice on trespassing and helping a murderer or so the murderer said.

When our negotiations broke down, the team returned and all ties to that world were cut entirely. The missions continued with an alien VR experience that had me wondering if we'd really made it out or not. It was so surreal that even when the mission ended and the inhabitants had taken back their world from the Gamekeeper, there was still doubt in my mind whether it was reality or another simulation. The system had put me with Sam because she didn't have Jolinar's protein protection.

In the end it reminded me to pass that to everyone just to be on the safe side alone with a dose of trace naquadah for Sam. It worked and she was able to sense the goa'uld in Teal'c so I let it be and told General Hammond that it would help to weed out any goa'uld, but if everyone had it then it would be rendered useless. He agreed and we left it at that for now.

Next up was a fun mission, a mining world owned by goa'uld to mine naquadah. I ended up stealing the naquadah the humans pretending to be Jaffa tried to send through the gate. I freed the others and knocked out all the guards before emptying the mines of naquadah, carrying it all back in a capsule bag. Yup, Armor Tech had come far and it still had far to go.

I took all the goa'uld tech including the Royal sarcophagus and staff weapons all the fake Jaffa wore. We sent the slaves to the land of light and stayed as the rest woke up all laying around the gate. I told them that they can go to a peaceful and protected planet like the former slaves did, to rebuild their way of life, or they can remain and hope the goa'uld don't discover the mines are empty of naquadah and they aren't goa'uld and Jaffa.

The old man demanded to know what we did and Jack blew the palace as they watched it all come down like a house of burning cards. He told them rebelling was good, but making slaves of those they wanted to meant they were no better than the goa'uld. He tossed down a piece of paper with the Cimmerian gate address on it before we stepped through the gate to the SGC. I debriefed them on the capsule technology discovered by Armor Tech's robot me and showed them how it worked.

When they took away all the raw naquadah, weapons, tech and armor I stored in the capsules, General Hammond asked if it was another technology they'd be sharing with the SGC. I raised an eyebrow. "You mean donating to the SGC?"

He nodded apprehensively and I smiled. "Yes General, though you, I and the president will have to discuss exactly what it is that would make Armor Tech do so. I do believe it's time Armor Tech solidifies it's ties to the SGC and takes on it's first official military contract. The Starhawks are completed and fully ready for deployment, being shipped to the agreed upon locations."

He nodded and we ended up flying to DC to meet with the president in person. We hammered out a deal that gave Armor Tech first pick of technology that was acquired and can be duplicated to sell to the masses, in exchange the military benefited from Armor Tech's now considerable military armament division. From upgraded Starhawks, kinetic suits, plasma repeaters, capsule technology and so much more. While the SGC gets the latest as donated supplies and upgrades so they and the first line of defense for earth always have the best technology with which to defend themselves and this planet.

In the meantime Armor tech would be given a copy of all the knowledge taken from the goa'uld that isn't of military strategic importance, namely technology and science information, so as to make better satellites, orbital platforms and a satellite station capable of holding and sustaining a city's worth of humans to build defenses off of earth and out of sight. A military presence was encouraged and happily agreed up, but the technology and knowledge to do so needed to be shared with Armor Tech if we were going to stay ahead of the goa'uld threat to earth.

Soon Armor Tech had gotten all of the things it required including naquadah so the race was on. Before even our next mission, they'd sent synthetic crystals for mining and designed to leave the raw ores refined and intact. Even gold became primal gold and all that fun stuff. With them and the water filtration systems, all the gold and valuable materials on earth would be pulled out within six months.

Hell, all the fossils on earth were already being scanned for and dug out, giving the archeologists an easier time of things. Plus the scanners go deeper now so the buried goa'uld weapons in the deserts of Egypt and all over were being pulled out by the special military. Even the escape pod and consequently the five aliens, Martin and his people, were found. They explained their refugee status only after having been brought in forcefully.

We checked on their homeworld after an incident involving an orb I recommended not be brought back. There we found the world destroyed entirely so Martin and his people were given refugee status and allowed to stay while I was told to make them think they were from earth. I grimaced before doing what General Hammond wanted me to. I took what information they had out one by one and gave them new lives and memories.

They believed it entirely and the four military aliens retired from the US Air Force with full pension while Martin went on to become a film producer, making a fake Stargate show. This way General Hammond said, we had plausible deniability. I didn't say anything and just left to grab a shower before uploading all they knew about everything into the computers. Their knowledge helped bridge the gaps a bit between our technology and the goa'uld's.