
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


I thought life as an Egyptian slave was hard, I hadn't ever expected to try and live a normal life as a nerdy black man in a world where pretty much everyone in power was white. I was born Ryan Johnson, a kid with the intellect and knowledge of an ancient immortal deity and here I was at ten years old having to apply thirteen times to go to college in the early eighties. The shit I had to go through to be allowed to do so was insane. No one believed how smart I was until I proved it to them, again and again.

Then they were struck dumb by the fact that someone smarter than they were was attending the same classes as them or in the teacher's case, attending their classes because the college university refused to just give me the degrees I'd wanted. My IQ was off the charts and I was a Mensa student. From scholarships to insane news outlets, I was deemed the smartest black kid in America because the white old bastards didn't want to admit that I was smarter than all the white kids as well.

I hardly cared though, I'd best them some day outright. Anyways, I spent seven years doing all kinds of paid competitions for college academics. By the time I decided to join the Air Force, I'd made my parents proud and rich only for my dad to die in a car accident from a drunk driver and my mom to die a year later strung out on pills with a heart problem. The worst part about it was the fucking media throwing it back in my face.

I had over two hundred degrees, spoke every human language on earth and had attended every martial arts tournament around the Globe since I was twelve. They called me the black Jackie Chan by the time I left the circuit and yet there was no way I could predict how my family would turn out. I had distant family, sure, but none of them had time for me and my shit especially since it meant the media would crawl all over their asses, even for the money it wasn't worth it. So the Air Force seemed a logical next step since I'd gone military before without touching on the Air Force and it was the only step I hadn't taken.

Yeah, big fun that was. Sure, they taught theoretical physics to a high degree, but I put stripped every record they had by miles. I was so impressive, the young and bright Samantha Carter herself found me endearing and someone worth beating. Of course two years in the same bed and she called me annoying instead, but she was no sweet apple pie girl herself unless the pie came with a bullet marked sweetheart.

I went for the same tours as she did in the gulf war. We were both the best of the best and we pushed each other up the ranks to captain by the time we heard about the stargate program. Unfortunately we missed the off world mission General West agreed to while getting the Pentagon to sign off on it. Hell, I'd been the one to figure out it went to more places than one and how to compensate for planetary shift in the year since then.

I analyzed the material and with several back and forths, the pentagon agreed to reposition the satellite systems to find similar materials here on earth using a frequency resonating program I built to find and resonate with the same materials near the surface of the planet. To that end we found dozens of hot spots starting with a cult compound we raided by my lead. Setesh the goa'uld was brought into custody while his alien technology was brought in for examination. Then there was the ancient goa'uld cargo ship, a hand held device, the sarcophagus of Hathor which was sealed in storage at area fifty-one for now and some other devices including an ancient cube that emitted some form of radiation when turned on.

Egypt was littered with small fragments and buried goa'uld technology. I spent months deciphering the language as a form of the ancient Egypt dialect. I spoke it as I read it and the cargo ship's computers showed enough to understand it and them. All my findings were accredited and in this alone I was able to decipher hundreds of worlds using the ship's computer systems.

I told them that from what I understand of it many, if not all the worlds could be inhabited by the hostile alien race. I retired as a major thanks to all my accomplishments. I was recalled to active duty by General Hammond three months later thanks to Sam showing up at my door while I was working on writing wormhole theory on a glass wall in my study. She and another officer interrupted my work and shut off my music.

I growled without turning around. "If you're here about the noise you can leave. I bought the land for ten miles around so you're trespassing and I will shoot you. If you're here about the heart you broke, Sam, you're a bit late, I'm over you."

She spoke up. "I think you know what I'm here for or you clearly have an idea by the writing everywhere."

I huffed and turned Akon back on low and sat on by desk, looking at her and the major behind her. She sighed and I held up a hand. "You hurt me and I don't get hurt because I don't let people in, Sam."

She sighed and agreed, touching my shaved Lance Gross look alive face. Major Simmons spoke up. "General Hammond would like a word with you major."

I huffed. "I'm retired, Major, and I don't know General Hammond."

I looked to Sam and she smiled sadly before he sighed. "Still, your presence has been requested."

I asked Sam what it was about, ignoring the Major. She said it was classified and I huffed lightly, tossing on a shirt and turning off the stereo. We left my ranch in Colorado and headed to the base under Cheyenne Mountain. I had a rather long conversation with General Hammond and I was brought back on as a civilian consultant since I'd felt my time in the military had run it's course.

I sat in with Sam and Jack O'Neill called us egg heads. I'd been called far worse so I kept my mouth shut besides telling him. "That's Doctor Egghead to you Colonel. Do try to keep up or let me know if I need to slow down and speak caveman for your to understand something."

Sam smiled while General Hammond introduced us, telling him I had an IQ that dwarfed any other known human's on earth throughout time. He told him that up until three months ago I was a major in the Air Force with over two hundred hours of air time in the gulf, six tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and a confirmed kill count of three hundred and forty-seven. He told him I was a master martial artist and spoke or could read and write every known language including that of the alien's that came through the gate, having had a face to face with one of them in which I not only out maneuvered them, but nearly killed it before capture.

Jack asked seriously. "You captured one of those things?"

I shrugged. "Wasn't the highlight of my day considering it was brain washing and raping civilians while building a cult. One of the many reasons I retired, Colonel."

He grunted and said it was personal, he just didn't like eggheads. I shrugged. "And it's not personal from me either, I just don't like dumbass who assume things."

Sam told us to put them away and stop the pissing match. I shrugged and continued to auto type out computer code on my laptop I'd built. I was assigned to the mission with Sam and we geared up with a twenty-four hour window. When we went through, I watched Sam heave while set my pack down and moved quickly, pulling several kids with guns out from behind the pillars.

I disarmed them until Jack told me to stop because we were friendlies. We sat around and had dinner until the sandstorm passed. I told Jack and Sam I'd take a look around the pyramid itself since it would've house weapons and cargo as a landing pad. Daniel told Skaara to show me the other chamber below so he did.

He said I must be really smart and I shrugged while recording and reading everything in the lit chamber. When I got to the red sun part, I used my gun's light and red scope to open it to Skaara's shock. Treasures abound, but of everything, only the ancient tablet that spoke of Atlantis meant anything to me. I recorded it before packing it away just as the gun fire started above. I told Skaara to stay here and shoved the pack into his arms, running with my guns.

I killed most of the remaining Jaffa and threw a knife through Apophis's hand when the bullets failed, getting shot with a staff weapon and killing all but two Jaffa before refusing to go down. I shot the one dialing the gate as it succeeded and got shot again in the chest this time. I ripped off the vest before the plasma could melt through and threw it at Apophis, shooting the remaining Jaffa, Teal'c in the leg. The first prime barely managed to drag Daniel's wife, Sha're through the wormhole and I chased them through as they retreated.

It took six more staff blasts and a zat gun to bring me down as I killed the four Jaffa defending the gate and helping Apophis and Teal'c drag Sha're away. Teal'c himself had to use the zat to bring me down because Apophis wanted me alive with such a remarkable feat. I was dropped in a sarcophagus and dumped in a holding cell with Sha're after my weapons had been removed.

I paced like a caged animal and glared at the guards outside my cell door, seeing the first prime who'd healed and his older mentor, Bra'tac. I glared at the old warrior with a promise of great violence the moment I'm freed. I told them to release us and I promise not to kill them the moment the doors open. Bra'tac said he believed I could, but I was only one man.

I smirked. "One man can kill a great many if he is fast silent or hood with a blade. Release me and I'll turn this place into a bloodbath before I take the heads of those with glowing eyes."

He said he could not and I slammed into the gate with the full strength of my body. The bars buckled inwards a bit and made the old Jaffa's eyes go wide. I grabbed the gate and went to opened it, getting it to about half my chest wide before I was shot with a zat gun again. I growled and the Jaffa guards shuffled as I opened it more, taking two more glancing shots with staff weapons before the gate was open chest wide.

The old Jaffa put a staff weapon in my face and armed it, asking me not to make him do it. I held the gate open and glared at him coldly before letting them close it. I just stared into his eyes and nodded slowly. I went to the back wall and sat in meditation while Sha're did her best to treat my wounds.

She said I was a friend of Daniel's and a fierce warrior so I was her best hope of getting home alive. I sighed and told her. "When I say run, you run to where we are now and escape with the others, alright?"

She nodded and I told her to get some rest. My slayer strength had helped a great deal because that gate weighed several tons at least. She rested against me where she knew it was safe and when it was time, Teal'c came inside with seven Jaffa. I woke Sha're and stood up, waiting.

When they aimed to take Sha're, I moved like lightning, disarming three of them and killing four others before I shot the three that were down and aimed my second staff weapon at Teal'c's face only to dodge as I was nearly shot in the back by three more Jaffa in the doorway. I swept out and knocked Teal'c off his feet, shooting the three in the doorways and firing both weapons on the back wall, barking. "Now!"

The men and women rushed to the hole I made with Sha're leading them. I turned to Teal'c and told him. "Help me free these people or die for whatever god you believe in."

He took my hand and we headed out the wall after I took a zat gun and several weapons, tossing a grenade behind us out the doorway they'd come in. He led the group to the gate and I covered the rear, killing several Jaffa along the way and shooting down two death gliders after we killed the new guards at the stargate. I put in the coordinates from earth and Teal'c handed me my radio.

I radios through and told them what happened and that I'd follow quarantine procedures, but I had hundred refugees and one enemy turned ally with us. General Hammond said I might've been compromised and I told him to suggest something because I'm about three minutes we were going to be overrun by an army of pissed off enemies and retaken or slaughtered. He let us through and I told the civilians to hurry.

I had to shoot down another three death gliders with a staff weapon before Teal'c and I were the last through being chased by about a thousand pissed off Jaffa. We were ran through quarantine and I had both my mouth and neck checked because thanks to Setesh we knew how they could enter the body. When I was cleared, they put Teal'c in a jump suit after taking my statement into consideration.

I gave him credit and told them he'd be hunted as a traitor for helping us and his knowledge of the current goa'uld would be of use as well as their technology and weapons. Daniel was happy to have his wife back and Skaara gave me my pack back before thanking me and Teal'c both. Teal'c told them I did most of the saving even while wounded. He called my tenacity impressive and my strength unlike anything he'd seen before.

General Hammond raised an eyebrow and I told him. "I was shot up when I came through the gate on Chulak I believe it's called."

Teal'c nodded and I continued. "Anyways, they shot me half a dozen times and hit me with some stun gun thing. The next thing I know I'm waking up in a sarcophagus feeling like I could fight Superman before I'm dumped in a caged area. I don't do cages and I don't do whips and chains well. Whatever they did to me, it seemed to make me stronger, faster and more resilient. The glowing snake head said he wanted me as a host for someone, but before that could happen, I tried breaking out when the guards refused to let me out."

I shrugged. "I slammed into the cage door and it bent some like really bent. I tried opening it and it must've weighed several tons, but I got it to about chest wide until an old man shoved a staff weapon in my face and asked me not to make him kill me. It took a bit of debating knowing what I know of the one we have prisoner before I let go. When Teal'c here brought in the younger guards, killing them and taking their weapons seemed like the next logical step."

I shrugged and narrated what happened and how Teal'c led us to freedom. I sat up in the hospital bed and was surprised my body was already mostly healed, but then I remembered the slayer bit and shrugged. Janet, the head doctor, came back with my medical results saying I had something foreign in my blood stream. When I checked it, I reached for the back of my neck and requested an MRI and a CT scan immediately.

We found a deteriorating snake in my neck and I had flashes of memories. Soon the snake deteriorated entirely and I was left with a unique protein marker. I told him it must've been when I was in the sarcophagus which healed it up without a scar. I told him I must have some sort of immunity or antibody that kills the snakes when they try to enter my body or possibly a genetic mutation that triggered by their presence.

Janet and I talked genetics and latent genes triggered by trauma or a specific enzyme or material the goa'uld release that triggered and killed the creature. I rubbed my neck and grunted. "No wonder why I've been feeling irritable and caged ever since I woke up. You need to do an MRI on everyone here regardless and do a full base sweep. If anyone else was healed while in the sarcophagus while having a snake put in them it might not leave a scar and they could body hop as necessary."

General Hammond put the base on lockdown until they cleared everyone except Kawalsky who was put in quarantined ICU. I asked to see his scans and Doctor William Warner asked if I had a medical doctorate in biology and human anatomy. I grunted. "Several dozen in every hands on medical field there is doctor. I'm more than qualified to read a CT and X-ray scan. I could even scrub in and do your job for you since I am a licensed anesthesiologist and surgeon from brain to ass so unless you think you're somehow more qualified, step off."

I looked over the scans and frowned. "You said you could give him a ten percent chance?"

He nodded. "Up to thirteen percent."

I raised an eyebrow and sighed. "They you can be my second. I can give him a thirty-seven percent chance of coming out intact and forty-three percent as a paraplegic if it comes down to it."

He agreed after we talked methods before General Hammond called a meeting because a colonel wanted to keep Kawalski as a prisoner in his own body. The colonel asked his odds and I told him them before he asked the odds of survival for the symbiote which I shook my head. "Five percent at best. Assuming we can get ahold of some proper lab equipment I should be able to make those odds on both accounts rise by about twenty percent. Back when I was studying in college I invented a nerve agent that got me trouble with the CDC as a lab mix up. It's capable of shutting down the entire body without damaging the nerves or organs for up to twenty minutes before it restarts them. Assuming the goa'uld can heal themselves, a repeated dose administered by Dr.Warner here could keep it down long enough to remove the symbiote, leaving a twenty-five percent chance it could survive and a fifty-seven to sixty-three percent chance major Kawalski comes out of this alive."

General Hammond said that was music to his ears and I warned him a lot could go wrong like the creature killing Kawalski before the nerve agent takes effect or so much as a twitch by the thing at the wrong time. He agreed and asked what the possible side effects could include. I grunted. "Too much of the nerve agent and the heart won't start back up again, too little and the creature might be able to flush it or kill Kawalski. We'll need to ask Teal'c to volunteer for testing it's effects on his symbiote. They're both larval formed so he's the best candidate if he agrees, if not we can only go by blind estimates."

Teal'c agreed and six hours later a canister of the potentially deadly liquid nerve agent was made enough to wipe out the base and more. We tested it on Teal'c's symbiote and it was immediately knocked out. It lasted a minute so we increased the dosage by milligrams because of the extreme potency of it. When it reached the twenty minute mark, I nodded to Dr.Warner. "This is it."

I turned to Teal'c and thanked him because he just might've saved Kawalski on his own. We put Kawalski under and scrubbed it, unlike Dr.Warner, I started at the head and detached it carefully from the brain stem, moving extremely quick for human surgeons, but slow for me. As soon as the goa'uld was out, it was put in a canister and taken away while we closed up Kowalski. While he was in recovery, I checked over the symbiote and found it was half molted having tried to shed it's skin to confuse us only to actually be taken out.

I had it put in simple salt water and monitored with a small electrical pulse to keep it alive. Colonel Kennedy wanted the very pissed off goa'uld and Teal'c for study, but seeing as how Teal'c literally just risked his life to save Major Kowalski, Kennedy only left with the symbiote in a tank. I was exhausted and needed my own rest since my body did a lot of healing on it's own before I'd done major surgery. The rest of the nerve agent was put in lockup and I was assigned to SG-1 with Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c.

Sam and I were scientists and military minds with Jack and Teal'c as military minds leaving Daniel to be the voice of reason and group conscience mostly. I simply didn't care enough about pretty much anything besides myself and Sam though even that was dwindling since she dumped me when she found out how I conducted the interrogations on Setesh. Whoever said torture wasn't effective on a goa'uld simply wasn't doing it right.

I'd spent years on black ops missions as a T and I specialist getting the secrets out of terrorists and other very unwilling people. I was a leader in the field just like I'd been taught as a ninja long ago. It was one of the many lessons I'd learned over the years, everyone breaks eventually. I'd found out in my last life that even I had a breaking point, mostly because I wasn't whole, but then that was my choice.

Sam hadn't liked that side of me and I hadn't ever wanted her to see it, but she'd had access through the pentagon and figured it out for herself when information from Setesh began coming through. I'd quit immediately after she confronted me about it with a video of the interrogation. The pentagon had known all along and had in fact requested my methods to extract the information, but the way Sam had looked at me, it was worse than any of the women I'd loved and could remember ever having been disappointed. It was as if she was disgusted with me and couldn't stand the sight of me.

So I retreated to a ranch I bought and kept it all theoretical, starting up a think tank and company, aka Armor Tech. They pretty much ran themselves with a CEO separate of myself and only began the bare essentials of advancing technology, medicine and everything. That was one of the many issues I'd discussed with General Hammond and why I remained a civilian more than even Sam's opinion. Kowalski recovered with full motor functions and was given a full battery of tests starting with an MRI.

He wasn't alone in tests though since I'd still had to take a lot myself and Teal'c was no exception either for that rule. Once we all passed muster and all that fun stuff, we were sent out on our first mission. It turned out to be a Mongolian world and there Sam saved a boy's life. When the locals wanted her dead because she was a woman showing her face, Daniel said they were Mongols and I frowned.

Sam suggested we turn back and I agreed when Daniel said that we'd be fine if we learn their ways. I snorted. "Daniel, you were gifted your wife and those people weren't Mongols. If I remember right women were treated as trade goods by the mongols and raped when they disagreed. One wrong move and we're dead in our sleep while Sam is passed around the camp because she's exotic and to them that means very attractive. Personally I'd rather fight the goa'uld instead of people that'd kill me in my sleep to rape a friend, but hey, that's just me."

Jack agreed and told them that Daniel and I would stay with Teal'c while he and Sam would head back to send her home. The boy disagreed and said he needed her. His slip up screwed his intentions all to hell and out came his intent to trade Sam for another woman. I told Jack I could end this right now if he gives the word.

He raised an eyebrow and said we were leaving seeing as how their intentions weren't exactly pure. The old man leading them smacked his son down and apologized. I told him we'd send a delegation to perhaps meet with them later and learn their ways, but for now the protection of our people was paramount to us. He agreed and warned us of the other tribe saying they'd kill us and take the woman if they can.

I told him to let them try and there'd be one less tribe for him to worry about. He frowned, but wished us the best regardless. We headed back to the gate and we're ambushed by said other tribe. I killed Attila the asshat and being their leader, the rest charges us, ending in a slaughter as we retreated.

None of their hundred odd men were returning home, that was for sure. Still, a herd of horses and a bunch of dead bodies was bound to raise questions. Our delegation later found out it was the boy who sent word of our leaving that caused the ambush of the other tribe. I grunted saying that I killed fifty-eight men all so one boy could get laid.

I sighed. "Shit like that makes me wonder why I don't drink."

Sam spoke up. "With your brain running at ninety percent synaptic capacity, odds are you'd strike out if you drank or have a seizure."

I grunted. "Oh, right, that's why."

A couple weeks later we were sent through to a dark planet filled with cavemen. I knocked out most of the cavemen that attacked us while SG-3 came in behind us and shot one, scaring off the remaining living ones. We tracked them to a camp and found a female that didn't look like them tied up. Daniel was all about watching her get raped because he believed that it was natural for them so I spoke up. "Fuck that and fuck you. No one's getting raped in front of me if I can stop it, I don't give a damn what their culture is. Your wife may not have had a choice, but I sure as shit ain't gonna let some caveman take that away from this girl."

I moved fast, kicking the caveman into a tree and causing him to scream in agony as I shattered his ribs. I moved faster and clubbed each of the ass hats in the head with the bit of my P-90. Once they were knocked out, I told the girl she was safe and cut her bindings. Jack and the others watched as some asshats in white started throwing rocks at me. I caught a couple and made them scream as I busted one in the knee and the other in the shoulder with their own rocks.

Jack and the others moved then and stopped them while I tied up the cavemen. We headed to the land of light where we were greeted with an oddly civilized way. When they explained the touched and untouched, I frowned and told Jack. "As the lead medical doctor on the team I recommend quarantine and full hazmat protocols. Odds are whatever this is that's afflicting the touched is a contagious disease and we've all been exposed."

He agreed and and we contacted the base before they sent over vials for blood samples. I managed to get them done before giving them to Teal'c who saw them through the gate while the rest of us succumbed to the virus. I woke up having collapsed while mating with Sam clearly. Jack was knocked out at the edge of the camp and both Sam and I woke up awkwardly.

I pulled free of her and found my pants while she found her own. The SG team that found us supplied some extra clothes and I asked what happened. Teal'c gave me a play by play including the fact that Sam came onto me. She said it was the virus and I didn't say a word against it.

Anyways, he said Jack tried to take her and I backhanded him into a tree where he fell asleep while the other SG members seemed to cheer us on and create a fire while we mates repeatedly until the SG teams came through with a cure. He said Daniel was the last to succumb to it and he found himself a girlfriend in Melosha, the girl I saved before. Again I didn't comment and instead found the rest of my gear where I'd left it before.

All the SG team members would say was that I was scary strong and they were glad they had tranq darts to shoot at a distance. It was awkward when Jack woke up and asked what truck hit him, but beyond that it was fine. Sam and I had been on and off since the academy so we knew when and how to deal with the on and off stuff. When we returned to the SGC, my eyes had become silvery like an furyian's in the night.

It was as I'd planned and perfectly in line with my body's genetic designs. Just some genetic tinkering I'd done in college. When I got checked over, the doctors asked if I was feeling aright because my eyes had changed. I shook my head saying I can see in the dark like it's daylight now but beyond that I felt fine.

Janet checked my eyes thoroughly and asked if I'd eaten anything. I shrugged. "Nothing I can remember. Teal'c would know better than I would."

Teal'c said no and that I'd been changed like that when the virus changed me only my eyes didn't change back when I did. She tested the light in my eyes and found no reaction before saying it must've been an adaptive genetic disorder since my body seems to be evolving to adjust to the extremes it's put against. I grunted saying I must've beaten some type of stereotype then because I can swim like an Olympic athlete and now I can see in the dark.

Janet smirked saying if I keep this up I might beat every stereotype including those that defy human logic. I sighed saying I'd already beat that when I was ten and got twenty doctorates and ten PHDs. Teal'c raised an eyebrow and Janet said she was a head of her field with one doctorate and two PHDs so for me to have over two hundred PHDs and a hundred doctorates and Masters degrees, I was considered the most intelligent and knowledgeable person on the planet. He looked at me in a new light asking why I don't actively advance human technologies.

I chuckled. "I am. I made a company a few months back called Armor Tech. They're getting the patents and stuff to make my designs a reality. I spent years coming up with things in my spare time but the military isn't the best place to release that kind of stuff because it won't reach the whole of the planet. So my company is getting everything it needs to start making the things I've designed and spreading it out across the United States and the globe. It just takes time an money which I supplied."

Janet explained that I was quite wealthy because of some of my own scientific breakthroughs. He raised an eyebrow and I told him I'd bring a hover board for him to try out one of these days. My eyes unnerved some people so I took to wearing sunglasses even while in the conference room. My eyes were silvery, but it marked me as a predator in the dark and the men and women of the SGC were unnerved by it.

When our next big mission was on a super hot UV dense planet, we found a member of the team assigned to the planet and boy did he have a story to tell. Hanson, Sam's ex fiancé, had gone crazy and was ruling the locals like a cruel god. I told Jack then. "I can get it done. I can slip in and extract Hanson and any survivors of the SG team and get out without being caught. It was one of my specialties in black ops, solo extraction behind enemy lines under heavy fire and against all odds."

Teal'c asked. "What is your other specialties in these black ops?"

I flinched and Sam told them. "Torture and interrogation to extract secrets. Even the goa'uld known as Setesh broke in an hour under Ryan's interrogation methods."

I winced harder and didn't look them in the eyes. I just sighed. "There's a reason I left the military. It wasn't just Setesh's actions I'd seen that caused me to retire. I'm not proud of what I did or how good at it I am, but if it helps protect earth, I'll do whatever's necessary to whomever I have to so that earth continues to go on spinning. Call it whatever you'd like, but when I pick up a knife, even the devil himself would spill his darkest secrets. The only difference between Hanson and me is that I know I'm not a god, I'm just cruel when I work and I know it."

Jack asked how long I'd need and I asked how far the caves were from our location. Connor gave me the answers I needed and I told Jack I could be at the gate in forty-five minutes with whoever's left of the team, unconscious and zip tied. He agreed for me to do it and I passed him my weapons and pack, shrugging off my body armor as well.

I told them I'd meet them there and I moved like a full strength slayer, fast enough to outstrip most city speed limits and push for faster. Twenty minutes later I found Hanson and another SG member out on a cliff. I knocked them out fast and zip tied them, carrying them both with me. I moved at full speed, stealthily retracing my steps and covering my tracks.

I dropped them zip tied in front of Jack and the rest saying I got lucky and they were standing on the cliff by the quarry talking about making the people work faster for something so I knocked them out and took them. Daniel asked if I knew what they were talking about and I shook my head. "I don't give a damn what they were talking about. My objective was to extract them as quickly and quietly as possible while covering my tracks. I heard them, found them, knocked them out and carried them back. They can explain themselves at a court martial. The rest isn't of interest to me."

Hanson woke up and went to yell only to get a boot to the temple. I told them we should leave unless we'd like to be on today's sacrifice or commit mass murder on the indigenous when they inevitably come for them regardless of how well my tracks were covered. Jack had Daniel dial the gate and told them we'd send a new team later while Hanson's enjoying his court martial. I lifted the men over my shoulders and grabbed my stuff, walking through with the team and Connor.

We were sent back when Hanson mentioned the shield devices to shield from the UV issues. Teal'c and the others found one and I found the other in the caves. I told the locals their god went back, but sent us to finish his work. They bought it enough to let us fix and activate the shields before we left them to it.

Our scientists came back to study them, but I'd already had a good idea of how they worked, simultaneous harmonic light frequency resonance. I spent a few days drawing up schematics and doing the math behind it, leaving all the work completed in the lab Sam assigned me next door to hers. She was the chief military scientist so I didn't get a say in the matter I guess. Our next bit of fun was on a yellow sand planet with granite living crystals.

I took a few samples and Jack found a whole untouched one. He touched it and got cloned sort of. I watched the confused clone pick up his gun and hat before I called the others over to us. I held up my palms and told the fake Jack that we're not like the goa'uld and we aren't here to hurt him or his people.

I dug out the one Sam and Daniel found before touching the crystal. It made a face like mine and I smiled before a small hand appeared. The fake Jack told it not to, but I told him it was alright. It shocked me, but the charge grew and sparked over me before reentering the crystal and healing it.

I smiled and told them. "It's aura, bio electricity. I understood as soon as it and I touched how to help it."

I smirked lightly before building up a massive charge. I told them as I did so. "Energy isn't destroyed, just changed. If you understand how it's changed you can reverse the change and in this case, revive and heal the energy beings."

I practically glowed and explained that it was the atmosphere's unique thin layer and composition, but what they were seeing was the energy build up feeding off my own ambient bio electrical energies, compounding and redoubling like a building wave. I went from one crystal to the next and repaired them, reviving them with a touch. Soon most of the crystal beings were revived and I was panting, barely standing as if I'd run a hundred marathons. The energy being that looked like Jack told me to stop or my body would experience physical death.

Still, he thanked me and together they helped stabilize my aura. I thanked them for the help saying I might've gotten carried away. Sam asked how I knew it was a mass grave and I gestured to Teal'c's staff. "I've been shot with staff weapons enough to know what the plasma burns they cause look like. From there I figured out the rest seeing how the one interacted with Jack. He should be fine, just a bit drained like I am."

A second me came out of the crystal I'd healed first and told them they couldn't have hoped to see this day. He said with a mind like mine copied, he can see the way to restore and protect his people. He said there was so much in my mind, answers to every thought and even those neither of us knew just pop into the forefront with barely any thoughts to them.

I huffed. "Trust me, it doesn't get easier. Most of the time I'm trying not to think of things because I don't want the answers to them. A scent or pitch change, the thrum of a pulse, the indications of being lied to and the answers laid out before me. When you can see so much sometimes it's best to learn to close your eyes or in my case, my mind."

He said it was a gift and I grunted. "Have fun with it then. Just don't try to come to earth with hostile intentions."

He gave me a bored look and I rolled my eyes. He said we both knew we didn't need a stargate at the SGC to travel worlds. Sam asked what he meant and I shrugged. "I cracked the wormhole theory and understand it as an applied science. Besides the capacitors, I could build a stargate out of household appliances and travel to any one world I know the location of. From there I could do as I pleased."

He snorted saying I'd cracked most space necessities as well including cryo sleep, star travel and ship designs. He added that with the designs of the goa'uld cargo ship from Thebes I could probably build a ship within a few months of personal size. I snorted and told it to get out of my head or go figure out how to revive the rest of it's people. He shrugged saying I hated the secrets yet I lived with so many.

I told him everyone had secrets and it was a fact of being human. Fake Jack mentioned Charlie and I grunted, telling it and the others of Charlie's death, Jack's split with his wife and his pain. I told it that I can't bring back Charlie like I can bring them back because they were just pure bio energy while he was a flesh and blood human boy. I told them as my mind raced that even if I could think up a way to do it, the process would likely kill me and bring back something not human and not dead.

My alternate self said the rules of this reality were dumb. He turned to me and suggested I change them. I snorted. "I'm not that strong and we both know it. I can barely revive the equivalent of a bug zapper's worth of energy being's. Screwing with the laws of physics or changing them is a bit out of my ball park."

He tilted his head. "For now."

I raised an eyebrow and he smirked saying he knew something I didn't or hadn't made the connections to yet. Jack woke up, stopping that line of thought and his fake self tried it's best to help us. I explained what happened and that it panicked trying to heal him until it realized he wasn't hurt as bad physically as he was emotionally. It did it's best to help and looked like Charlie for him, helping him to accept it and move on I guess.

It all made for an interesting story back at the SGC once it was over. I had a bit of explaining to do, but it wasn't much. Wormhole physics wasn't that complicated, not when you have so much raw data to go off of. As for the ship designs and technology, I told them I was a big Star Trek fan and I figured out how I would build a ship long ago as a kid, star charts and all. I told General Hammond it was one of the many technologies Armor Tech was working on.

I smirked. "Without all the goa'uld stuff of course. I started the company to advance all areas of science, not just space crafts, though feel free to visit them. It's a private tech company so no one can buy it out and it takes no military contracts for now to ensure the other medicines and technologies aren't frozen out. It's one of the reasons I stayed civilian after all."

Jack asked what else they were working on and I shrugged. "A single dose vaccine to end all known viruses and diseases, a cure for cancer, a serum to speed up the body's natural healing process, one to make you immune to all known poisons and unknown ones as well, one to regrow limbs, another to extend the human lifespan to five hundred years or more, teleportation, healing pills, artificial intelligence, better computers with far better micro processors, the latest cellphones, sat phones and space stuff, mapping the universe, studying the decay rate of stars, increasing solar energy panels effectiveness, solar generators, air and water purifiers-"

I stopped and smiled. "You know, they're working on a solution that can liquify all non organic material down to it's base elements leaving a goo that's basically a super fertilizer? Assuming it works in space and can get past goa'uld shield technology, it would turn the hull of their ship into goo as well, or be used to clean up all the trash on earth and turn old buildings into fertilizer to regrow forests or crops fast, potentially ending world hunger on the side."

They were stunned silly, except Teal'c, and Sam asked if any of it was viable today. I nodded. "Most of it is workable right now. The issue is getting the patent office to sign off on it all. My own laptop for instance is a clear cut example."

I slid it to Sam and she checked it out saying woah a few dozen times. She told them it was like a super computer only far more advanced and compact. After all that fun stuff, General Hammond offered a compromise saying he'd help clear things at the patent office for first crack at the best stuff we can provide the SGC. I grunted telling him if he could help there I'd personally guarantee the SGC gets all the tech and medicine Armor Tech can provide donated free of charge and gift wrapped as it comes off the rack.

He asked if they had any tech the base could use currently made. I shrugged. "I'd have to contact them, but production started the day the company started up. All of it's being fully stress tested, but beyond that there should be several dozen if not hundred warehouses full of technology, medicine and all sorts of stuff just collecting dust while waiting for approval."

"After the patent office, the real trick will be getting the FDA to approve human trials and marketing, but a team of lawyers and the patent fully tested on all other things should prove it safe. Then it's only a matter of contacting the CDC and poison control to get all the known toxins, viruses and diseases, stripping them down and processing the last bit of information before synthesizing the vaccines. After that there's not anything beyond tests and getting approval to mass produce it all, making all known poisons and diseases obsolete."

I waved a hand. "If you can clear the way, in six months Armor Tech can have every man and woman at the SGC vaccinated, suited up with kinetic armor, ion guns, dissolving grenades and pills that can regrow limbs or heal any non instantaneous death wounds. The base can be fully overhauled with remote plasma guns, scanners that can identify people by genetic molecular scans and can't be fooled, clean and sustainable energy that can keep the lights on indefinitely. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture General."

He nodded with a smile and said he'd make a few phone calls. I grunted and told him that as soon as the parents are approved and filed Armor Tech will immediately begin upgrading and overhauling everything he desires and recommending more no doubt. I told him they had years of all my best ideas in backlog so it could take that long since I told them to build from the beginning instead of going strait to interplanetary space guns and satellite platform weapons I'd thought up to defend earth from the Borg.

Teal'c said he was unfamiliar with those aliens and Sam told him they were fictional. I told him the space guns and satellite weapons platforms certainly weren't. I explained that I'd planned to turn Mercury into a solar farm with teleportation platforms and robots to harvest solar energy cells to bring back to earth and power the planet while satellite weapons orbited every planet and surface to space weapons platforms targeted anything that got past the satellite weapons. I told him a fleet of a thousand fully decked out plasma repeating cannon mounted ships would turn back those crazy biomechanical lifeforms.

He quirked an eyebrow and I told him to think about his staff weapon only far faster like our P90s and as big as the weapons on a goa'uld mothership. Jack said that's what he's talking about, big honking space guns. Sam said it would be impractical because of the overheating. I told her that she forgets the kinetic energy absorbing technology I mentioned.

I smirked. "The armor I designed sends the energy absorbed back into the ground as a dozen different types of energy from seismic energy to electrical energy. For the guns, I'd loop it to solar energy and keep the solar reactor charged while firing. So long as you can adjust for the output you can continuously fire with extra solar energy being absorbed by the hull from nearby stars as well."

She stiffened, stunned by my work around saying it was possible, but it would take years to figure out the equations. I told her I spent seven years figuring it all out in my spare time and doing the math when I wasn't working on other projects. She told me to show her and I opened my laptop, pulling up the files and showed it to her in my lab. Teal'c lost interest until I showed him the crystal screen I made on a wall and turned into a monitor.

I told him to test it out, saying. "All the technology has actual applications except for the Borg. Though give me a minute and…there."

The Borg ships changed into goa'uld ships and all the data we had on them. I told him to test all he knows about the Goa'uld tactics and try to beat the solar system weapons of future earth. When he repeatedly failed, I suggested he try new strategies and more devious ones. I let him play as it was great data to take in.

Jack eventually came in with Daniel and asked Teal'c what he was up to. He told him he is attempting to thwart the futuristic weapons of earth. I told them it was a simulator I made when I was fifteen and I just compensated for the technology we know the goa'uld have instead of the Borg. I suggested they give it a try as well and help him out if they want.

Sam and I went over a lot of the stuff and in the end she smiled saying she'd missed this side of me, all excited about science and theories. I shrugged, saying the military didn't have much use for a scientist in the field of battle so I adapted and it broke us apart for good. She said she'd never said for good and I nodded. "I know, but I just did. As much as I'd love to go back and forth, I don't have it in me to see you look at me the way you did that day. Not again. I know that being in this program and apart of the military even as a civilian, one day I'm going to be asked to do whatever's necessary to get the information we need and I'll pick up that knife again to do what I have to. I can't do that and see you look at me like that all over again while caring."

I sighed. "It wasn't just the horrible shit I'd seen and done that made me leave Sam, it was because I couldn't see someone I love look at me like the monster I felt like inside. You were the best part of all of this, science included and it's not your fault, I know that, the blame is entirely my own, but seeing you look at me like that, it made me realize I couldn't be with you and still do those things I have to. All of this is about protecting our world and any others we can. When it comes down to it, I'll do whatever I have to do that I can keep it safe and that means becoming the monster I was in your eyes that day again if necessary. I can't do that and still look at you expecting you to love what you see. It isn't fair to you or anyone."

I grunted as I turned back to the computer screen. "The real difference between me and Hanson is that he needed a crowd to follow him so he could be a monster. I'm already one all on my own or at least I have one in me waiting to be set free. I can't love you and still look at you after I do expecting you to feel the same so I've decided to put my feelings aside and focus on my work, or was the ranch out in the middle of nowhere not a big enough clue?"

She sighed and said she was sorry, but I told her not to be. I told her we'd had our chance and I blew it. I knew and accepted that, now I just wanted to move on like she had with Hanson and whoever else she was dating now. She changed the subject back to the work and I noticed all three of the players had been listening in.

I paid it no mind as life moved onwards and so did we. Soon the Secretary of Defense was visiting and had a word with me before seeing the stargate for himself. When he asked if we had any idea what's out there, Jack said no and that it was why we're going. He asked if it was and said the administration was not satisfied with the current progress of the stargate program.

General Hammond said he was referring specifically to the chief mandate to bring back superior technologies to fight the goa'uld. Teal'c mentioned a creature that could become invisible at will and the Secretary liked the idea of stealth technologies. I was off in my own little world until Jack asked if I was coming. I shook myself out of it and said I needed to see the creature for myself.

When we got to the planet I was stumped because unlike the rest of them I could see the Nox floating city and a couple Nox there. I waved to them and asked if we were trespassing. Sam asked who I was talking to and I gestured to the two Nox. "Those two right there. Assuming they own the floating city over there I can safely assume they're the locals."

Teal'c said there wasn't anyone there and one of the Nox spoke into my mind, saying her name was Lya and the other one was Anteaus. I put my hand to my chest and clumsily answered the same way that I am Ryan. I told them of each of the team before asking if they were the ones making things invisible to the others. The female nodded and I asked if one of them could appear and explain to the others that I hadn't gone insane.

Lya made me disappear and brought me to their hut. She wanted to know more about us and our ways so I told her of earth telepathically, showing her of the life I'd lived, of the things I'd done, everything down to the moment I stepped through the stargate from birth to today. She said my mind wasn't like the others and she knew how now. The older Nox, Ohper, showed me the Nox ways and my mind raced as he showed me many things.

I was a sponge and absorbing all that he could teach me as fast as he could do so. He finished with the alliance of the four races, the Nox, Asgard, Furling and the Ancients or Alterans, the eldest of the four races. I saw through Anteaus's eyes as he saved the team and a wounded Jaffa, bringing them back to heal them. I asked to help and they let me using their ways.

When the others woke up, Lya led them to the logs and I revealed myself, telling them I'd learned a great deal about our new friends, the Nox. I told them the Nox taught me a great deal about what I'm capable of since their minds are advanced like mine. I made fruit fly into my hand and float before making it invisible to them. I made it reappear and Lya told them even their own minds aren't as advanced as my own.

She said I would be special even amongst the Nox. She told them they learned a great deal about our world from me and called us young, even me. I grunted and explained that she means both technologically and sociologically, we aren't as advanced as they are nor anywhere near their level. I told them the Nox were telepathic and could share thoughts and emotions without secrets and lies.

I gestured to them and said that they live to be around six hundred years or so and share their wisdom freely, though they'd never hurt anyone even to defend their own lives and would instead rely on mind tricks to hide and escape detection until the threat is gone or teleport themselves away at will. I told them the Nox way is very different from the ways of Jaffa and our own on earth. Jack agreed saying we can't revive the dead.

I shrugged and told Anteaus I'd check on the unconscious Jaffa and make sure he didn't have any concealed weapons. I came back out and tossed a blade onto the table before telling them he should be fine and they should leave him near the gate so he doesn't wake up and try to kill them, us or worse, tell the others of the Nox so that Apophis and the other goa'uld come by ships even if they bury the stargate.

Ohper said they need not fear them because the Nox can hide and I shook my head. "But it's best to avoid the battle from the start rather than compound events leading up to it."

He smiled. "You are learning."

I smiled wryly. "Perhaps, but I don't have it in me to not fight back when attacked. Especially from a parasitic race that can take my own people as hosts and use my technology and abilities against me to exterminate or conquer my people. It's better that the goa'uld never find out about you and your people unless your people care nothing of living."

Anteaus agreed and left the Jaffa at the stargate before they took us to it as well. They showed Jack and the others a city before telling them not to fear because the Nox are safe. I suggested they bury their gate once Apophis and his Jaffa go through after us. Anteaus agreed and Ohper nodded before Nafrayu said his goodbyes with Lya.

I dialed the gate and we left after the Iris was open. It was a long meeting where I told the Secretary and General Hammond all about the Nox, their ways, the four great races, the fact that the ancients were over eighty million years old and looked exactly like us, the fact that they built the gate system and earth was their first home world in this galaxy. I told them five million years or so ago a plague swept through the galaxy targeting and killing all human like lifeforms and the Nox hid while the Asgard fled to the Ida galaxy and the Furlings either left this reality or stayed on Abydos to be conquered by Ra later.

I told them the ancients that weren't infected took city ships, the crown jewel being Atlantis and flew to the Pegasus galaxy to flee the plague while some remained and tried to cure it. I told them that the Nox don't know much else besides the fact that the ancients had seeded life in this galaxy when they came eighth million years ago and they used the same machine in combination with the stargates to wipe out all life in it and start over when they failed and fled.

I shrugged. "They did know that ten thousand years ago the ancients returned, fleeing an enemy in the Pegasus galaxy and sank Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean on the planet they'd been on with shields to ensure it would last until our time. As for the ancients, all the Nox would say was that they bred with early man and the rest ascended or died off. The Furlings were made slaves by Ra and the last of them died out several thousand years ago. The Asgard are still in the Ida galaxy and the Nox are living their way away from all the fighting, simply uninterested in war of any kind amongst the younger races."

Jack told me to show them the tricks I learned so I showed a bit saying as I disappeared and reappeared that it was basically my mind telling theirs that I was invisible so they didn't see me while I was really there and not having moved at all. I explained it like a wireless computer connecting to their network and telling it that my computer didn't exist like spoofing for humans.

The secretary asked the range and I grimaced. "I haven't practiced much but maybe ten to twenty feet. I know how they do their stuff, but it still takes practice and it's not like I can cloak a planet from aliens in orbit, though there's a thought. If we do find someone with real cloaking technology to study enough satellites could possibly do it. We'd have to cloak the moon as well of course or possibly the entire solar system."

Sam's eyes went wide and the Secretary of Defense told General Hammond to keep him updated. We finished the debriefing and I did paperwork. Weeks later I was on a foreign planet delivering a baby because I was literally the only one qualified for it. Once the baby was born, I passed it off and took care of things before congratulating the parents on their newborn son.

The father asked for my name and I told him it was Ryan Johnson. He said he'd name his son after me as Ry'an. They brought us to the village and and Jack made a new friend, resulting in his marriage night of sorts. I went back to the temple and found the goa'uld Pelops's data pad for lack of a better term.

I spent a good while translating the obscure dialect of goa'uld into English using the knowledge I had of their language. Teal'c and Daniel helped me translate the rest of the tablet so we knew what Pelops was doing, that just left how to stop it which was relatively easy once we found the power source and frequency controlling the nanites inside everyone. It only took a couple days to get the equipment we needed and sort out the right frequency to change the nanite's programming.

A few changes and Jack was back to normal while the people of Argos were set in their ages so they weren't reverted back to babies. As for the nanite samples I took, I studied them extensively in my lab. Weeks later we were off trying to make contact with the Asgard. When we were scanned by Thor's hammer, Teal'c and Jack were taken.

Daniel said he thinks they're dead and Sam said she didn't want to hear that. I spoke up. "They aren't dead. It's a teleporter. I recognize the energy readings from my own experiments with teleportation. My scanner shows it's not powerful enough to send them off world so they're on the planet still. Give a second and I can trace the energy signal to the secondary location."

My tablet beeped and sent out a blue pulse, getting the scan of the planet it needed to determine their location. I got two other hits for alien teleporters besides the one next to us and popes the tablet in half, telling them to go to the closest one together while I'd go to the farthest one myself. I tapped on their screen and showed them how to turn it into a life signs detector. I ran past the woman on her horse at horse like speeds myself and headed up into the mountains.

It took an hour running over rough terrain to find the place only to be stopped by a stone cavern wall. I punched and kicked said wall repeatedly until it broke into rocks which I then threw out of the way. From there I found the entrance to the cavern that had the real Thor's hammer inside. I entered without issue and scanned the cavern as well as the technology inside.

When I finished, I ran in and took all of two minutes at full speed to find Jack and Teal'c. They'd just woken up the goa'uld infected Unas when I stepped out of the shadows. Jack was startled and Teal'c raised an eyebrow, but I raised my gun and fired on the Unas hiding in the darkness or so it thought. Once Teal'c and Jack saw what I was shooting at, they did so as well.

When it went down, I grabbed a knife from my waist and dragged the Unas down, burying the knife in the back of it's neck and killing the goa'uld inside. I told them what happened and that I'd scanned the cavern only to find three living things and one had a goa'uld in it's neck while not showing up as Jaffa or human. I dragged the dead Unas to the entrance as the followed and asked Teal'c what it was.

He told us of the Unas and I grunted before telling them that since they were here, hopefully the other teleporter I sent Daniel and Sam to has a cache of Asgard weapons or a way to contact the Asgard. Jack agreed and we tried to leave only for Teal'c to be stopped at the doorway. I shoved him back and looked at the doorway before shooting it with his staff weapon from the outside. Once it was destroyed, we left and I led them back the way we came.

Sam and Daniel were with a woman named Kendra having not gone to the second location and were instead waiting for us to come back. I told them I had to destroy Thor's hammer so Teal'c could get out so hopefully the second one had a way to contact the Asgard and let them know what happened so they can fix it. Gairwyn, another local, came with us to the hall of Thor's might as she called it. We ran through the series of tests and it took all of one second for me to solve the last puzzle.

We ended up talking to the real Thor to Gairwyn and Kendra's surprise. The small Roswell grey alien took in what I had to say and looked to Teal'c who bowed his head lightly as if to confirm my words that he'd rebelled against the goa'uld. Thor sighed and said he'd repair the device to exclude Teal'c next time. As for Kendra and Gairwyn, he had somewhat of a headache over from what I could tell so I waved a hand and put them to sleep.

I touched their heads and stood up, telling him. "I've modified their memories. They won't remember your true form, only the hologram appearance."

He nodded and asked what device I used. I tapped my temple. "My mind. According to the Nox my mind is comparable to an ancient's so I tried something they mentioned an ancient was capable of, connecting with another's mind fully. From there it was fairly self explanatory, like editing software. They'll wake up soon so we should go."

Thor's eyes went wide and he beamed us out only he beamed me to his ship entirely. After he scanned me, he got real excited because I had human, Asgard, Nox and Ancient DNA apparently and with how advanced my mind was, my genetic template was exactly what they'd needed to make suitable clones for their bodies. I looked over the DNA matrix and asked if I could alter it some. He let me try and after several alterations, I smiled. "Can you alter my genetic makeup without cloning me with this sequence?"

He was dumbfounded as I'd effectively made the genetic strand immune to diseases, poisons, extended the life span by a thousand years and effectively gave it instantaneous healing. He nodded and I gave me the genetic modifications. I told him I am immune to goa'uld's taking me as a host and the Nox couldn't penetrate my natural mental barriers so if that's why he wanted the template he was free to have it so long as he doesn't run around in an exact copy of me.

He asked about my eyes and I told him about them. He was surprised, but excited to help his people or as excited as a stoic race could be. He beamed me down to the others a bit later and we left the planet. I'd given Thor the Segan institute's box so we made nice with the locals and left since Thor repaired the hammer device.

I explained to everyone what happened in the ship including why Thor wanted to scan me. I told them how I gave myself a thousand year lifespan and immunity to diseases, poisons and a boosted healing factor. I cut my hand to show them I learned a lot about my own genetic makeup and that of all humans. I told them Thor said I had Nox, Asgard and ancient ancestors way up in my family tree which is why my body and mind advanced so quickly compared to the rest of humanity.

I told them the ancients were the first to fully evolve their forms and eventually all of humanity with naturally evolve to be like me mind wise. I explained that I needed my laptop so I could map out all the genetic makeup of the human body and my own so maybe it will help geneticists and understand the human body better. I put it all in and built a 3D model of the human genome down to the phenotypes and RNA strands.

I fully mapped out the human brain, what mine was, an Asgard's, an ancient's and a Nox's from what Thor's computer showed. I showed them how an ancient's mind was at best sixty-five percent active while an Asgard's and Nox's was forty-five to fifty percent active. I told them that by Thor's understanding I should be dead by stroke, tumor or seizures, but my DNA had a mutated evolution gene in it.

I isolated it and showed them the gene telling them that Thor said it was a unique evolutionary factor that was unheard of before now which is why my body was adapting so quickly to extreme conditions. "Thor said it was responsible for the mental shield the Nox can't penetrate, my eyes and my body's strength and over all fitness even he couldn't fully understand."

I shut it down sighing. "He said it was a random mutation due to the combination of my natural evolution and triggered by the stress of a goa'uld trying to take over my body and mind while healing repeatedly from a sarcophagus. As for why his people wanted my genetic makeup, they themselves are unstable clones. Copies of copies dating back tens of thousands of years. He said my genetic makeup was the link they needed to restoring their own bodies and reversing the genetic degradation the clone bodies were experiencing."

General Hammond asked if I brought up sharing weapons and technology or being allies against the goa'uld. I grunted. "I did and they can't on either front. As it turns out they have an uneasy truce with the goa'uld because they're busy fighting a galactic war of survival in their home galaxy against an enemy that's far worse than the goa'uld. As for sharing technology, it's against their highest laws to share such things with a race as young and primitive as our own."

I shrugged with a smirk. "Still, he didn't bulk at showing me his ship and allowing me to see his databanks, schematics and everything. He warned me that stealing was a crime, but looking was not. My Norse runic language is a bit rusty, but I should be able to put everything necessary on my computer and with the right supplies and materials we could have a reverse engineered human and asgardian hybrid war ship in a few years."

General Hammond smiled. "Good man."

I shrugged and Daniel asked. "He just let you take all that?"

I shook my head. "I didn't take anything, he gave me a tour as a show of friendship for allowing him to keep the scans of my genetic makeup which can stop and reverse his people's rapid decline in health to save his entire race. What I remember and use is entirely up to my discretion. After all, it's not like he can be held responsible for what I memorize out thousands of lines of Asgard coded computer data and schematics. Let's call it a grey area since he didn't technically give me any technology."

I held my hand over my laptop and closed my eyes. Sam asked what I was doing and I shush'd her, focusing until I finished. The screen showed a download bar and I smirked. "The most powerful computer on earth is the human mind. Once you understand how it works, connecting with non organic computers by modifying the wireless signal as it were, isn't a problem. It just takes a bit of concentration."

I wiped a trickle of blood from my nose and grunted. "And practice it seems."

General Hammond had me send the files to him and go see Janet. I told him I was already healed thanks to my new genetic modifications. Still, I did as he asked and I spent a few days doing physicals while Armor Tech came in and upgraded the base, the armor and weapons of the SGC members and the MALPs.