
Chapter 4 : A big storm made her life.

When she came home from the office, she asked her servant for coffee. Her servant brought coffee and gave her. She drank this coffee. One of the servant standing next to her asked the other,"Did you mix the tablet rightly?. The other servant replied,"Yeah, I had mixed it . Just keep watching now". Ana asked them," What are you both talking about?". Then she began to feel dizzy. She said to her servant," Why am I dizzy?". So the servant replied,"Maybe you are more tired today that's why you are feeling dizzy". She said,"Yeah, I think you are right". Then her servant came to her with some papers and asked to give signatures on them. As she was not well so she was not doing signatures on the papers then her servants forced her to sign those papers and she signed. After the signatures , she fainted. When she woke up in the morning, she had a headache so she called her servants and asked if anything had happened last night. Her servant told her that she was very tired when she had came from the office, she drank coffee and then fell asleep. So she said," Ok, I'm giving you my clothes so iron them. I have to go office". She got ready and then left for the office. When she got the office , she started working with Daniel on the same project and the project was completed. They went to Mr Emery to show the project, he liked it very much and he was very happy. Then he said," You have worked hard on it that's why I give you leave tomorrow so you can rest". Daniel said to Mr Emery,"Dad, I have a plan with my friend, I'm going there. Anyway, there is nothing special today". Then he left. Ana said,"I have some work so I do my job". Then one day, Mr Emery gathered everyone in the office. Everyone in the office was just talking about what's going to happen next. Everyone was waiting for Ana. As soon as she came, Mr Emery announced that their project has been approved. He sincerely thanked Mr Kim, Daniel and Ana for their hard work. He further said that they have benefited a lot from this project so a great party has been arranged for everyone tomorrow evening . Everyone in the office was happy and smiling. When Ana went to her home so she received a courier in which there was a beautiful blue dress. She saw that there was a letter with it in which it was written "your special friend". Bry reading this,she understood that it was sent by Daniel. Everyone at the party was having fun. Daniel waited for her because everyone came to the party except her. Then everyone said that it was useless to wait for her. Suddenly , everyone was surprised. Daniel was watching time in his watch so he saw what everyone was looking in amazement. He saw that Ana was coming in blue dress which he was sent to her. She looked like a princess. Everyone was wondering that who would dance with her. Daniel stepped forward , took her hand and asked to play music then he turned her around and started dancing. Everyone saw them surprisingly. Mr Emery was very happy to see them together. He called Daniel and asked," If you want, can I announce your engagement?" So he replied,"No dad, not yet. I haven't talked to her about it yet". Everyone in the party was praising her . Next day, Daniel said to her,"I need to talk to you. Can we meet somewhere outside in a restaurant". She replied ,"Yeah , sure". She got ready and came outside of the house so Daniel was standing their with his car. They both sat in the car and left. Half way through,his car stopped. When he got out of the car, he saw that the wheel of the car had blown out. He wondered how it happened. Then she also got out of the car and started looking at the wheel. He looked around but there was no body to help them. He was wondering what to do now. Suddenly, someone hit him on the head with a stick due to which he fell down holding his head and fainted. Ana began to get him up but the stranger threw both of them into his car and took them away. She also fainted away due to smelling chloroform. After a while,he regained consciousness and saw that Ana was also there with him but she was fainted so he shook her but both hands and feet were tied, when she also woke up then he said," We have to untie our ropes". They sat side by side and untied the ropes of each other's hand. Then they untied the ropes of their feet. They felt that someone had come to them so they wrapped the ropes again so that they would not have a clause. Then a stranger came to them and said"so you have come to your senses but soon you will sleep deeply". Daniel asked,"Why did you bring us here and who paid you to kill us?". The stranger replied," You don't have to tell". Daniel asked him,"Why are you hiding your face?If you have courage, show me your face". The stranger said," I'll fulfill your wish soon" and then he left." We have to do something soon", she said after the stranger left. Then Daniel said,"Do not be afraid, we will get out of here". They removed their ropes and started running away in silence. Suddenly , a strange saw them running and shouted,"Catch them, they are running away". They grabbed each other's hand and started running faster. Suddenly, a thorn stuck in her foot and she was fallen and he also stopped there. He said her,"What happened to you?". So he replied,"I'm in a lot of pain. Maybe I have a thorn in my foot". He sat there and began to get a thorn out of her foot. Suddenly , the strangers came from behind. At the same time, a thorn came out of her foot. The strangers began to approach him and said,"Where will you go now?. Don't try in vain, Walk with us quietly and wait for your death". Daniel said her softly," You have to stand up because we have to run so be prepared". Then he got up and punched the stranger on the face so the gun fell out of his hand, Ana picked up the gun and gave it to him. Daniel put the gun on the strangers and said,"Stop chasing us otherwise, I'll shoot". The other two strangers also had guns so they began to move towards him. Daniel shot one of them on the leg. Then two strangers were started looking at him. So Daniel and Ana started running again. After running for a long time, they stopped somewhere in the forest. She saw that her phone was with her so she decided to call the police but there were no mobile signals. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. She was about to play police ringtone on her phone but they followed them there too. Daniel had a gun but there was no bullet in it. Now Daniel had nothing to compete with . Seeing this helpless, the strangers started laughing out loud. Then a stranger said," Enough is enough, tell me which of the two of your would like to die first?". The other stranger said,"Kill this girl first because she look so special to him". Ana pressed the police ringtone and the ring started ringing. The stranger was about to shoot her but Daniel came forward and she was shotted by the strangers. The other stranger said," Our job is done, now leave this girl. We have to runaway before the police came". Then ran away from there. Ana dragged Daniel out of the forest and called the ambulance. Her own feet were also bleeding. She called Mr Emery after arriving at the hospital. Doctor took him to the operation theater. After a while, Mr Emery also came there and the doctor also treated her feet. Then the police arrived at the hospital and investigated to Ana. When the doctor came out, he said," Operation has been successful. Now, he's out of danger". Then Mr Emery asked," Can I meet him?". The doctor said," Yo you can't meet him right now because he has not yet regained consciousness and we can't say when he will regained consciousness.As the operation was very critical. The patient will be kept in the observation". Mr Emery said,"Do whatever you want , just get well my son ". The doctor replied,"Don't worry, he will be fine soon". After sometime,Ana called Mr Emery and asked about Daniel that how is he now? So he told her that he's out of danger and he will recover soon. Then she asked to meet him but he refused and said," You should rest too, when he regained consciousness so you can meet him". When she meet him in the hospital, he was concious. She gave him a bouquet and asked him," How are you?". He said,"I'm fine. Don't worry and how's your foot?". She replied,"It's ok now". Then he said, "But I'm very angry with the strangers because of whom I couldn't talk to you". She said ,"No problem, we will talk again". Then Mr Emery also came there and asked him,"How are you my son?". He replied,"Yes dad, I'm fine. Then he told him that how she used the idea of ringtone. Mr Emery thanked her.Then she said,"Actually, your son is too brave Who fought the enemy". They both smiling at her words. She also smiled when she saw them. That's how the time passed while talking to each other. Then one day, when she was working in the office so her friend shook her and said, "Look, the police is coming". She wondered that why they were going to Mr Emery's office. After a while, Mr Emery called Ana to his office. She was terrified about why she was called. When she went in so Mr Emery said," Officers, she's the same girl". The police officer said," You are arresting for taking so much money from a bank in the name of your company". She was surprised to listen this and said anxiously,"What are you saying and what kind of money are you talking about?. I don't know anything about it". Then Mr Emery asked her," Do you know how much my company will lose because of you? How can you do that? Sorry , I can't do anything for you". Then she asked the police," What evidence do you have that I have taken money?". The officer showed her those papers on which her signature were there. She was surprised to see her signatures and sha had nothing to say. The police started taking her away so she cried," I haven't done anything like. What's happening with me?. Please don't arrest me". Then they took her and locked up. Everyone in the office was talking about her. She was crying in lock up and was missing Daniel. Next day, when Daniel came to the office so he was waiting for her. He kept asking everyone about her but no one told. When Mr Emery came to the office, he went to him and asked,"Why didn't Ana come to the office? Did she tell you anything?". So Mr Emery said,"Don't wait for her. She will never come to the office". Daniel asked,"But why dad, what are you saying?". Then Mr Emery told him about the money and the whole situation. When he heard this, he went to the police station. Police were not allowing him to meet her but after much argument, he was allowed to meet her. When he got there, he saw her sitting inside crying. She saw him and came to him. She said,"This is all a lie. They are blaming me. Please get me out of here. I did nothing". He said,"I know and stop crying. I'll get you out of here". Then he spoke to his lawyer to which he replied,"We can't do anything right now because we don't have evidence to prove our point". On the other hand, Inspector Parker went to Mr Emery and said,"The girl who was arrested was the same girl who did Daniel's accident. She was cleverly proved that she was dead". Mr Emery was surprised to hear this and said,"I can't believe, how clever she is?". Then Daniel went to his friend and made a plan. Then they went to police station and confused the officers. Meanwhile, Daniel took the lockup keys because it was hanging on to the officer's pant. In the meantime, some more people also came there and they crowded so Daniel went to her, opened the lockup then they started to get out of the crowd but officers saw them running and they alerted in all police stations. They both sat in the car and started running. Police were behind them. She was very scared but Daniel was not giving up. He was trying his best to safe her. He took her to a tower on which helicopter was there. She asked,"Where are we going?". He replied," This is not the time to answer this question. We'll just runaway from there". She was about to sit but police announced,"Police have surrounded you. Your father is in our possession. So Ana, if you try to runaway from here, we will put your father in prison or he will be killed". Hearing this,she stopped her steps so Daniel said,"I'll not let anything happen to your father, come with me now".She spoke loudly,"I surrender". Then police arrested her. Her father also came with the police. She saw him and started crying. She hugged him and said," Please forgive me, I hurt you so much". Then the police started taking her away so she said to Daniel," If you want to do something for me, look for evidence to prove my innocence". Then he went to the road where he had the accident, there he saw a small house. When he asked about their CCTV camera, he found out that they had returned home a day or earlier. When he checked the recording, it was cleared that she didn't cause any accident. Then he gave this CCTV phootage to the police. When he spoke to her servants so he realized that something went wrong. He told the police everything then they reinvestigated and her servants were arrested. Police also found the stranger who caused the accident. Then the stranger and her servants were than brought to court. Ana recognized him and she said that the same man had pushed her off the bridge. The judge asked her to tell the whole story and she told everything. Then the man was asked everything. The judge then ruled that the stranger was a contract killer who took money to kill two people, one is Ana and the other is Daniel. The one who gave him the money was Ana's step mother and the other was Mr Emery's friend. He further said that Ana has been acquitted on the basis of all the evidences and witnesses. After that,the judge sentenced all the culprits. Then Ana hugged her father and said that she would not do anything that would upset her father. Daniel and Mr Emery was also standing there so Mr Emery asked her,"I'm sorry. I should have trusted you once". She replied,"It's ok". Then Daniel took out the ring in front of everyone in the court and sat on his knees in front of her and said,"I love you so much. Will you marry me?". She looked at her father when he gestured, she smiled and extended her hand towards him then he put on the ring. Everyone in the court applauded. Then Inspector Parker came to her and said," Forgive me if you can". Then he was very happy and said that today he has solved two cases together. Everyone was serioused to hear him then all of a sudden everyone started laughing. She said,"I have learned one thing from my life that life is a knife". Then Mr Emery said," But everything happens for our own good".