
Chapter 3: A beautiful coincidence.

Next day , when she went to the office. Mr Emery gave her a file and asked to correct the mistakes and further he said," Take care of it. I will take you at night because I have a flight at night. I have to go out of town for to this project". She replied,"Ok sir you don't worry.I will give this file to you at night". Then she went to her office and started working on this file then she put it on the table. After a while, Mr Kim came and put some more files so she didn't pay attention because of work . It was evening while working like this. Mr Kim sent the secretary to get the files so when she picked up the files from the table, that file also went by mistake. When she remembered, she started looking for the file but she didn't get it because Mr Kim sent those files to the Daniel at his home. She was worried about where such an important file had gone from her table. She went to Mr Emery and told about it so he got angry at her and said,"How can you be so careless?I didn't expect this from you. You have an idea of how important that file is . How can I go to the meeting with out it? I have a flight at night. Think carefully about where you put that file". When he said that , she thought alot and then she remembered that she had put that file on her table and then Mr Kim also had put some files on that file then she remembered that the file must gone with these files. Mr Emery called Mr Kim in his office and asked him so he told that those files were sent to Daniel. He was angry at her carelessness. It was night. There were only a few hours left in his flight. Mr Emery said to her,"I'll give you an hour to go my home and take that file".Mr Kim said,"If you allow me, I'll bring it". Mr Emery said," No, who had made a mistake will be punished". So she replied,"Yeah, I'll bring it". When she reached his home, she went in easily because he had given her keys. When she went in , there was no one there. She didn't know which room to go to. As she stepped forward, she saw a window. When she peeked in there was a sofa by the window on which Daniel was sitting and he was working on his laptop. Seeing this, she sat down. He looked back because he felt like someone was watching him. When he saw their he didn't see anything. He ignored it and started doing his work. For a while, she stood there and wondered how to get the file from his room. Then suddenly , he got up and went to the washroom. She thought I would go and get the file now. She went in quietly so she saw that some files are kept. She found that file out of those files. When she heard the sound of door opening, she quickly took the file and ran out of the room. When he came out of the washroom, he felt as if someone had come into his room so he hurried out to look. She also felt that he was coming after her. She started running and ran to the pool. He also reached there and he was surprised to see her and she was also shocked. So her foot slipped suddenly and fell into the pool. The file slipped from her hand and fell near the pool. He laughed when he saw her. When she started laughing too so he became serious. He picked up the file and saw what's in it so he realized that the file belonged to his father. Then she came out of the pool, she was completely wet. Before he could asked her anything, his phone started ringing. When he picked up the phone, Mr Emery asked him,"Did Ana get there?" . So he saw her and told him that she is here and she is coming to you. When he said to her," What's this foolish? If you wanted this file, you could ask me but you had to play hide and seek. By the way, when did you join our office? How long have you been hiding from me like this?". She cried when she heard his word s and there were tears in her eyes because she was already very sad. When he saw that she was crying so he approached her and said ,"I'm sorry if you find my words offensive. Please stop crying and go to office because dad. Calling you otherwise, his flight will be missed". Then she looked at her clothes so Daniel also looked at her and said"How Can you go like this?. Your clothes are getting wet". He further said,"you can wear my clothes". Then Daniel went to his room and took a towel and clothes for her. She wore towel and went to his room then changed her clothes. When she came out wearing his clothes, he kept looking at her. Then she took the file from his hand and started walking so he stopped her and said,"I will drop you office". He ran and took the key of the car then opened the car door for her and then they both of them sat in the car and left. They went to the office so she gave file to Mr Emery and then he said,"Why did you take so long?. There should be no such mistake again". Suddenly Daniel interrupted and said,"You are getting late. I think you should go now otherwise you will miss your flight". Mr Emery replied,"Yeah, see you" . By saying this , he left. Then he asked her,"We met so many times but you never tell me your name. Finally , I found out your name today". He was asking about her but she was very quiet so he asked,"You won't say anything?". She said,"I have to go now". Then she went to her home. Next day, when Daniel came to the office, he asked for coffee. Ana made coffee for her then she thought that there was no point in hiding and she have to go to gave him coffee. She wondered that she have to work in the same office so she will has to face him. When she went to give coffee to Daniel so he was talking on the phone then she put the coffee on the table and started to leave so he stopped her and asked to sat there. First he spoke on the phone and then asked to her,"How did you come here?". On which she told her that how she get the job. He further said," I'm glad to see you here" . When he was drinking coffee, he liked it so he asked her, "Did you make it?". She replied,"Yeah, I made it". Then he said," You make very great coffee". She thanked him. He said,"I want to know about you". So she replied in anger," I only came here to work, you don't need to know more than that and I don't share my personal life to everyone". He said,"Ok, you can go now". Then she left and started doing her job. After a while, Mr Emery called Ana in his room. When she went in, so she saw that Daniel was also sat there. When she saw here , she had a fear in her heart that she might be fired but that didn't happen rather Mr Emery said to her," From today, you are Daniel's secretary". She was shocked to hear this but she said," But ,I want to work with Mr Kim". Mr Emery asked,"I know better where your place is". Then he began to explain her and said,"Look, if you want to make more progress, so you have to take part in big projects and we have a big project coming soon. I want you to work with Daniel on this project. You can learn from him quickly". After this, she had nothing to say and agreed. Daniel was smiling at her. Then she went to Mr Kim's office and continued her work so Daniel called her in his office and said,"From now, you have to work here". Then she took the files of her work and started doing there. He also focused on his work. When it was time for lunch, everyone went to have lunch. Ana said to him,"I'll come after lunch" so he stopped her and asked ,"You can order food here if you want". She said ,"No sir, have a leisurely lunch here. I'll have lunch with everyone out side". So he ordered food for her. She said,"Sir, you are bothering for no reason". So he replied, "Don't call me sir. You can call my name". That's when their lunch came so he asked her to start her lunch. When it was time to leave the office, she went to her home and was thinking about him then she thought that she shouldn't do it and should focused on her work. She spent the night cleaning her home and fell asleep tired. When she woke up, she was late for the office. She got ready quickly and left for the office with out breakfast. When she arrived at the office, everyone was looking at her in amazement that what punishment will be get now?. She was also very upset when she went to Daniel's office so he saw her and said,"Why are you come so late?". On which she told that she was cleaning her home at night due to which she woke up late so he said angrily, "So now, your punishment is that you clean my office". At his order, she started cleaning the office. When she was cleaning the table, she began to feel dizzy but she managed. When she did everything so he said to her,"" Make coffee for me". When she started making coffee, she again felt dizzy so she sat there and drank water then she came to the office with coffee. When she came in, she felt dizzy again and coffee was about to fall from her hand so Daniel went ahead and handled her and the coffee fall down from her hand but he didn't let her fall. He sat her down comfortably and brought water for her so she refused. He sat down next to her and asked her,"Is something wrong with you?". She said that she was feeling dizzy. Then he asked,"Have you had breakfast?". "I didn't ate breakfast because I woke up late",she said. He got angry at her and said that you are so careless that you haven't even had breakfast yet. You should have told me so I don't make you do so. Then he ordered breakfast for her so she had breakfast in front of him. After breakfast, started working but refused and said," You will not do any work. All you have to do is rest. You sit quietly in front of me and my eyes are on you" . She sat there silently and watching him worked. When Mr Emery came to the office then Daniel went to him and told him the whole situation so Mr Emery said," Fine, I'll arrange servants for her". When Mr Emery saw that Daniel was so possessive for Ana so he realized that he liked her. Next day,Mr Emery called Ana in his office. When she went in so she saw that Daniel was also sat there then Mr Emery called two servants in his office and introduced her to these servants. Mr Emery said, "Now , they are your servants. You no longer have to do your house work because this office needs you so take care of yourself". Further he said that if you want to keep them in your house so you can. She replied,"yes, they will stay with me. I have no problem. Any way, I live alone in my house. She understood that it was just because of Daniel. After went in the office ,she thanked him. Daniel said,"Your thank you will not work. You have to go to the dinner with me". She thought for a moment and then said yes. She asked,"Where have a go?". So he replied,"Don't worry I'll pick you from your house. You just have to be ready". After getting home from the office, she got ready and in a short time, he came there to pick her up. She told her servants to take care of her home and then she left. They went to the restaurant for dinner. When they were having dinner, she saw that a man had been looking at her for a long time. So Daniel saw that she was getting very uncomfortable, after noticing for a while he asked,"Do you have any problem?". Then she told him that the man had been watching her for a long time. He said,"I'll go and see". As soon as he stood up , she took his hand and asked him to sit down."Leave it at that, it will be a spectacle" she said. She further asked him ," We've had dinner, now we have to go back". He obeyed her, they both sat in the car to and then left. He dropped her off at her home and thanked her for going with him. Next day, Ana went to Mr Emery for some work so he asked her,"Did Daniel came?" . So she replied,"He hasn't come yet". Then he sent her to get the file. When she went to get the file, she saw that the file was placed at the top of the shelf. She moved a little higher so that the file would fall into her hand but after much effort she couldn't get the file. That's when Daniel got there and saw that her hand was not reaching so he went ahead and he put his foot under hers than she got a little taller and the file fell into her hands easily. She thanked him for the help and told him that Mr Emery was asking about him. "I'm going to tell him that you have came", she said and then left. She took file and went to Mr Emery and gave him file so Daniel also came there. Mr Emery asked him," Why are you late today?". Daniel said looking at her,"I couldn't sleep at last night because of some one that's why I couldn't wake up early". Mr Emery said,"Next time, come to the office on time". He replied,"Yes dad". Then Mr Emery called Mr Kim in his office and told them that he was going to get a big project and they have to start work on it soon. Everyone has to work hard for this Mr Emery said," You both have to come to my home tonight because we have to model this project". Then he asked to Ana and Mr Kim," Can you guys come to my house?". They both said yes, they can come. After the office, Mr Kim and Ana went to Mr Emery's home. Daniel seated them in the drawing room. There he made good arrangements. Sitting there, they waited for Mr Emery. When he came, everyone started working. Everyone their ideas and she made model accordingly. After working for a while,Mr Emery said," Let's take a break now". He had arranged the food so everyone are some food. After dinner, Daniel asked her to make coffee for all. Then she made coffee for everyone. After drinking coffee, everyone started continuing their work. After a while,Mr Emery said,"It's just a lot of work today and the rest of the work will be continue tomorrow". When Ana was going so Daniel stopped her and said,"May I drop you at your home?". She said," Mr Kim is with me too so we will go with the driver"and then they left.