

Dave P.O.V

For about 39 years, i have been held captive because, I almost spilled state secrets. I have been transported like a luggage around swissville, I don't know if my wife or child are safe.

"Food is here,"said Josh the guard. I was currently located in Terry Toy Store, the old abandoned one in the bad part of town.

"I am not hungry,"I said

Josh let out a bitter laugh."I didn't ask you eat up cause you're moving tomorrow,"

Like I said, luggage. I have tried to escape this place but its hopeless, everywhere's made of steel and am not the only one here, different people accused of spilling state secret.

It's just frustrating actually.

Emily P.O.V

Ugh, sitting inside a car with two immature people is torture. Having to listen to them squabble over everything and anything is practically like putting your head in a bucket of steaming hot water.

"I think the best soda is Apple pop," Stacy said

"Its Berry Bop that's the best,"

"Its not,"

"it is,"



"Will you guys just give it a rest,"I yelled

"We're there,"Mom said pulliing up by a grocery store near TTS.

I turned and saw that they were 3 guards.

"Here's the plan," I said

We're coming dad!