
Mission Failed

Emily P.O.V

After explaining to everyone and a few objections, we had our full proof plan ready.

Since mom was a spy, she would take out the guards, Stacy will stay in the van and give us information on where to go, Meg and Ryan will be the distraction while I get Dad.

"Everyone in their positions?"I said through my earpiece.

"Yes,"they said in unision.

"Mom, you're up,"I said.

I heard some shuffles and blows through the earpiece.

""Done,"mom responded.

"Ryan Meg, your turn,"I said

"Hello, sir am looking for my ball, It went this way while we were playing,"Ryan said.

"Don't you look too girly to play ball"a man said.

"No, sir, my big sis made me wear this,"Meg said

"Ok, go look round,"the man said

"Done,"Ryan said through the earpiece.

"Stacy, where are they keeping him,"I said.

"Floor 3 Room 17,"Stacy replied

"Thanks,"i said.

I ran through the door, past Floor 1, 2 and-

"Did you think that i'll let you ruin father's career,"a familiar high pitched said

I turned to look at the owner of that voice.


What's she doing here.