
Life in Shinobi World (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Reincarnated In Naruto World as Neji's Younger brother with ope ope no mi and Ashura's Chakra. ------------------------------- If you have an issue with my writing skills then I can only say sorry because I don't have enough time to do a recheck but if I find any mistake or someone notifies me about it then I will correct it. But if your eyes hurt and you find it not of your liking or whatever then please do me a favour and stop reading this, no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time. I just want to create a good FF for myself. I am not a professional writer just passing time and it is also my first time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. [ The above part about my views is kind of copy-paste from another author because it matches quite a lot with my views and I wasn't able to find proper words about it.] -------------------------- DISCLAIMER: [English isn't my first language] [I don't own Naruto and One piece as they are created by Kishimoto and oda respectively] [This is my first Fanfiction so it may contain several mistakes so feel free to notify me I will correct them accordingly]

sword_demon · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


On outskirts of Hyuuga compound two children seem to be brothers were playing ninja in the playground. one of them was a boy with quite an eye-catching sea blue short hair and deep blue eyes with smooth skin was chasing other a dark long-haired boy with the white eyeball and pale skin while yelling:

"Neji ni-san this time I am gonna catch you and beat you up"

"In your dreams otouto " Replied elder brother with a big smile and ran far away.



After some time

"...Hah .....Hah *panting* .... you are .....Hah.....so fast Nisan. That's.....Hah ....not fair " said the blue-haired boy

" ....Hah... Of course, I am ....Hah... fast otouto. Because currently ....Hah... I am training with father to become Great leader like Hiashi sama and also a great ninja. " replied black-haired kid before glancing at saddened face blue-haired kid who said:

" I also want to train with their father but he said he will train me after I am 3 years old"

" Don't worry brother he will train you after this week as your birthday is approaching "

" Yeah " replied blue-haired kid with bright smile " ne me ni san since my birthday is approaching what are you going to give me as a gift "

" Hehe, that's a surprise "

"No problem, You can tell me I will not tell father " Blue haired kid said with a bright smile.

Black haired kid facepalmed because of his brother's antics

"Birthday is yours so the surprise is for you not for father Baka," said the elder brother. The blue-haired kid looked confused after his brother's answer then replied

" Then ni san I will...."Before he can complete sentence he was interrupted by an elderly man

"Neji, Raiden It's already dusk and let's go home before nightfall" informed man having black hair and was wearing Konoha forehead protector giving the identity of being ninjas of Konohagakure.

"hai, father " both replied in unison and followed the man with a smile. on their faces.

While going through Hyuuga compound for their home trio heard various whispers.

"Hey, isn't he the cursed Hyuuga" whispered a random person no. 1

"Yeah, He is the son of Hizashi san and doesn't have byakugan, What disgrace for Hizashi san! What a disgrace for our prestigious clan!" whispered random person no 2

" well if not for the respect for Hizashi san we would have banished him already. " whispered random person no 3

"yeah" "yeah" whispered multi random person at the same time forming whisper into a roar. Thinking that they made a mistake they just went away as soon as possible.

[AN: does anyone sense Danzo;....sorry to inform you Danzo is not here he is currently busy devising plan to exterminate Uchiha and get a hold of our Naruto i.e. Kurama. If you have any Idea try to give me about Danzo to make him more hated later then please help]

The Trio just ignored them and directly went towards their house. After arriving house they decided to take a turn to take the bath. The first turn was of Raiden followed by Neji and then of Hizashi. Raiden was about to go to the bathroom and others were sitting living room while waiting. Suddenly, he heard a question of his brother to his father so he decided to hear their conversation in secret as his father will not tell him.

[Hizashi's POV]

"Father, Why does Raiden not have byakugan," Neji asked me in serious tone ( for a 4-year-old child)

'sigh Its that time ha' I thought before saying.

"Listen Neji, Your mother was in critical condition while giving birth to your brother. As the umbilical cords connected to your brother was entangled around his body. So normal delivery was not possible and your mother was not in strong condition at that time. So the operation was risky for her and baby was also having a problem while he was entangled with chord so Your Mother insisted to do operation as fast as possible.

So that's how your brother was born but Operation weekend your mother too much so she died after giving birth to your younger brother"

After that, we were silent for a whole minute and unknown to us both had tears in their eyes Neji had his eyes red and he was crying like crazy without making a single sound but unknown to me there was one more person who was crying silently even more than Neji. Then I broke the silence.

" I didn't want to tell you before because you were too young to understand so I hope you don't hate...."I was interrupted by Neji before completing the sentence.

"I would never hate my brother for this stupid reason, after all, he is my younger brother"

I just chuckled and said " That's what I expect from you Neji. I hope you take care of your brother in Future"

" Of course I will Father that's a promise" I nodded with satisfaction and I was proud of my son who will grow up to fine shinobi and a fine man.

"Well back to the point so after your brother was born, everyone was shocked after seeing his eyes, which were deep blue instead of white which means he didn't have a byakugan. Then Doctor came up with an uncertain answer which can or can not be accurate but in that situation, it was most fitting as he informed that this could have happened due to blocked chakra pathway just above fetus during early pregnancy period whicthe h also led to baby wrapping around the umbilical cord and it did happen during early pregnancy while doing a mission outside the village. It was unknown to us that she was pregnant while taking mission otherwise I would not have sent her on a mission." 'sigh ' I signed in regret and Neji remained silent.

"If only I would have been careful back then..... Raiden would have byakugan and he would not be such rumours about it" I muttered in a very low voice but it was heard by both brothers.

' If I was part of the main family then I would be able to stop them. sign why clan elders do this to any child? even though he was my son just because I am slightly stronger than Hiashi, they think the threat to clan leader even though hiashi denies it. why drag politics to the family?'

"sob ... Sob..." Both Neji and I were shocked as they heard someone sob they immediately understood who he was.

"Raiden" I called " How much did you listen, son? "

Then came to me while sobbing and put his head on the ground in front of me. I was shocked by his action and I was about to stop him but I was interrupted by him.

" I am the sorry father for being a disgrace to you. For not having byakugan. I am also sorry that Mother also died because of me. I am sorry I am Sorry. I am cursed as they s..."

I interrupted him by directly taking him in my arms that were a lot to take in for 3 years old kid.

"Son, who said you are a disgrace? who said your mother died because of you? You are my proud son and there is nothing to it and there are several mothers who die while childbirth and your mother was one of them. And who cares about Byakugan there are several shinobi who was strong without byakugan, All four Hokage didn't have it but they are the strongest and I believe in you that you can be as strong as them or you may surpass them"

"Really !! Then I will become the strongest shinobi in the whole world and make you proud ~d" He said that and slept in my empress so I let him sleep. Then I and Neji completed our bath and ate food and went directly to sleep as today was a mentally exhausting day for all of us.

[AN: To those who will ask that Mc was reincarnated with memories, Remember what he said that he will remember everything after three years and devil fruit will not be inbuilt he would have to eat it and if you want to know just wait for few chapters ]

Thanks for reading : Hope you like it

Ah !!well even I didn't expect this to be such a long drama ; I just wanted to set as stepping stone for character building and i just wrote and wrote and this happened ! And some may like it some may not so let me know so that if should create this much drama in future or not( based on majority votes : )

And i know am new so if vote will not be sufficient than I would just try to cut much drama as possible as we read fanfic just for enjoyment.

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