
Life in Shinobi World (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Reincarnated In Naruto World as Neji's Younger brother with ope ope no mi and Ashura's Chakra. ------------------------------- If you have an issue with my writing skills then I can only say sorry because I don't have enough time to do a recheck but if I find any mistake or someone notifies me about it then I will correct it. But if your eyes hurt and you find it not of your liking or whatever then please do me a favour and stop reading this, no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time. I just want to create a good FF for myself. I am not a professional writer just passing time and it is also my first time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. [ The above part about my views is kind of copy-paste from another author because it matches quite a lot with my views and I wasn't able to find proper words about it.] -------------------------- DISCLAIMER: [English isn't my first language] [I don't own Naruto and One piece as they are created by Kishimoto and oda respectively] [This is my first Fanfiction so it may contain several mistakes so feel free to notify me I will correct them accordingly]

sword_demon · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


After looking at list I was both shocked and happy at the same time. That list was of one piece world which was containing ...

Several devil fruits and techniques of one piece

[All without their weakness of water]

1. Gum Gum fruit

2. Chop Chop fruit

3.Flower Flower fruit

4.String String fruit

5.Shadow Shadow fruit

6.pow pow fruit

7.love love fruit

8. garb garb fruit (AN: Eaten by Kinemon allows user to change object in clothes)

9. ope ope fruit

10. Swim Swim fruit (AN: Eaten by Senor Pink)

11. Rokushiki Techniques

12. Fishman Karate

13. Newkama kenpo

(AN: Some may complain ,so I will notify in advance.It is a random list given by god out of all techniques in one piece and I have excluded some of too op fruits like gravity gravity , gura gura no mi , float float fruit as if they are in the list then obviously one would choose between them and I don't want to make mc god level op when he is kid and it doesn't mean i will not make him op )

'Wow so many good fruit and good techniques but it doesn't have logia and zoan fruit . Well maybe God doesn't want me to be too op or too unnatural for naruto world.

Now lets see Gum Gum no mi can be powerful but needed too much work to train and without haki and so many taijutsu are stronger than it without haki'

' Some are way too weak compared to others so they are out question and shadow shadow is too creepy . For martial arts Fish man karate is strong but not that much compared to several taijutsu and for newkama kenpo ....(imagining Mr2 fighting) No No No not in the billion years .

Now remaining options are String String fruit, Pow Pow fruit , Ope Ope fruit and Rokushiki techniques . Well its a hard choice but I feel that for naruto world devil fruit is much better option then Rokushiki. Pow Pow is strong but it pales in comparison to other two.one out of Remaining two is hard to choose and I don't know why but I like Law's Devil Fruit more than Doflamingo's even though Doflamingo was way stronger than Law and I think in naruto world ope ope no mi will be more beneficial than string string fruit. So its decided'

"Mr Nandi , I choose ope ope no mi from this list" I replied with excited eyes.

He just nodded with gentle smile and then showed me another list. After looking at list my eyes came out its socket when I read last option.

"Is this for real ?" I asked with confused face and Mr Nandi just ignored my question and was just staring at me.

"....." I sweat dropped at his response

The list contained several bloodlines

Senju Clan Bloodline

Uzumaki Clan Bloodline

Uchiha Clan Bloodline

Hyuga Clan Bloodline

Hozuki Clan Bloodline

Kaguya Clan Bloodline

Yuki Clan Bloodline

Magnet Release ( don't know clan)





/&Hyuga bloodline with Asura Otsutsuki's chakra (50-50)&/



" ooye ooye Mr. I am asking is you is this for real ? And why is hyuuga bloodline is mixed with Asura's Chakra ? Why is it not Uchiha or Senju, that would be so awesome and op"



"Oyye why are you ignoring me " I asked with tick mark on my forehead

"Hmm, Its gods volition ; Only god knows"



"Why are acting like this ? Is it unintentional or you are doing just for irritating me old man"

"Ahem Why are so impatient child ! Just calm down and think about it. From what I came to know about that world from your world's memory is that either if uchiha or senju are to be combined with Asura's chakra then it would be overkill and God want to relive his boredom ,not making it more boring by making you unrivalled; well you can still be strongest if you would put your every effort in it. And a important point is that You may also have some difficulty in byakugan if you choose this bloodline as it is not 100% or dormant bloodline."

(AN: Its my speculation for himawari case as she has uzumaki and hyuuga both and if it is explained different in boruto then all you have do is ignore it as i don't watch its anime and just reading its manga "only current arc" when i cane to know of naruto's super cool mode )

"Hmm , you could have told before also you know"


'sigh' I sighed in defeat thinking whether to take it or not

'Well if I train then I can master control of byakugan and with benefit of Asura's chakra I will also have large Chakra reserve and several other benefits too'

'I don't want to go to other villages which I do not know as other bloodline can make me born in different village its a gamble and as for senju and uchiha in contrast to their benefits they are hunted by Cyclops bastard danzo.I may also born be before danzo but if I born near canon timeline then it would be dangerous and I don't want play politics since childhood and always live with threat of my life.'

'So its final then but uchiha has mangenkyo sharingan and susano also ; No No why I am having second thoughts Danzo is risky ,Its better be safe then sorry and I will also have Asura's chakra and byakugan which may develop in Tenshigan and further as I would have a little of hamura's chakra from hyuuga and hogoromo's from Asura'

"Ok Then I choose Hyuuga Bloodline with Asura's Chakra ,Old Man "

(AN: Mr Nandi changed to Old man due to previous encounter)

"Well done Child and now for the third and optional part of process .Would like to make a request?"

"Yes Yes I will but give me some time to think about it" He gave me gentle nod and again started staring at me kind eyes and gentle smile which started to me creeps now.

I just turned around and started to think of request which do not cause effect on powers of world and mine power also. After deep thinking I finally came to conclusion with best suitable choice .

I then approche old man and said with innocent face "Hey Hey Mr Nandi san can i have 2 request ? .....please !! You are best god's messenger I will also pray god to increase your salary "

"....." He stared me for few seconds I tried to make best innocent face that a 17 years old boy could make and trying puppy eyes at age 17 will be too awkward and he may think wrong meaning of it .

'sigh ' he sighed in defeat Okay but as long as it is under condition then it will fine and I am not God's message for Salary but because of my devotion"

"Well Whatever ; and Thank you, Old man" My innocent look made a complete 180 change to that of mischievous look .This made him twitch a little then after some breathing he again came into his usual composure with gentle smile which caused a grin on my face.

";First I would like to have status window about my level. "

"That can be done and for the second ?"

"Patience old man Patience! My second request is to have a music player along with status window which only i can see and have all songs of all languages of earth which are arranged and listed properly like Spotify. And I can listen to it any time and any where without any other devices and also i can make any person listen and record in any tape or recorder if I want to do so"

"Hmm , a very intriguing request . That shall be done .Now all the process has been completed my assigned task is completed, You will be going to Naruto world after ten second .....10,9 .."

"Wait Wait Old man .Can I gain gain my memory when I will be 3 years old . I don't want to crawl again "I interupted him in between that caused him twitch a little

"Ok that shall be done . Now off you go "

"Okay goodbye Oldman and thank you for support and also giving me time to recover from my and my family's death . Well then see ya" I then disappeared from the place like I was never there.

Thanks for Reading Chapter

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