
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Eugene Lucifuge

Time continued to pass, and the events surrounding Petra remained a hidden secret. His actions were carefully planned, so no one knew about his achievement of reaching the level of Supreme God, even to this day.

In the world of supernatural beings, a loss is only considered official after 100 years have passed, so his departure at that time did not raise any suspicions, and even his family thought he was carrying out tasks out there.

The black pigeon, Petra's messenger, continued to watch over the fragments of his power crystals that fell to Earth. Some crystals were found, but there were still some that remained undiscovered.

Until 2011, when the canon of "Slash/Dog" began, the original story became very messy due to the mix of foreign characters entering the story and the remaining traces of Petra's presence.


When the Slash/Dog story began, chaos ensued, and even Azazel and some of his high-ranking associates felt dizzy due to the unforeseen phenomena happening simultaneously.

Tobio Ikuse, who was supposed to be the main character, was sidelined by others who took on that role instead. One of them became the first Challenger in history to conquer the tower created by Petra in China. He also managed to seize the Sacred Tool named Heaven's Bane Blade, which was crucial because the soul of the Heavenly Demon, Jin Mu-won, crystallized within the sword.

Although Jin Mu-won was known to be temperamental, hot-tempered, arrogant, and picky, the stranger managed to defeat him and even make him submit. This raised questions about whether the person was truly exceptional or if there was something else that made him so powerful.

The individual also harbored grand ambitions to conquer every tower that emerged in the world, creating an uncontrollable storm and rendering other supernatural creatures powerless to stop him.


Years passed, with more and more strange events occurring in the supernatural world, yet remaining shielded from human world knowledge. In 2017, the main story began.

Eugene Lucifuge, who was chosen by Mephisto to succeed him as the leader of Western witches, attended Kuoh Academy High School at that time.

<Eugene's point of view>

My name is Eugene Lucifuge, or Eugene Handerson when I'm in the human world. Although I don't particularly like my father's surname because it sets everyone's expectations too high for me.

Since I was young, I've been a hybrid of demon and human. My mother, Grayfia Lucifuge, is a demon, while my father, Petra Handerson, is a human who has many accomplishments in the supernatural world, so there isn't a single big figure who doesn't know him.

I have golden eyes and silver hair that always seems disheveled. My body is very muscular and fit due to regular exercise. However, compared to my fellow demon friend, Sairarog Bael, my body is slimmer. My mother and grandmother often say that I'm handsome, even more than most demons from other clans. Despite being a hybrid, I'm well accepted among demons, and there's no objection when I attend some parties from other pillar clans.

When I was 10 years old, I qualified to become a mage, and Mepshito personally came to take me as his apprentice. I actually prefer martial arts to magic, but I thought it would be interesting to have both skills.

My favorite food is vanilla-flavored Tiramisu, and my hobby is creating something. Whether it's items, spells, or new techniques, it always excites me to try new things. The satisfaction of successfully creating something makes me addicted and always eager to seek new challenges.

My mother often says that this trait is similar to my father's, Petra Handerson. Although I don't have many memories of him, hearing stories from others makes me believe that he was an extraordinary person who became a milestone in the development of modern magic. I really want to meet him in person and talk about many things to him. However, I don't know when that will happen. The only legacy I have from him is this boring-looking red crystal necklace.

He gave me this necklace when I was one year old, before leaving his family for an unknown task. It's the only trace of his existence that I still have.

Besides Sairaraog, I have other friends from the same generation like Sona from the Sitri clan, Rias from the Gremory clan, Seekvaira from the Agares clan, and lastly Lily from the succubus race. Most of them are women, but I also have some older male friends.

There's Uncle Ajuka, Mepshito, Tanin, and many more. Perhaps later, during my time at the human academy, I'll have male friends my age.

By the way, of all my friends, the one I dislike the most is Rias. I find her quite annoying. She always has ideas but never does them herself, and always asks others to do them. One day, I even had to hit her head hard because she ruined my tools. Even though she's one year older than me, I was still very angry when she destroyed my babies.

Many events happened during my teenage years, and I don't want to talk about them. Then, it came to the peak of my teenage years in high school! Yay... And I don't like it.

One more thing, my face is handsome and the girls at this academy are very noisy. Every time I take a step, they're always around me. So, I have to be cold all the time. Oh, I know what to do with the last stealth magic I learned?

"What are you thinking, Eugene?" Lily asked, sitting next to me at the academy cafeteria table.

The bustling atmosphere of the cafeteria made her voice pierce into my mind like a sword. I raised an eyebrow, looking at her with the expressionless expression that had become my trademark.

"I'm just thinking about something," I replied shortly, without really paying attention to her. I didn't want to get involved in unimportant conversations.

Lily stared at me sharply, as if trying to penetrate the cold veil I wore as a form of self-defense. However, I remained steadfast, leaving her silent without further explanation.

The pink-haired woman, with her beautiful face, seemed slightly awkward with the attention we were receiving. She responded to the gazes of the girls with a shy smile, but I could see that she was also uncomfortable with the situation.

The cafeteria atmosphere felt alive, full of laughter and conversations among students enjoying their lunch break. Some girls were even seen whispering to each other while looking in our direction, making me somewhat uncomfortable. I tried not to pay too much attention, but their presence felt so conspicuous amidst the cafeteria's hustle and bustle.

Lily, my friend, seemed a bit awkward with the attention we were getting. She responded to the girls' stares with a shy smile, but I could tell she was also uncomfortable with the situation.

Suddenly, the cafeteria atmosphere changed as the figure feared by the entire school appeared. Sona, the arrogant and authoritarian student council president, stepped confidently toward us. All eyes immediately turned to her, and the cafeteria atmosphere became tense.

"What are you doing here, Eugene?" Sona said firmly, looking at me with a sharp gaze.

I stared back at her calmly, unaffected by the intimidation she tried to present. "Just having lunch, Sona. Is there a problem?" I replied coldly.

Sona raised an eyebrow, her gaze still sharp as she looked at me, as if trying to penetrate my thoughts. But before she could respond, the whispers around us made the cafeteria atmosphere even more tense. The bespectacled woman with the sharp bob haircut seemed to radiate a compelling aura, causing students who dared to look at her to immediately avert their gaze.

The student council president sighed deeply, indicating that this conversation wouldn't be a pleasant one. She turned around, looking at me seriously as I took the last bite of my favorite Tiramisu.

"I have something we need to discuss, Eugene," she said with a still firm voice, though I could sense some discomfort behind it. "Come to the student council room after this."

I nodded briefly, not showing any emotion. "Alright, Sona. I'll be there soon," I replied shortly.

Lily, who was with me, didn't care about our conversation and continued eating her food. I turned to her, "Oh, Lily, I'll be with you to the student council room later."

She nodded, then returned her focus to her meal.

"Geez... Do you always have to bring Lily to important conversations?" Sona said, one hand on her slender hip.

After swallowing the last bite of Tiramisu, I turned to her with a serious look. "Oh come on... She's my queen, do you have a problem with that?"

Sona shook her head cynically. "Of course not. But maybe it would be better if we focused on the real issue instead of bringing your little friends here."

Lily raised her head with a calm expression. "I don't mind. Eugene needs support."

Sona narrowed her eyes, clearly unimpressed. "Fine, it's up to you. But remember, this issue is serious and shouldn't be taken lightly."

The three of us nodded, but I could feel the tension between us. It would be a tense meeting in the student council room later.

<---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.


[Author Note]

Sorry for the delay in the update. The reason for the delay is because I am busy for the end of the semester and lately I have a lot of assignments until I leave this story first and focus on my studies.

Thank you for waiting and as I said before there will be a delay in updates until the end of May.

So please understand! 😁😁😁😁

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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